***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Now that I'm at my laptop I wanted to ask a few questions.

You bring up that she was formerly a Republican and loved capitalism. Is there anything specific in her platform now that makes bringing those things up relevant?

What positions, specifically, did she adopt from Sanders? What did these positions change from?
I feel that a "love" of capitalism in a time where it's so obviously failing many people is ridiculous and big red flag imo.

Is not M4A not a policy that Brenard popularized and one that Warren hitched a ride on with her on changes?
How do you know it did?

Warren has one of the most impressive resumes of a professor and policy wonk in America and you are trying to discredit the woman with an implicitly racist argument and no proof.

I answered your question and address and show evidence that being a woman would count as a diversity hire if she really thought like that, my original claim, yet you still demand I prove that something I didn't claim.

CAN YOU PROVE IT DID HELP HER, HUH? Stop repeating a racist trope and show your work. I showed mine
You didn't show any work, all you did was a bunch of accolades that weren't relevant to why she lied in the first place. Stop deflecting with the gish gallops.

:lol: good luck with that Auntie

Nah.. u gotta point out this BS along with Facebook which conveniently turn a blind eye to that shh just like Instagram does when celebrities post something provocative

Stupid people are quick to take that dumb shh and run with it
You are using her lie to say you don't trust her, I am saying Bernie has done more reality ****ed up stuff than Warren and I never make the "he can't be trusted" argument. So your narrow definition that it must be a outlanish lie (which is still conjecture that she did it intentionally) is the only way someone can be deemed untrustworthy in the future?

So me as a black man, the fact that he knowingly voted for the Crime Bill, after he voted against the previous one and stated openly it would disproportionately hurt black people. And then he ignored activist in his own state (that locks up the few black people they have at an alarming rate) doesn't rise to the level of Warren's actions? And again, I am not even making the "don't trust them" argument your tried to make. In fact I have said the opposite, I trust him just like most other politicians.

Warren is pulling ahead of Sanders, she is the only candidate on a serious upswing, so it looks like she got plenty of buzz. Maybe you should look at some of those statist polls once in a while.

Some criticism are matter or opinions, some are bad faith, many are not. The problem is that you want to have wave the good faith solid criticism all together because you clearly don't like to address criticism of Sanders. Like I said if you want to debate policy, let us do it, seems like you just want to dismiss valid argument before you even hear them

The only reason you have an issue with my post is because you like Bernie more than Warren, so you have the opinion that Bernie is getting unfair treatment. I disagree, and nothing you have posted is convincing me otherwise.
Please tell me what has Sanders done that's worse than lying about being a Native American for personal gain?

More fallacies again, Brenard is only senator from a state, he can't magically make things better for people on his position alone, you're better than this, why even bring up such a dumb scenario. I will never convince because of the same reasons you accuse me of which liking a candidate more, you'll always do a DWalk when it comes to Warren. There's no point in arguing this.

As for polls, I believe it's better to wait until it's all said and done before celebrating, they are subject to a significant margin of error.
You didn't show any work, all you did was a bunch of accolades that weren't relevant to why she lied in the first place. Stop deflecting with the gish gallops.
You are full of bull **** at this point.

I made the claim that being a woman already made her a diversity hire. I cited and article saying that Harvard (the most prestigious position she held) was looking to hire women and minorities to diversify their faulty. I also cited an article that cites research that shows white women benefiting from affirmative action.

You haven't put forward anything to refute my claim to support yours.

You haven't done **** but repeat a racist trope about minority status being the thing that advances someone's career. I am not deflecting, you're just being dense.
You are full of bull **** at this point.

I made the claim that being a woman already made her a diversity hire. I cited and article saying that Harvard (the most prestigious position she held) was looking to hire women and minorities to diversify their faulty. I also cited an article that cites research that shows white women benefiting from affirmative action.

You haven't put forward anything to refute my claim to support yours.

You haven't done **** but repeat a racist trope about minority status being the thing that advances someone's career. I am not deflecting, you're just being dense.
So more racism accusations and deflections for a liar, this is good and honest discourse :lol:
Please tell me what has Sanders done that's worse than lying about being a Native American for personal gain?

More fallacies again, Brenard is only senator from a state, he can't magically make things better for people on his position alone, you're better than this, why even bring up such a dumb scenario. I will never convince because of the same reasons you accuse me of which liking a candidate more, you'll always do a DWalk when it comes to Warren. There's no point in arguing this.

As for polls, I believe it's better to wait until it's all said and done before celebrating, they are subject to a significant margin of error.
I am not gonna have a buffoonery d-measuring context of which is worst.
Voting for the Crime Bill is as bad the Native American thing. Saying black people have to much power in the primary is bad. Him doing the bidding of the NRA when he got into office is bad. His whole culture of guns thing with white v. black people is racist and bad.

