***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m not going to get involved in this Warren vs. Bernie debate but why would a Bernie supporter hate on Warren? She’s speaking the same message essentially and gets us to the same end goal. At the end put this ******** petty difference behind you and keep moving forward which is to get Trumpito out the paint.
So what is this....

Your *** has been on the "prove to me her being a minority didn't help her" for pages. Now you wanna act like you wasn't on that. Stop throwing stones and hiding your hands. It has not just been about the lie itself, you want going on and on and the effects of the lie and how it supposedly benefited her.
:lol: That quote asks you to prove if the lie benefited her career, not if it was the prime mover for all of her success. We only got there in the first place because you decided to deflect from the lie as if it was insignificant.(how you magically know this, idk) Perhaps accuse me of peddling more racist tropes, that'll sink for me sure. :lol:
So it's Biden seeing the "light" about the crime bill is a plus for him and a bludgeon for Brenard but Brenard becoming the preferred choicer for black millennials is a not a thing at all. Great logic there Rust.

He called for a ban on assault weapons in the 80's so he was hardly a friend to the NRA.

I'm sorry Bernie failed to meet with a 2% of the population of his state, I'm sorry that he isn't a perfect human being. Tell me, why is it that it's a bludgeon to critique him on not paying enough attention to 2% of his constituents at home but when he does frequently meet with representatives for black voters nationwide it's again not mentioned at all? Surely you see the error in the logic here?
Biden deserves way more blame for the crime bill than Bernie. And he also deserves more credit for actually trying on improving the situation in the Senate years later. Bernie deserves more credit in recent years for his words than Biden's. **** both of them for what they did period. Biden a low life in this situation, Bernie is one too. They both need to make up for what they did.

When did I say that Bernie being the preferred choice for black millennials was nothing? i said it had nothing to do with my specific criticism about him expanding his base with southern black voters. You are the one that want to treat black people like a monolith, so black is black, it doesn't matter if he has not improved his numbers with a specific group of black people he needs to win, he has the support of a whole other set of black people.

How about you stop being so flippant about black voters and see the nuance.

The only faulty logic you see is in the strawman you have in your head, not what I actually said.

-I am not saying Bernie has to be perfect. I am saying Bernie should have done his damn job. You want to throw out the 2% number like since it was small it somehow excuses his behavior? Black people were being violated in his state, the other Senator paid attention to it, he didn't, he should have. He was complicit, he should have been a voice against the system earlier. I never see any principled Bernie supporter that wants justice being as flippant as you are being.

And again, since Bernie met with other black people, in other areas, years later it somehow excuses this behavior. That is ******* ridiculous. Bernie has done some to improve and I commend him for that but those actions don't absolve him of his past failings.

And again your beefs is that I don't go out my way to bring up the stuff he does now in a manner your deem okay to show Bernie is a good actor. The logic you demand of me that every Bernie criticism must be combined with an example to absolve him.

Again you are just complaining about supposed unfair treatment.

And stop treating like black people is all the same.
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I’m not going to get involved in this Warren vs. Bernie debate but why would a Bernie supporter hate on Warren? She’s speaking the same message essentially and gets us to the same end goal. At the end put this bull**** petty difference behind you and keep moving forward which is to get Trumpito out the paint.
I'm not hating on Warren any more than the libs in here hate on Brenard. They ornery when the shoe is on the other foot. This whole thing is more or less inconsequential posturing from both of us. We're going to end up voting for whoever gets the nom on the Dem side either way. I'm just talking **** :lol:
I’m not going to get involved in this Warren vs. Bernie debate but why would a Bernie supporter hate on Warren? She’s speaking the same message essentially and gets us to the same end goal. At the end put this bull**** petty difference behind you and keep moving forward which is to get Trumpito out the paint.

say word. these people all factioned off like clans in some medieval story or something. the purpose is to get this vile bastard pos out of here for good, but people are too focused on what their specific needs are. those needs ain't gonna be met anytime soon if people perpuetuate the fragmentation of a party that's kinda weak and divided (democrats, just in case)
:lol: That quote asks you to prove if the lie benefited her career, not if it was the prime mover for all of her success. We only got there in the first place because you decided to deflect from the lie as if it was insignificant.(how you magically know this, idk) Perhaps accuse me of peddling more racist tropes, that'll sink for me sure. :lol:
You are pedaling racist trope.

