***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I made not trying to prove I am anything.

You yourself said you don't know economics, but you want to then be smug toward people that know about a subject, you admitted you don't. Sorry I can explain myself in detail.

But please spare me the victim act.
You went into high school level economics which anybody here should be familiar with, you didn't go into some level theoretical dissertation. And again, more insinuation on your part. I never said "I knew nothing about economics" I said I didn't know anything about it past what I know from school. It's like you're even trying to be honest here, but again, you have to feel like the smartest guy in the room so go ahead.
Looks like it's time for Neon Deion to retire. 14 seasons, guaranteed HOF spot, no shame in calling it quits now and being a family man.

It’s definitely time for Bernie to retire. I do hope he gets the proper medical help and gets better. Still looking forward to him dropping out of the race....looks like that might happen sooner than expected now.
Debate me or move along lib

what are you debating? you call trolling debating? where you're regurgitating lines and phrases like you're some kind of 4chan reject? what's wrong with people like you? everything, that's what. get an education, live life, tour the world, evolve. whatever this is you're doing isn't working for you. you're amplifying your willful ignorance like you're on top of the game or something, but just looking like the town idiot in this thread
Unclear if Trump is just doing the usual lying or snitching on himself. He has a lot of experience in both options.

That being said, the call reportedly lasted around 30 minutes. If you read the WH's memo that reconstructed the conversation, there's simply no way the conversation as described in that memo lasted anywhere near 30 minutes. Not even when you take into account Trump's rambling and the possibility of a translator. Zelensky's comments as described in the memo don't sound like the work of a professional translator, and it is known that Zelensky is fairly fluent in English.

Sidenote, it's pretty surprising that Trump not only knows the word stenographer but it appears he understands what it means too.
Why? Did you already forget, what you wrote?

I'm sorry, I can't be bothered to post the entire post, because I'm either as disingenuous or purposefully ignorant as you.

No, because if you added context to what you quoted it would make sense. But that would require honesty and not blindly disregarded anything that doesn't follow the opinion of the majority in here.
what are you debating? you call trolling debating? where you're regurgitating lines and phrases like you're some kind of 4chan reject? what's wrong with people like you? everything, that's what. get an education, live life, tour the world, evolve. whatever this is you're doing isn't working for you. you're amplifying your willful ignorance like you're on top of the game or something, but just looking like the town idiot in this thread
How much are people worried about Bernie's health?

I remember how much Trump was able to make people believe that Hillary Clinton is a robot or that she was already dead and they're Weekend at Bernie's'ing her around town.:lol:

Wonder if anyone tries to feed into that and steal that dirty tactic.
It would be important for Bernie's campaign to clarify the condition. Having stents placed doesn't necessarily indicate a serious problem.

Edit: My grandma for example had a pre-emptive stent surgery after a scan detected minor artery blockage, there was no damage to the heart muscle as a result. She did have an unrelated heart condition involving one of her heart valves. The stents were placed to avoid potential future problems.
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Time to ignore this dude. Obviously nothing good can come from going back and forth. He's just here to stir the pot and keep himself occupied. Amazing that grown ups actually do that. He's probably one of those facebook commenters with the "don't tread on me" or Harley for a profile pic.
I don't feel the need to look up her past position on medical care simply because searching for something so specific would probably be a hassle and if that position were drastically different I feel like someone would've written an article about it by now. Searching that question only brings up her being unclear on m4a.
I guess when you wanted to talk about criticisms against Warren, that just meant you wanted to lob half-***ed criticisms and run away before people could dissect them.
I guess when you wanted to talk about criticisms against Warren, that just meant you wanted to lob half-***ed criticisms and run away before people could dissect them.
Sigh, I've been on this topic since yesterday. When have I ran? Seriously try searching for her past position on health care, see if you can find an in depth article on her opinion before m4a, it is not an easy thing to google. Nor is it even relevant in the discussion, when it was Brenards advocating for m4a that brought into the mainstream. If that's not here adopting his position, idk what is.
Time to ignore this dude. Obviously nothing good can come from going back and forth. He's just here to stir the pot and keep himself occupied. Amazing that grown ups actually do that. He's probably one of those facebook commenters with the "don't tread on me" or Harley for a profile pic.
aepps20 aepps20 I've eclipsed you :lol:
Reuters at least partially confirms reporting from yesterday by independent journalist Scott Stedman.

Citing 2 sources, Reuters reports that the State Dept Inspector General will brief Congress on political retaliation against State Dept officials.
The Inspector General requested an "urgent briefing" with Congress just an hour after Pompeo issued a statement saying State Dept aides would refuse to comply with Congress.

The Daily Beast also reported yesterday that Pompeo pushed Kurt Volker to resign in an attempt to quash the scandal. Volker was named in the whistleblower complaint as trying to rectify the Ukraine situation, whereas Rudy Giuliani implicated Volker in directing at least one of Giuliani's meetings.
After Pompeo said the State Dept would refuse to cooperate, Kurt Volker confirmed that he will show up for a deposition on Thursday. He may have a few scores to settle with Giuliani and Pompeo.

Congress to get briefing on alleged retaliation against U.S. diplomats over Ukraine
The U.S. State Department inspector general plans to brief congressional committees on Wednesday about recent instances of potential political retaliation by agency leaders against career officials over Ukraine, two sources familiar with matter said.

The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the briefings were part of the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry into whether President Donald Trump sought help from Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden, the former vice president.

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It's not hard at all, if you're capable of critically thinking for yourself and not just accepting something you find on the internet at face value.

People would rather be uninformed and come off as ignorant than to do the legwork to make sure they're equipped with the facts. And then willingly share that in a discussion like it doesn't completely undercut your point and call into question your reasoning. 2019 is wild.
No, because if you added context to what you quoted it would make sense. But that would require honesty and not blindly disregarded anything that doesn't follow the opinion of the majority in here.
Here's the context:

-You said something ignorant about Elizabeth Warren's past position on the medical system.
-Some asked you, if you knew anything about her past position?
-You responded with more ignorance: "Probably something lib, but I can't be bothered."

This is outrageously idiotic, as I said already: Fool, don't you know, Liz build her entire pre-politics career on attacking the medical insurance companies, who profited off bankrupting the middle class, when they got sick and needed their insurance companies the most?

Shame on you, you bad, baaaad person, you. :emoji_thumbsdown:
Here's the context:

-You said something ignorant about Elizabeth Warren's past position on the medical system.
-Some asked you, if you knew anything about her past position?
-You responded with more ignorance: "Probably something lib, but I can't be bothered."

This is outrageously idiotic, as I said already: Fool, don't you know, Liz build her entire pre-politics career on attacking the medical insurance companies, who profited off bankrupting the middle class, when they got sick and needed their insurance companies the most?

Shame on you, you bad, baaaad person, you. :emoji_thumbsdown:
:lol: Silly lib, post my full quote and stop using cliffs, it'll clear things up for you
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