***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But I'm sorry, did Warren run in 2016?

Did she ignore black voters for months during the opening of his campaign?

Did she show up just weeks before the SC primary talking about how she marched with MLK as a reason to vote for her?

Did she then pull resources from other black southern states because she thought it was pointless to put resources into them?

After getting washed did she go on national TV and imply southern black people have too much power in the primary?

Did she then went on to continuously absolve white racism of their racism after Trump got elected?

Did she then say that she didn't need to expand her base because more candidates would split the vote where he did poorly with. In other words, older black people.

When you can answer those questions, comeback to me, otherwise take your red rose color cape off and miss me with your nonsense.

Warren has a ground game and policy proposal she presents to black voters, just like many major candidates. She gotta do the necessary work to get the required support. Her numbers with black voters has been steadily improving while Bernie has not improved over his 2016 numbers, something I continuously pointed out he needed to do win the nomination.

Maybe you should actually listen to the issues black people in here have raised about Sanders instead of running your mouth aimlessly.

Maybe try that for a change.

Nonsense. The outlandish points you are making sound like Fox and Friends rhetoric.

Bernie Sanders announced his 2016 campaign in April of 2015.
He was in the South that summer (Aug 2015). I know because my friend was at his Atlanta rally.
He went back to the South in September and November (Killer Mike video) to campaign in the black community.
He did not come to Northern California until 2016. Does that mean he was ignoring californians and latinos since they are the majority in the state?
Absolve white racism? Just because he wants to speak to blue collar whites that dont know whats good for them? I am glad someone is explaining to them how they are being used by the right.
If I was Bernie I would have pulled my limited campaign funds out of pro Hillary states too. What is wrong with that? Some Hillary Clinton strongholds happen to be black states. Same reason Hillary pulled out of many New England states (Sanders strength).

BTW according to your previous posts, you gave him money when he was ignoring black votes but now that he is supposedly the candidate of choice for black millennials you turn against him. I think you just making stuff up at this point.
Surely I'm to cleaver to getting my hopes up, but my hope switches are in the up position.
Apparently Kurt Volker will show up for a deposition. To be fair, Rudy snitched on him on Twitter so perhaps he has some clearing up to do.
Nonsense. The outlandish points you are making sound like Fox and Friends rhetoric.

Bernie Sanders announced his 2016 campaign in April of 2015.
He was in the South that summer (Aug 2015). I know because my friend was at his Atlanta rally.
He went back to the South in September and November (Killer Mike video) to campaign in the black community.
He did not come to Northern California until 2016. Does that mean he was ignoring californians and latinos since they are the majority in the state?
Absolve white racism? Just because he wants to speak to blue collar whites that dont know whats good for them? I am glad someone is explaining to them how they are being used by the right.
If I was Bernie I would have pulled my limited campaign funds out of pro Hillary states too. What is wrong with that? Some Hillary Clinton strongholds happen to be black states. Same reason Hillary pulled out of many New England states (Sanders strength).

BTW according to your previous posts, you gave him money when he was ignoring black votes but now that he is supposedly the candidate of choice for black millennials you turn against him. I think you just making stuff up at this point.
Everything I mentioned at the time and cited and discussed as they happen. If I am making those things up then a ton of people in this thread are too, because they have the same beefs with Bernie.

There are good number of people in his thread that took issue with some of the *** **** he has done.

So Bernie having a campaign event and black surrogates makes up for him not having a criminal justice plan for months after his campaign began ( a couple tributing factorfor BLM to run up on him twice) and the fact his ground game was extremely lacking compared to other states and Clinton's.

Your defense here is so asinine I can breakn it apart in so many ways but let me use Bernie's own stupid *** logic. Bernie says the Democratic party ignores working class people during the 2016, Clinton included. His supporters echo this. So a good comeback to this charge would be "Oh no, they held a campaign even in a white working class area, so that accusation is BS". I guarantee the comeback Bernie or his supporters would have is holding a campaign event, by itself, prove anything.