Are we forgetting you and your other Bernie Bro homeboy got on him because I don't criticize Warren about her actions with black voters.

Also I want to point out how hypocritical for to say people need to get over stuff Bernie Sanders did years ago, but now your whole tired argument is based upon trying to argue how bad something Warren did years ago.

You can pull DWalk's name out of your *** over and over and over. The reason this discussion is going nowhere is because it is one big complaining session for you. Miss me with the ******** about Bernie could not do anything to help. He voted for the ******* law, he could have met with activist, lobbied local politicians, bring light to the issues taking place. Hell he could have co sponsored bill in the Senate to try to improve things. Hell Joe ******* Biden saw the error of his ways a bit and was supporting criminal justice reform in the Senate.

Bernie as a Senator as time to meet with all kinds of constituents, meet with labor leaders, but when it came to black people getting locked up....


There is no excusing this behavior, the other Senator from Vermont paid attention to the issue, Bernie didn't. So it is not about him magically changing things, it is about him doing his ******* job.
So more racism accusations and deflections for a liar, this is good and honest discourse :lol:
Your assertion about being a minority being the reason for her career advancement is racist, not you know her talent and skill she put on display for years and years. I can break down in detail why it is racist if you would like.

What did I lie about, because you are just rambling at this point.
I am not gonna have a buffoonery d-measuring context of which is worst.
Voting for the Crime Bill is as bad the Native American thing. Saying black people have to much power in the primary is bad. Him doing the bidding of the NRA when he got into office is bad. His whole culture of guns thing with white v. black people is racist and bad.

Are we forgetting you and your other Bernie Bro homeboy got on him because I don't criticize Warren about her actions with black voters.

Also I want to point out how hypocritical for to say people need to get over stuff Bernie Sanders did years ago, but now your whole tired argument is based upon trying to argue how bad something Warren did years ago.

You can pull DWalk's name out of your *** over and over and over. The reason this discussion is going nowhere is because it is one big complaining session for you. Miss me with the bull**** about Bernie could not do anything to help. He voted for the ****ing law, he could have met with activist, lobbied local politicians, bring light to the issues taking place. Hell he could have co sponsored bill in the Senate to try to improve things. Hell Joe ****ing Biden saw the error of his ways a bit and was supporting criminal justice reform in the Senate.

Bernie as a Senator as time to meet with all kinds of constituents, meet with labor leaders, but when it came to black people getting locked up....


There is no excusing this behavior, the other Senator from Vermont paid attention to the issue, Bernie didn't. So it is not about him magically changing things, it is about him doing his ****ing job.
So it's Biden seeing the "light" about the crime bill is a plus for him and a bludgeon for Brenard but Brenard becoming the preferred choicer for black millennials is a not a thing at all. Great logic there Rust.

He called for a ban on assault weapons in the 80's so he was hardly a friend to the NRA.

I'm sorry Bernie failed to meet with a 2% of the population of his state, I'm sorry that he isn't a perfect human being. Tell me, why is it that it's a bludgeon to critique him on not paying enough attention to 2% of his constituents at home but when he does frequently meet with representatives for black voters nationwide it's again not mentioned at all? Surely you see the error in the logic here?
Your assertion about being a minority being the reason for her career advancement is racist, not you know her talent and skill she put on display for years and years. I can break down in detail why it is racist if you would like.

What did I lie about, because you are just rambling at this point.
I'm not the one rambling with titan graphs attempting to disprove points that I never made. That's you. I never made the assertion that her being a minority was the reason for her advancement in her career. Again, I'm not sure why you are hinging on a point that I never made, I've always been about the lie, not the validity of her being a minority being the prime mover for her success.
Having a solid week of libcrushing on Twitter. It's sad how they hyperventilate over "impeachment" when it's obviously going to go nowhere in the Senate. The public blowback will be fierce. Trump will get all 538 next November if we properly secure the voting booths from immigrants and minorities who are trying to cheat the system.

It will be glorious when we pack the courts in 2021. The newly reimagined Department of Energy, led by the Coal Gang, will make it so that every American man, woman, and child can realize the American dream of black lung.
I'm not the one rambling with titan graphs attempting to disprove points that I never made. That's you. I never made the assertion that her being a minority was the reason for her advancement in her career. Again, I'm not sure why you are hinging on a point that I never made, I've always been about the lie, not the validity of her being a minority being the prime mover for her success.
So what is this....

Rust I'm ask you a specific question because you're all over the place here, do you have proof that besides her being a woman, her claim of being Native American didn't help her career in college and in the workforce. I'm simply asking do you have proof that it didn't affect her chances of her being accepted into college and being hired as a lawyer.

Your *** has been on the "prove to me her being a minority didn't help her" for pages. Now you wanna act like you wasn't on that. Stop throwing stones and hiding your hands. It has not just been about the lie itself, you want going on and on and the effects of the lie and how it supposedly benefited her.
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