***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nowhere did I say or imply that Bernie owns or created m4a that would an absurd claim but sure if you need to imagine more things to comment about go ahead.

The relevance of it is lost in me and Rust's back and forths, of which you weren't involved in. Why you want to be idk, but again, if you need something to comment about then go ahead.
One of your criticisms against Warren, which I quoted directly from you, was that Warren adopts Bernie's policies. I'm not sure what your point is other than to say "Bernie did it first lol!" You haven't explained your point.

I'll just assume there was zero relevance in bringing up Warren's "love" for capitalism since she is actually very anti corporation.
Having stents placed doesn't necessarily indicate a serious issue. There's several possibilities that could prompt the placing of stents. However, the reporting that it was an emergency surgery suggests there was at least moderate damage to the heart muscle.
Yes the guy that said America need to go back to the New Deal Era, the guy that said our economies need to be more like the Nordic countries, the guy that wants to lower drug cost by increasing supply from Canada, the guy who wants to lower medical cost through increasing the bargaining power of the payer, the guy that argued that M4A will cause more hospitals to open in under served areas because of an increase in potential revenue like some capitalist systems too.

Bernie likes capitalism when he think they can get to his goals. And that is a positive thing.

Both Warren, Sanders, and most progressive liberals are social democrats advocate for mixed economies that include some capitalist systems, some socialist systems, some public universal programs, regulation.

It is not some binary argument over unfettered capitalism and full blown socialism. It is a much more nuanced discussion.

Especially when it comes to people as close as Warren v Sanders

You are apply a purity test without knowing the details of said test.
I'm not sure what you're point of listing all of this is even about. Are you some kind of bot? You just listed a bunch of position none of which are more capitalist than what we currently have so I doubt you're implying that this proves Brenard's affinity for capitalism. And if you're implying that I think that Brenard wants to turn the US into Cuba overnight that's just ridiculous. :lol:
One of your criticisms against Warren, which I quoted directly from you, was that Warren adopts Bernie's policies. I'm not sure what your point is other than to say "Bernie did it first lol!" You haven't explained your point.

I'll just assume there was zero relevance in bringing up Warren's "love" for capitalism since she is actually very anti corporation.
My point was that she did adopt positions from Sanders, of which I have doubts about her sincerity/convictions on some of those positions.
What is up with Bernie Bros adopting Scott Brown's losing "Pocahontas" campaign slogan?

I love the Bern as much as the next guy, especially if the next guy is Hillary Clinton, but c'mon... he's like 96 years old for Christ's sake!
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I'm not sure what you're point of listing all of this is even about. Are you some kind of bot? You just listed a bunch of position none of which are more capitalist than what we currently have so I doubt you're implying that this proves Brenard's affinity for capitalism. And if you're implying that I think that Brenard wants to turn the US into Cuba overnight that's just ridiculous. :lol:
Because you seem to not know what capitalism actually is, my point went over your head

I am saying Bernie advocates for social democracy, not full blown socialism. I am saying Bernie wants a mixed economy, not full blown communism. So he is willing to put forward capitalist policies to meet his goals.
Don't know, perhaps it was the typical mid 2000's lib position on medical care.
It seems like a good idea to take a look at her past views to formulate an opinion on her current views, no? Your criticism against her is based on an assumption.
Because you seem to not know what capitalism actually is, my point went over your head

I am saying Bernie advocates for social democracy, not full blown socialism. I am saying Bernie wants a mixed economy, not full blown communism. So he is willing to put forward capitalist policies to meet his goals.
Dude why do you frequently try to insult people's intelligence when they challenge you? No ****, Brenard doesn't advocate for full blown socialism, I again, never made that claim. You swinging at ghosts in here like Trey BITH trying to prove that you're the smartest guy in the room.
Anyone regularly using the term 'lib' isn't even worth the discussion for me. All that **** is programming that certain people picked up, whether you consider yourself a conservative or not. Same as so many people adding 'fake news' to their lexicon. ****** is really regurgitating Trump talking points on the daily and don't even recognize it.

We out here like this is sports while people are literally dying.

Talk about losing perspective.
What is up with Bernie Bros adopting Scott Brown's losing "Pocahontas" campaign slogan?

Sounds right on brand for Bernie and company.... unfortunately. The sooner he's out of the race the better.

The question is will he fully endorse Warren (or whoever) and encourage his people to support her? Or will he be a sore loser who never concedes and his supporters end up voting for the Green Party or something?
It seems like a good idea to take a look at her past views to formulate an opinion on her current views, no? Your criticism against her is based on an assumption.
I don't feel the need to look up her past position on medical care simply because searching for something so specific would probably be a hassle and if that position were drastically different I feel like someone would've written an article about it by now. Searching that question only brings up her being unclear on m4a.
Anyone regularly using the term 'lib' isn't even worth the discussion for me. All that **** is programming that certain people picked up, whether you consider yourself a conservative or not. Same as so many people adding 'fake news' to their lexicon. *****s is really regurgitating Trump talking points on the daily and don't even recognize it.

We out here like this is sports while people are literally dying.

Talk about losing perspective.
Stay in your lane lib
I don't feel the need to look up her past position on medical care simply because searching for something so specific would probably be a hassle and if that position were drastically different I feel like someone would've written an article about it by now. Searching that question only brings up her being unclear on m4a.
Not searching and waiting for someone else to serve it to you is really what's got us to a place where so many people are uninformed or misinformed.

You need to seek out information yourself, and you NEED to be able to think critically about how legitimate those sources are.
While next to the president of Finland, very stable genius Trump again insists his political opponent(s) should be investigated for treason, which carries a death sentence.
In the past few days he began by stating Schiff should be “questioned at the highest level for fraud and treason.”
Later he went on to say that Schiff should be arrested for treason.
Now he has gone back to step 1.
Amidst all of this, Trump is also explicitly claiming the process of impeachment, as outlined in the US constitution, is a coup against him. He also promoted suggestions of a civil war to combat this “coup.”

Earlier today he released an ad that emphasizes the word “coup” to describe impeachment.
Didn't Elizabeth Warren build her entire academic career on advocating for not bankrupting the middle class due to a ****** up medical and insurance system? How is that bad?
Dude why do you frequently try to insult people's intelligence when they challenge you? No ****, Brenard doesn't advocate for full blown socialism, I again, never made that claim. You swinging at ghosts in here like Trey BITH trying to prove that you're the smartest guy in the room.
I made not trying to prove I am anything.

You yourself said you don't know economics, but you want to then be smug toward people that know about a subject, you admitted you don't. Sorry I can explain myself in detail.

But please spare me the victim act.
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