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Trump throws support behind criminal justice bill
President Trump threw his support behind a long-stalled bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on Wednesday, through obstacles remain to getting the legislation to his desk by the end of the year.
Trump formally backed the legislation during an event at the White House while surrounded by GOP lawmakers involved in the talks, outside groups and son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner. The president said lawmakers had “poured their time” and “heart” into getting an agreement.

“This members have reached a bipartisan agreement … on prison reform legislation. Today I’m thrilled to announce my support,” Trump said.

The president’s backing marks the formal start of a legislative sprint on Capitol Hill where advocates are in a lobbying frenzy to lock down undecided votes. A group of senators led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) are expected to quickly introduce legislation and Senate GOP leadership has pledged to measure support for the bill.

But even as advocates won a major victory with Trump, with less than four weeks until lawmakers leave town for the year, major hurdles remain: Senate GOP leadership has publicly been lukewarm on criminal justice legislation and the bill could get pushback from 2020 Democratic White House hopefuls or House Democrats, who will have more leverage when they are in the majority next year.

Still, winning Trump’s backing is major victory for a group of senators and Kushner, who have been deep in negotiations for months. Kushner briefed Trump on the details of the Senate compromise on Tuesday, with senators, who were briefed on their talk, describing themselves of “optimistic” of winning over Trump and the conversation between the president and Kushner as “positive.”

Trump gave Kushner a shout out during Wednesday’s event saying he worked “so hard on the bill” and “feels very deeply” about the issue.

And it’s a crucial step for the criminal justice reform legislation—which pairs prison reform changes to mandatory minimum sentencing—is going to have any chance of passing Congress this year.

Holly Harris, the head of Justice Action Network, said that lawmakers in both parties have been “holding their cards very close until the president endorses the package,” but now that he’s backing the legislation “the dominos fall.”

Jason Pye, the vice president of legislative affairs for FreedomWorks, added that Trump’s backing is crucial to getting a criminal justice reform bill to the Senate floor over the objections of a small, but vocal, group of conservative opponents.

"I feel pretty good that we have the president's ear on this,” he added.



Facebook hired a Republican firm to smear its protesters as paid by Soros. "Ms. Lean In" herself was pissed that FB employees tried to do the right thing and find out if Russia used their platform to influence the election. And clown *** Chuck Schumer was helping talking down Dems that were rightfully upset.

Schumer needs to go, and regulartors need to get up FB ***. Their management are nothing but scumbags. Liberals need to realize that the tech industry, just like the financial industry, are not your friends.

Facebook hired a Republican firm to smear its protesters as paid by Soros. "Ms. Lean In" herself was pissed that FB employees tried to do the right thing and find out if Russia used their platform to influence the election. And clown *** Chuck Schumer was helping talking down Dems that were rightfully upset.

Schumer needs to go, and regulartors need to get up FB ***. Their management are nothing but scumbags. Liberals need to realize that the tech industry, just like the financial industry, are not your friends.

I mean they need to get after all the tech companies and set up certain regulations period.

Just like he "opposed" their judicial nominations until a vote on tariffs was allowed. They held a symbolic vote only to say 'no' to further debate and Flake dropped his "opposition."
Flake to oppose Trump's judicial picks to protect Mueller
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) vowed Wednesday to oppose President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees until GOP leaders allow a vote on legislation protecting special counsel Robert Mueller’s job.
Flake announced his move during a failed attempt to get unanimous consent for a vote on the bill designed to shield Mueller from being fired by Trump. His gambit promises to make trouble — but not an insurmountable amount — for fellow Republicans as they churn ahead with a blistering pace of confirming Trump’s judges. The party has only a one-vote majority in the Judiciary Committee and a 51-49 advantage on the Senate floor.

The Arizona Republican, who last week declined to rule out a run in a 2020 GOP presidential primary, took aim at Trump for dismissing the Russian electoral meddling that Mueller is charged with investigating.

“Our president has been so incurious that at times over the past two years he has been eager to accept [Vladimir] Putin’s denials at face value,” Flake said on the floor, speaking alongside Sens. Chris ****s (D-Del.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.).

But Flake’s bid to play hardball has a quick expiration date since he's retiring at the end of the year. Twenty judicial nominees are currently waiting for a vote in the Judiciary panel, in addition to another nominee still awaiting a hearing, and 32 nominees have already cleared committee but not yet gotten a floor vote.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) objected on the floor to Flake’s request for a vote on the Mueller protection legislation. McConnell can seek to bring nominees straight to the floor without a favorable verdict from the Judiciary Committee — although such moves are rare. And with Vice President Mike Pence breaking a tie, it’s possible to confirm the nominees already teed up for a floor vote without Flake’s support.

Even so, Flake’s move raises the stakes of debate on a Mueller protection measure that cleared the Judiciary panel in April but has stalled without a floor vote as McConnell reiterates doubt that the special counsel’s job is in danger. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has said he'll push for the Mueller bill to get added to spending legislation that must pass to keep the government open past Dec. 7, but it's unclear whether Democrats have enough leverage to extract that concession.

"There has to be a viable strategy, because there's enough support for protecting the special counsel that I think ... there will be a way to do it," said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who added that fellow Democrats are "still thinking through" how best to force consideration of the bill.

Democrats appear to have their work cut out for them. Trump's ouster of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is perceived by many of the president’s critics as a pretext toending Mueller's probe. But it also hasn’t appeared to shake the GOP consensus that the special counsel is safe to finish his investigation into Russian interference and any alleged wrongdoing by Trump.

Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, one of the lead Republican authors of the Mueller protection bill, said Wednesday that he didn't foresee Sessions' ouster heightening the "threat of Mueller being prevented from finishing his business."

At a press conference after their floor remarks, Flake and ****s said that they would consider joining the push to add the Mueller protection bill to a must-pass spending bill. Flake acknowledged that he had less power given that Pence could break a tie during floor votes but reiterated the importance of opposing nominees in committee.

"There's such a slim margin on the floor and some members are sticklers for precedent," he said. "You don't want to get in the habit of nullifying a committee action."

Flake said that he was also speaking to fellow GOP members about taking similar actions against judicial nominees whose floor votes are pending and predicted that if the Senate votes on the bill, it will "pass overwhelmingly."

The Arizona Republican also joined ****s and many other Democrats in calling for Sessions' replacement, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, to recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller investigation.
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