All you are doing now is backpedaling. You wanted to make it seem she lied to finesse in her career. You were throwing it out there with no proof, demanding people disprove it. Now your excuse is, well I didn't say it was the prime mover. You are still downplaying her qualifications.

You are doing enough to sink yourself, b.
Biden deserves way more blame for the crime bill than Bernie. And he also deserves more credit for actually trying on improving the situation in the Senate years later.

When did I say that Bernie being the preferred choice for black millennials was nothing? i said it had nothing to do with my specific criticism about him expanding his base with southern black voters. You are the one that want to treat black people like a monolith, so black is black, it doesn't matter if he has not improved his numbers with a specific group of black people he needs to win, he has the support of a whole other set of black people.

How about you stop being so flippant about black voters and see the nuance.

The only faulty logic you see is in the strawman you have in your head, not what I actually said.

-I am not saying Bernie has to be perfect. I am saying Bernie should have done his damn job. You want to throw out the 2% number like since it was small it somehow excuses his behavior? Black people were being violated in his state, the other Senator paid attention to it, he didn't, he should have. He was complicit, he should have been a voice against the system earlier. I never see any principled Bernie supporter that wants justice being as flippant as you are being.

And again, since Bernie met with other black people, in other areas, years later it somehow excuses this behavior. That is ****ing ridiculous. Bernie has done some to improve and I commend him for that but those actions don't absolve him of his past failings.

And again your beefs is that I don't go out my way to bring up the stuff he does now in a manner your deem okay to show Bernie is a good actor. The logic you demand of me that every Bernie criticism must be combined with an example to absolve him.

Again you are just complaining about supposed unfair treatment.

And stop treating like black people is all the same.
You didn't have to say that Brenard being the preferred choice among black millennials was insignificant, you continuing to post articles about his failures in 2016 shows that you don't care about those strides. Please show me where I treat black voters as a monolith, surely if I did I wouldn't be using the above improvement as an argument if I did see black voters as a monolithic people. That again makes no sense.

I'm not being flippant at all, surely if he brought attention to the plight of black voters on the national stage he sees where he failed statewide. I don't see how hard that is to understand, again, another non logical bludgeon.
You are pedaling racist trope.

All you are doing now is backpedaling. You wanted to make it seem she lied to finesse in her career. You were throwing it out there with no proof, demanding people disprove it. Now your excuse is, well I didn't say it was the prime mover. You are still downplaying her qualifications.

You are doing enough to sink yourself, b.
The lie was wrong, you tried to wiggle out of it by deflecting that it was insignificant. I'm sorry you can't handwave that away. I only asked you to prove that lie was insignificant because you claimed that it was, that wasn't a pivot, that was me indulging you on your deflection. Which you gish galloped with her accolades as if that was what I asked of you to prove. :lol:
I'm not hating on Warren any more than the libs in here hate on Brenard. They ornery when the shoe is on the other foot. This whole thing is more or less inconsequential posturing from both of us. We're going to end up voting for whoever gets the nom on the Dem side either way. I'm just talking **** :lol:

that’s all I want to hear.
The lie was wrong, you tried to wiggle out of it by deflecting that it was insignificant. I'm sorry you can't handwave that away. I only asked you to prove that lie was insignificant because you claimed that it was, that wasn't a pivot, that was me indulging you on your deflection. Which you gish galloped with her accolades as if that was what I asked of you to prove. :lol:
I said the lie was pointless because she would already be a diversity hire. I cited sources to back up that point. Your comeback was how do I know it didn't help her extra.

You on the other hand kept running your mouth about it benefiting her without posting any evidence to the sort.

You are basically asking "to to me this is not wrong", with out supporting the claim.

The claim I made, I supported.
That was in response to Rust giving kudos to Biden for feeling bad about a bill he championed. So yes, surely in this thread.
That's quite the mischaracterization of what he actually said, but I'm not trying to jump in this. :lol: :lol:
I said the lie was pointless because she would already be a diversity hire.
:lol: I'll ask you again for the 1,000th and be done with this, how do you know the specific hiring practices of the colleges she went to and companies she worked for to know that her lying was pointless? Surely you know something about them to make the above claim.
You didn't have to say that Brenard being the preferred choice among black millennials was insignificant, you continuing to post articles about his failures in 2016 shows that you don't care about those strides. Please show me where I treat black voters as a monolith, surely if I did I wouldn't be using the above improvement as an argument if I did see black voters as a monolithic people. That again makes no sense.

