***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernie's voting for two bills isn't in the same league as Warren knowingly lying about her being Native American to further career. The two aren't even comparable. The other candidates besides Joe (who everyone conveniently does make a fool of and critics weekly) haven't to my knowledge lied or pivoted on a lie, hence me not holding them to a standard that wouldn't apply to them. My mistrust of Warren isn't unfounded, but if you think it is then great.

Nate is simply one of the most popular "analysts" around in the political realm, me pointing him out specifically was just a way to add a face to an industry given far too much credibility. Nor did I imply that he had 16' for Hillary as a lock, that's more insinuating again.

Thanks for admitting that you do softball when it comes to Warren, you said it in a very lib way but you admitting it is all that matters. :lol:

Joe Biden is a threat to Bernie as well, I notice I never bothered to even mention him, again more insinuating....
Yes, Bernie's actions were worst because the consequences of his actions were worst, especially for black america.

You can trust or mistrust Warren all you want, that doesn't mean other people have to buy into your reach.

I didn't admit ****, I pointed out you issue is that you think everything that is not favoring Bernie. I criticize Warren on things she needs to be critical of. One reason that Warren might seem to get less criticism is a) she has done less nonsense (notice how you are harping on one thing compared to the multiple instances I have brought up with Bernie) b) There is not a group of avid supporters in here that try to defend all of her bs.

So what you didn't mention Joe, the topic was from the jump about Warren, so you focused on her. I am suppose to give you credit for not bringing in a third person into the discussion.
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How do you know this? Please, provide me the insight into how specific colleges and employers check for minorities.
Because in most cases, especially when it comes to diversity goals, white women have always counted as a minority. That is why black people point out that white women have been one of the biggest benefactors of Affirmative Action.

Most states when they set laws for business to do diversity spend in their procurement departments, women own business count.

And correct me if I am wrong but Warren claim Native American after getting hired, not before.

And at Harvard he became one of the top public policy wonks in the nation, wrote on of the most popular public policy books in the 2000s and was more successful legislator than most Dems with her work in the CFPB. So please tell me how that lie even helped her? When it didn't become an known issue until like 2010. Because I have only heard conservatives making this argument.
I'm still trying to process this ***** suggesting snake and alligator pits at the border


Not just that damn shh.. making @dwalk31 proud

It seems you didn't read my post carefully, she apologized, sure, I didn't deny that. What I did say was that she's done nothing but say what she will do IF she wins. You posting this as a response to my post was exactly the point I was trying to make about this thread's reaction to Sanders vs Warren. Warren does the least and yall are pleased, no questioning afterward no doubts just satisfaction that she did enough for the press to look good. In contrast to you guys writing DWalk length paragraphs about what Sanders did or didn't do 3-4 years ago. The contrast in the reactions here is wild.

But it's Sander supports who are drinking the kool aid
Fam if being the first choice amongst black Millenials isn't doing better to appeal to black voters then idk what else you want from the guy. Did he make some mistake in 16'? Yeah, but he's making attempts and succeeding at fixing some of them.

I can't say the same for Warren, who seems to only apologize at photo ops and other media events where it makes her look good. Where is Warren's apologies and promises to Native American voters after all of the strides she made pretending to be Native when it was convenient for her career? Seems far more egregious and forboding imo than not spending more time addressing the demographics of your first presidential campaign, where you weren't given the full support of your own political party. If she's cool with lying to advance her career and finally giving a consolation apology when her bluff is called, then what else is she cool with lying about?

Yall give Bernie so much **** in this thread for things he's either fixed, made amends with, or retracted but suddenly forget about Warren's past as if she's a saint. I don't get it.
I was just answering the bolded and underlined question. Also, you’re kinda just generalizing everyone in here the same way dwalk does.
Somebody tell DWalk that his sister in rightwing'ism isn't benefiting financially from her associations. He may want to rethink his position of financial gains under the orange sphincter. Perhaps he can do some pro bono work?
Stacey Dash’s finances are making headlines amid her legal woes. According to documents obtained by Yahoo Entertainment, the actress claimed on Monday that she’s indigent and cannot afford private counsel.
You can trust or mistrust Warren all you want, that doesn't mean other people have to buy into your reach.

I didn't admit ****, I pointed out you issue is that you think everything that is not favoring Bernie. I criticize Warren on things she needs to be critical of. One reason that Warren might seem to get less criticism is a) she has done less nonsense (notice how you are harping on one thing compared to the multiple instances I have brought up with Bernie) b) There is not a group of avid supporters in here that try to defend all of her bs.

So what you didn't mention Joe, the topic was from the jump about Warren, so you focused on her. I am suppose to give you credit for not bringing in a third person into the discussion.
I mentioned Joe because you asked why criticized Warren's lying and not everyone elses. Don't make it seem like I was saying that to deflect.