Bernie Sanders ground game, rhetoric and policy proposals were lacking to varying degrees in 2015 and 2016. A campaign event doesn't change that fact. To argue otherwise is ignoring observable reality. I pointed out legit shortcomings.

And maybe he did ignore Cali, because his *** lost that state too, and Hillary won in Southern Cali.

You are in fantasy land of you think all Bernie was doing was telling problematic white people the truth. He was excusing them...

Exhibit A.....
Exhibit B.....

Exhibit C.....

Add to that the whole identity politics BS. So please, the assertion that all Bernie is doing is trying to see problematic white people see the light is patently false. He has spewed some BS excusing and absolving racist white people of said racism.

And I am sorry, is Bernie not the person that refused to concead to Clinton because he argued that people needed to hear his message of Democratic socialism and fighting against the 1%. Clinton had him beat and he was still willing to spend money on a losing fight but he could not do that in black southern states.

To make matters worst he said those states he pulled resources out of had too much power the process.

Maybe you are like Ninja and don't understand how calendars work but something can happen, me donating to him, and another thing can happen, loke him saying black people in the South have too much power in the process or other buffoonery. And again, ask any regular in here, I took issue with those shortcomings at the time too. So this "now he is the choice of black millennials you have an issue" is some nonsense.

I have him chances but as the buffoonery continue I said **** him completely.

You just love to be flippant with people legit beefs with dude because you think dude is everyone's one true savior.

Not everyone has drank that kool-aid.
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I'm telling you brahs, Beto and Kamala being on the wings is gonna cause problems. Beto will never want to put the team first and cross it in; Kamala gonna try a series of failed runs to goal with the ball from the midfield.

Amy gonna be in the central midfield complaining that she should be a striker, and drawing constant red cards from physically assaulting everyone in her general vicinity, trainers and refs included.
Apparenty the State Dept Inspector General will turn over documents to Congress. Unclear what kind of documents the IG possesses.

so if we fast forward a little bit, I wonder what happens when this moves to the senate.
wonder how many, if any, republicans turn on trump...
I mean if Donald trump get impeached it’s really just reinstating what we already knew.

Now, if this rips the entire Republican Party apart? That could be pretty neat.

Not gonna lose sleep over either.
Edit: Worth remembering that it was snitching Rudy who publicly told on Pompeo and the State Dept's involvement in the Ukraine matter. Another masterclass in senility.

Update on the documents the State Dept. Inspector General will be turning over:
The IC reportedly contacted Congress to request an "urgent briefing" shortly after Pompeo issued a statement that State Dept aides would refuse too cooperate. At least some of the documents appear to be from the State Dept's legal advisory office.


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But I'm sorry, did Warren run in 2016?

Did she ignore black voters for months during the opening of his campaign?

Did she show up just weeks before the SC primary talking about how she marched with MLK as a reason to vote for her?

Did she then pull resources from other black southern states because she thought it was pointless to put resources into them?

After getting washed did she go on national TV and imply southern black people have too much power in the primary?

Did she then went on to continuously absolve white racism of their racism after Trump got elected?

Did she then say that she didn't need to expand her base because more candidates would split the vote where he did poorly with. In other words, older black people.

When you can answer those questions, comeback to me, otherwise take your red rose color cape off and miss me with your nonsense.

Warren has a ground game and policy proposal she presents to black voters, just like many major candidates. She gotta do the necessary work to get the required support. Her numbers with black voters has been steadily improving while Bernie has not improved over his 2016 numbers, something I continuously pointed out he needed to do win the nomination.

Maybe you should actually listen to the issues black people in here have raised about Sanders instead of running your mouth aimlessly.

Maybe try that for a change.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't the deflection of the rise of white supremacist rhetoric as "economic anxiety" wholly owned by Bernie?

Comes down to it though, if he's the guy, he's the guy. Hell I'd vote for this watered down cup of bubble tea with the ice all melted.
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