***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Everything written there is factually accurate.

Perhaps Acting DNI Maguire has a bit of backbone in him after all. Yes he violated the IC Whistleblower Protection Act statute but he was forced to do so by the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel.
Given the substance of the complaint, it was justified to consult the DOJ. The OLC's opinions are binding to the executive branch and he can't really help it that the OLC lied in their assessment.
The game runs deep!!!

"They" already monitizing the narrative.

Dow up 170 points since transcript released.

How Sway???

Gold tumbles as Trump 'nothing-burger' lifts stocks
Sep. 25, 2019 2:45 PM ET|About: SPDR Gold Trust ETF (GLD)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

Gold futures (NYSEARCA:GLD) suffered their worst loss in nearly three weeks, with December Comex gold settling -1.8% to $1,512.30/oz., weighed by strength in the dollar and U.S. stock market, as investors largely dismiss the start of the House's impeachment inquiry.

The record of Pres. Trump's controversial phone conversation with Ukraine's president show Trump asked to "look into" former Vice President Biden and his son but did not appear to show a pro quo.

Gold's move offers "more evidence that the gold price is headline-driven right now," says Gold Newsletter editor Brien Lundin, adding Trump's phone call is "being interpreted as a nothing-burger, so stocks are rallying and gold is selling off."

I stand by everything written there. That is a separate post. It deliberately outlines the conclusions from which I based my conclusion. Everything written there is factually accurate.
Everything I wrote is factually correct.

You made a post in here claiming to know the conclusions of the report without reading it.

Now you wanna excuse your hypocrisy with some "I read it later" steez. You are full of bull ****
Everything I wrote is factually correct.

You made a post in here claiming to know the conclusions of the report without reading it.

Now you wanna excuse your hypocrisy with some "I read it later" steez. You are full of bull ****

I made a post about the conclusions of the report after reading the conclusions of the report...
Barr claims he had no knowledge of any of this prior to receiving the whistleblower complaint, despite Trump naming him multiple times in the July 25 call.
In an April 25 interview with Sean Hannity, Trump discussed having Barr look into the Ukraine allegations.
On May 1, Sen. Kamala Harris questioned Barr under oath on whether or not Trump or anyone else in the WH had ever suggested opening an investigation of anyone.
Barr stumbled and tried to run down the clock with lawyerly ******** like "Um... I wouldn't - I wouldn't... um... Could you repeat that question? Uhm... the president or anyone else...I'm trying to grapple with the word 'suggest'..."
Sen. Harris then named a bunch of other similar adjectives and Barr repeated "I don't know" in response. That was his final answer.
On May 10, Trump stated that it would "certainly be an appropriate thing" to direct Barr to investigate Biden.




Chairman Burr is working with vice-chair Warner on getting the whistleblower to testify.
They reached out directly to the whistleblower's counsel.
Notes by Don McGahn's Chief of Staff suggest that Burr briefed the WH on the targets of the FBI's Russia investigation but the Democrats on the committee seem to get along well with him.

Subsequent to reading the conclusions of the report. Not subsequent to posting my conclusion based on my reading of the report.

And the post you quoted, “finally some honesty about the nothingburger-ness of the Mueller Report” is obviously in reference to someone posting something I agreed with. That context will likely alleviate any confusion.

To try to pretend like that post somehow means I created an opinion before reading the report is silly and—itself—a conclusion based on facts you’ve made up, ironically.

Edit: Anyone can choose any facts that support their narrative and run with them. Many in here do that. My point is that instead of playing detective, I rather look at the political implications and discuss those. Your lengthy posts about what may or may not be true contribute to the thread significantly. But I do not have to adopt your detective approach to posting.
:lol: :rofl:
This brings the total of congressional Republicans taking this matter seriously to a whopping number of 1.
Justin Amash left the Republican party so he doesn't count. Romney is simply furrowing his brow.
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