There's plenty to critic about Warren (being a repub for until the 90's, here love captialism, and adoption of Sander's positions when it again became convenient to her campaign) but as you and most here won't admit is that they're simply a matter of opinion about how I as a voter would go about things. Not things that objectively wrong, again, you can make a titan graph with a thousand links to a person who you think is credible with regards to whatever approach you don't like in Bernie's policies but at the end of the day. It's all dubious at best, and a matter of opinion at the most.
Somebody tell DWalk that his sister in rightwing'ism isn't benefiting financially from her associations. He may want to rethink his position of financial gains under the orange sphincter. Perhaps he can do some pro bono work?
Stacey Dash’s finances are making headlines amid her legal woes. According to documents obtained by Yahoo Entertainment, the actress claimed on Monday that she’s indigent and cannot afford private counsel.
Because in most cases, especially when it comes to diversity goals, white women have always counted as a minority. That is why black people point out that white women have been one of the biggest benefactors of Affirmative Action.

Most states when they set laws for business to do diversity spend in their procurement departments, women own business count.

And correct me if I am wrong but Warren claim Native American after getting hired, not before.

And at Harvard he became one of the top public policy wonks in the nation, wrote on of the most popular public policy books in the 2000s and was more successful legislator than most Dems with her work in the CFPB. So please tell me how that lie even helped her? When it didn't become an known issue until like 2010. Because I have only heard conservatives making this argument.
Rust I'm ask you a specific question because you're all over the place here, do you have proof that besides her being a woman, her claim of being Native American didn't help her career in college and in the workforce. I'm simply asking do you have proof that it didn't affect her chances of her being accepted into college and being hired as a lawyer.
Rust I'm ask you a specific question because you're all over the place here, do you have proof that besides her being a woman, her claim of being Native American didn't help her career in college and in the workforce. I'm simply asking do you have proof that it didn't affect her chances of her being accepted into college and being hired as a lawyer.


How can you prove a negative?

:nerd: :nerd:
Rust I'm ask you a specific question because you're all over the place here, do you have proof that besides her being a woman, her claim of being Native American didn't help her career in college and in the workforce. I'm simply asking do you have proof that it didn't affect her chances of her being accepted into college and being hired as a lawyer.

Pull them transcripts, B.
Rust I'm ask you a specific question because you're all over the place here, do you have proof that besides her being a woman, her claim of being Native American didn't help her career in college and in the workforce. I'm simply asking do you have proof that it didn't affect her chances of her being accepted into college and being hired as a lawyer.
Do you have proof that it did?

Warren as one of the most impressive resumes as a policy expert and professor. If you are making the assertion that she only got that because she claimed to be Native American, then the burden of proof is on you to prove so.

How is what you are doing much different than Trump saying Obama only got into Columbia and Harvard because she was black, and demanding to she his transcripts. You are attributing her success to her minority status and not you know, her hard work and qualifications.
Rust claimed that Warren being a woman superseded or canceled out her being a native american when applying for college and work, how he knows this specifically is what I would like to know.
I said her being a woman would make her a diversity hire so it was a stupid thing to lie about.

And she said the lie in places that have little to improve her career, like in a cookbook.
I said her being a woman would make her a diversity hire so it was a stupid thing to lie about.

And she said the lie in places that have little to improve her career, like in a cookbook.
:lol: She said what she thought would give the best chance at getting in. She knew what she was doing.
Black millennials?? What in the world are you talking about?? Real black people who actually are going to vote will not vote for Bernie Sanders. That’s just the bottom line. Don’t give some random unattached black person that’s going to vote for Bernie, I’m talking about black people as a whole. Black people simply are not voting and will not vote for Bernie Sanders, he’s wasting his time. That’s why he won’t win the Democratic nomination, he simply doesn’t have OUR backing and rightly so.
This :emoji_point_up:
Nah, it was shared by him, his supporters (online and in many
far left outlets), and the entire right wing.

It was a pushback against liberals that claim white Trump voters, even the Obama to Trump flips, were motivated because of regressive racial views.

However after Trump started getting extra racist and his polls numbers didn't budge with white folk, Charlottesville happening, and political scientist pretty much showing the "economic anxiety" argument is bull****, the talking point kind of died down on the left.

Furthermore with the midterms many of the left's gains came from women and people of color. Those groups are generally not so welcoming of absolving problematic white people of their buffoonery.

But yeah at the end of the day I would vote for dude in the general, of course. It just like Biden, Yang, and Gabbard, I really don't want to be put in that situation. But if the lie of Bernie Sanders being some Socialist Superhero come to save America and all the black people from a capitalist doom wins the day, then we fight on that lie.

Can it be both?

America was built on racism so that’s real. There’s also some broke *** white folk don’t hate minorities but hate being poor more
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