I'm not being flippant at all, surely if he brought attention to the plight of black voters on the national stage he sees where he failed statewide. I don't see how hard that is to understand, again, another non logical bludgeon.
Like I thought a straw man. I never said something you are just claiming I did. I have been specific and consistent as to which demographic of black people Bernie needs to improve with. Your beefs is that I didn't say "welp he does well with this other demographic of black people" as a way to balance out a criticism. You are complaining I didn't throw in a whataboutism to benefit Bernie.

You are treating them like a monolith of keep trying to excuse his short comings with one set of black people with his actions with another. Like black is black, so it should all balance out.

Dude good for him for his actions but he doesn't just get a pass because years later when he wanted to be presented he finally woke up to his failings. Good for him, I have in the pass I said on aggregate he is a good actor, but if Bernie supporters want to bring up candidates past, even though candidates improve on the user, then Bernie's is free game too.

And it weird to me that you would argue that Bernie's present makes up for his past, and his present action make up for then. But Warren trying to make up for her past means nothing.

I mean you can say **** Warren if you would like, cool. But over the years the only time I ever run into beef with Bernie supporters really is when I point out the hypocrisy of some of the arguments they make on his behalf. Like his one. She how you are holding Warren and Sanders to different standards. Something you complain other people are doing

Like I said you are not mad the libs are unfair to Bernie. You are mad he doesn't get favouritism.
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You already have so please, tell me what he was really saying?
He literally laid it out. No point to go on debating about a mischaracterization when the text is there to read.

Biden deserves way more blame for the crime bill than Bernie. And he also deserves more credit for actually trying on improving the situation in the Senate years later. Bernie deserves more credit in recent years for his words than Biden's. **** both of them for what they did period. Biden a low life in this situation, Bernie is one too. They both need to make up for what they did.
:lol: I'll ask you again for the 1,000th and be done with this, how do you know the specific hiring practices of the colleges she went to and companies she worked for to know that her lying was pointless? Surely you know something about them to make the above claim.
My original claim was not about the specific practices of each employer.

I said her being a woman made her a diversity hire. I cited an article talking about gender being included in affirmative action and a article that shows one of her jobs were looking to diversify by hiring women. From everything I have read, and experienced, gender is included in diversity.

I showed my work. Your comeback is to move the goal post and demand evidence from each employer.
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I'm still trying to process this ***** suggesting snake and alligator pits at the border


This. I thought it was a joke. The leader of the free world has the mind of a child and has the support of an entire political party. Crazy times we’re in...,,
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He literally laid it out. No point to go on debating about a mischaracterization when the text is there to read.
To be fair to dude he quoted me right before I expounded on my point.

But still I have yelled **** Joe Biden so much about his racist actions I don't know how anyone would get the idea I am simply giving him credit for seeing the error of his ways. All I'm am saying that Bernie had a low bar to jump over, and he still failed to do so. The party was turning left of the issue and Bernie seemed to not care that run until he ran.
Like I thought a straw man. I never said something you are just claiming I did. I have been specific and consistent as to which demographic of black people Bernie needs to improve with. Your beefs is that I didn't say "welp he does well with this other demographic of black people" as a way to balance out a criticism. You are complaining I didn't throw in a whataboutism to benefit Bernie.

You are treating them like a monolith of keep trying to excuse his short comings with one set of black people with his actions with another. Like black is black, so it should all balance out.

Dude good for him for his actions but he doesn't just get a pass because years later when he wanted to be presented he finally woke up to his failings. Good for him, I have in the pass I said on aggregate he is a good actor, but if Bernie supporters want to bring up candidates past, even though candidates improve on the user, then Bernie's is free game too.

And it weird to me that you would argue that Bernie's present makes up for his past, and his present action make up for then. But Warren trying to make up for her past means nothing.

I mean you can say **** Warren if you would like, cool. But over the years the only time I ever run into beef with Bernie supporters really is when I point out the hypocrisy of some of the arguments they make on his behalf. Like his one. She how you are holding Warren and Sanders to different standards. Something you complain other people are doing

Like I said you are not mad the libs are unfair to Bernie. You are mad he doesn't get favouritism.
This is more insinuation towards me. You continue with claiming that I think black people are some how a monolith with no proof, then even more with claiming that I just want people to go easy on him and coddle when that's not something I ever cared about. My problem with the libs here is that same vim and vigor isn't directed towards Warren but we all know why that is, there's literally no point in me arguing this anymore. I only bring up Brenard's modern strides because you're critiques of are mostly aimed at his past actions.
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