***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You know that Republicans are not interested in any violations of the law. In fact they actively shielded Roger Stone from prosecution for obstructing their committee until Mueller forced their hand. They knew Stone was lying to them because Stone publicly released communications that he unequivocally claimed not to have under oath, twice. They blocked motions to subpoena the communications that everyone knew Stone possessed, after all those documents would unequivocally prove Stone was lying.
Therefore you can dismiss any and all violations as flops and refrain from any substantive discussion, presumably to minimize scrutiny of the president and his associates.

Let me illustrate your approach with an example of unjustified police shootings.

Cop blatantly uses excessive force on camera and empties a whole magazine into a young unarmed black man's back.
As is the case with police shootings, there is a very high likelihood that the cop will be acquitted, if any charges are even filed in the first place.

You then respond to that shooting, as well as all other shootings, with "flop".
"Tamir rice flop, Eric Garner flop, Trayvon Martin flop, ..."

Your analogy misses the mark. Among other things, you are comparing acquittals to non-indictments. If Trump gets impeached and then acquitted by the senate it would not be a flop. But I don’t think that scenario will play well for the Dems long term.

Also, the officers mentioned were fired. This is the inherent problem with comparing political theater to homicide investigations.


this dude ran 6 casinos into the ground.. 1 liquor company.. 1 football league.. 1 airline.. 1 beverage company.. 1 wannabe monopoly game.. 1 magazine.. 1 mortgage company.. 1 steaks.. 1 travel site.. 1 communication company.. 1 university

and now that he's running america into the ground dwalk31 dwalk31 still ready, willing and eager to dive in front of whatever bullets for that known racist bigot
I wanna go in on Giuliani so bad but i'm at work. but its coming.
from the bottom of my heart...

...I hope he gets the book thrown at him. I hope they all do but I want him in PRISON. I want to see the trial. I want him convicted. I hope to see the walk of shame. I would fly home to nyc just to see it.

Literally none of this will happen. Interested to see Rusty’s stance on this “observable reality.”
This alone makes me want her.

Women improving themselves and working out is attractive af

Man, call it what you want, but the republicans are such an organized party.

I truly believe the majority of the country leans left on a litany of social issues, but the Republicans unified and consistent message beats a large, unorganized group.

These fools literally marched out three big name senators the parrot the same message across 4 hours of nightly news.

And now they’ve framed the message for half the country.

Plai on, plairs.
So much truth in this, which why to loosen the grip Republicans have on 30% of the pop, it is necessary to open up the legislative branch to more parties.
Trump basically daring fools like Zodiac Killer, Turtle, Mittens, Marcobot, and Susie Screw to do something.

He's just openly revealed (yet another) impeachable offense. Will they do anything to stop him?

History is watching.

Biden must be stopped.
i forgot Graham crackers
this dude ran 6 casinos into the ground.. 1 liquor company.. 1 football league.. 1 airline.. 1 beverage company.. 1 wannabe monopoly game.. 1 magazine.. 1 mortgage company.. 1 steaks.. 1 travel site.. 1 communication company.. 1 university

and now that he's running america into the ground dwalk31 dwalk31 still ready, willing and eager to dive in front of whatever bullets for that known racist bigot

You think America is being ran into the ground? The hood been the hood through many presidents of both parties. The hyperbole is great, but reality is reality.
Somebody compared Pelosi vs the WH as Ali vs Foreman: hit them with the rope-a-dope and hope they punch themselves out of the fight. Looks like that's what is happening.

Wasn't Barr under oath?

You must've heard that C-SPAN caller :lol:

Not gonna lie though, it's a good analogy
Somebody compared Pelosi vs the WH as Ali vs Foreman: hit them with the rope-a-dope and hope they punch themselves out of the fight. Looks like that's what is happening.

Wasn't Barr under oath?
We could be looking at another special counsel and Barr recusing himself. He may also be at risk of prosecution in all this.

I don't know how it will all work but lots of dominoes could fall.
this dude ran 6 casinos into the ground.. 1 liquor company.. 1 football league.. 1 airline.. 1 beverage company.. 1 wannabe monopoly game.. 1 magazine.. 1 mortgage company.. 1 steaks.. 1 travel site.. 1 communication company.. 1 university

and now that he's running america into the ground dwalk31 dwalk31 still ready, willing and eager to dive in front of whatever bullets for that known racist bigot
dwalk31 dwalk31 cares about that personal gain and antagonizing NT.
Transcript released and you’re already back to Roy Moore... same thing happened after the Mueller flop. Not to mention the Stormy Daniels flop, the obstruction flop, or the Avenatti flop.
all of these offenses in a previous time would have him out of office

but the GOP and him have constantly set the standard of how to lower the bar so low no one knows what to do
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