***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Coal Gang led by Based Jesus Based Jesus about to put paws on this guy.
AOC don't even want me googling her name so Rustbelt is going to have to lead the coalition.
I know you'll do well defending her honor @RustyShackleford. Ask her out again afterwards and give it another try.
I always believed in you 2 kids and I'm sorry I ever tried to take her to Big Mama's house. No woman should come between us.
Weak as hell to say that Harris’ shameful tenures as SFDA and CAAGbwasbjust her doing her job.

Let’s expand on that logic. It was Donald Trump’s job to manage his dad’s apartments and make as much money as possible so he refused to rent to black people who he guessed would drive off white renters, he was just doing his job. It was Mitch McConnell’s job to sabotage Barack Obama’s Presidency. It was George Zimmerman’s job to patrol his neighborhood and pursue people whom he thought were “suspicious.”

Do we have moral responsibility or do we just follow our teleological path with no regard for the consequences? If it’s the latter, we need revolutionary change because the way our society is configured seems to require that lots of powerful and violent people have jobs whose satisfactory performance requires doing a great deal of harm.

In addition, Harris’ job as an assistant district attorney may have required her to just follow orders. When she got elected district attorney of SF, she had the power to excercise discretion, to give orders and to shape the policies of crime and punishment in SF. She choose to run a district attirney’s office that was far more punitive and vindictive than that of her immediate predecessor. This should not be very surprising since her campaign was based on pandering to the fears and prejudices of wealthy, white San Franciscans. She did as both her well heeled donors and the reactionary rump of the electorate bid her to do, she purged the surplus population from that city and made it safe for real estate developers and tech bros. All things considered, she did her job and now she wants to do the same for America writ large.
Fire discussion from the Karen Hunter Show on Kamala Harris and her run for president.

thanks for the link. the critiques of Kamala have smelled funny since day 1.

btw this is the tweet referenced in the video:

edit: saw Rex's post after I posted. rexanglorum rexanglorum I don't disagree with your line of reasoning, other than adding that we need to consider context and degree. it's a valid discussion to be had. it's all the other stuff that has seemed like petty attacks.
thanks for the link. the critiques of Kamala have smelled funny since day 1.

btw this is the tweet referenced in the video:

edit: saw Rex's post after I posted. rexanglorum rexanglorum I don't disagree with your line of reasoning, other than adding that we need to consider context and degree. it's a valid discussion to be had. it's all the other stuff that has seemed like petty attacks.

The other stuff is very stupid. The things about her personal life and family is not really important to evaluating her fitness for the Presidency. Although it’s say, it’s an excercise in bad faith when someone bundles them together like “who cares that she spent part of her childhood in Canada or that she argued against early release of prisoners in order to keep them as virtually unpaid laborers, neither of those things matter.”
The other stuff is very stupid. The things about her personal life and family is not really important to evaluating her fitness for the Presidency. Although it’s say, it’s an excercise in bad faith when someone bundles them together like “who cares that she spent part of her childhood in Canada or that she argued against early release of prisoners in order to keep them as virtually unpaid laborers, neither of those things matter.”

I think the main point they’re trying to make is that there are people out there mostly Hotep style black men out there hiding their inability to support a black women for president by half criticizing her record and half insulting her as a person. Like Lurie Favors said, there are plenty of reasons to be critical of her policy wise and due to her record. But the faux woke hotep crowd shows their hands when they mix in prosecutorial critique with personal insults.
I think the main point they’re trying to make is that there are people out there mostly Hotep style black men out there hiding their inability to support a black women for president by half criticizing her record and half insulting her as a person. Like Lurie Favors said, there are plenty of reasons to be critical of her policy wise and due to her record. But the faux woke hotep crowd shows their hands when they mix in prosecutorial critique with personal insults.

I’ve not been too up to date with Tariq and the rest. So the argument goes that because she’s got an Indian mother and a father who is black but not an ADOS she’s not really black and therefore her policies as district attorney were punitive to blacks people whereas if her grandparents had all been from Mississippi or North Carolina and both her parents from Oakland then she’d have been a different DA abs been less punitive towards black peoples in SF.

If that’s their argument, how do the hoteps explain David Clarke?
I’ve not been too up to date with Tariq and the rest. So the argument goes that because she’s got an Indian mother and a father who is black but not an ADOS she’s not really black and therefore her policies as district attorney were punitive to blacks people whereas if her grandparents had all been from Mississippi or North Carolina and both her parents from Oakland then she’d have been a different DA abs been less punitive towards black peoples in SF.

If that’s their argument, how do the hoteps explain David Clarke?
The other fallout is that Barack isn't ADOS ("American descendants of slaves," for anyone not familiar with the term) and thus wasn't representative of ADOS...

For anyone interested, there's a thread on the ADOS thing: https://niketalk.com/threads/ados.680265/

It's a complex issue in general -- on one hand I think we should each define ourselves in a specific and detailed way. We're more than just a color or continent of origin or a gender. But, in the scope of politics, we need to build consensus and a common cause. Anyone of color in this country, regardless of where their ancestors were, share a struggle in today's world, and anyone who advocates for equality and justice, regardless of their color or family history, is an ally to the cause.
I’ve not been too up to date with Tariq and the rest. So the argument goes that because she’s got an Indian mother and a father who is black but not an ADOS she’s not really black and therefore her policies as district attorney were punitive to blacks people whereas if her grandparents had all been from Mississippi or North Carolina and both her parents from Oakland then she’d have been a different DA abs been less punitive towards black peoples in SF.

If that’s their argument, how do the hoteps explain David Clarke?

Personally I think it starts at “she’s married to a white man” and then goes from there. David Clark doesn’t even pretend to be an ally so it’s easy to write him off.
lets go down the rabbit hole
black folks technically the native americans
we were the first humans
when pangea was still a continent
black folks were there first
Man let’s be foreal here, during that time it wasn’t “us” (humans as we know it) alive :lol:
Because 95% of people don’t know it’s basically the same thing and we stole a bunch of land from Mexico.
Yup. Same people still think that the imaginary lines on the globe somehow kept people away from other parts of the world aka no way people living near the now Mexican/American boarder didn’t migrate. Native Americans (Indians) are “Mexicans” that lived up north and adapted to the climate/diet.


Jesus said no
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