***Official Political Discussion Thread***

:lol: Silly lib, post my full quote and stop using cliffs, it'll clear things up for you
I have no interest in participating in this argument beyond the following but it's pretty much what you said in response.
Reuters at least partially confirms reporting from yesterday by independent journalist Scott Stedman.

Citing 2 sources, Reuters reports that the State Dept Inspector General will brief Congress on political retaliation against State Dept officials.
The Inspector General requested an "urgent briefing" with Congress just an hour after Pompeo issued a statement saying State Dept aides would refuse to comply with Congress.

The Daily Beast also reported yesterday that Pompeo pushed Kurt Volker to resign in an attempt to quash the scandal. Volker was named in the whistleblower complaint as trying to rectify the Ukraine situation, whereas Rudy Giuliani implicated Volker in directing at least one of Giuliani's meetings.
After Pompeo said the State Dept would refuse to cooperate, Kurt Volker confirmed that he will show up for a deposition on Thursday. He may have a few scores to settle with Giuliani and Pompeo.

Congress to get briefing on alleged retaliation against U.S. diplomats over Ukraine
The U.S. State Department inspector general plans to brief congressional committees on Wednesday about recent instances of potential political retaliation by agency leaders against career officials over Ukraine, two sources familiar with matter said.

The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the briefings were part of the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry into whether President Donald Trump sought help from Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden, the former vice president.

Recusal isn't good enough for Pompeo
I have no interest in participating in this argument beyond the following but it's pretty much what you said in response.
Not that quote, this one:

I don't feel the need to look up her past position on medical care simply because searching for something so specific would probably be a hassle and if that position were drastically different I feel like someone would've written an article about it by now. Searching that question only brings up her being unclear on m4a.
Compare that with fargin fargin chopped up version of the post above (it's not showing his quote here but it's on the bottom of the page before this) and see how disingenuous he's being for a "gotcha"

And I did end up doing a specific google for her old position on medical care and I only found a wiki that states that was for "single payer" nothing more beyond that. Compare that with her current stance on m4a being a "frame work" and supposedly not a solid plan or idea and I feel that that is a valid criticism of Warren's convictions on the subject.
Clear-cut obstruction of justice. Everybody knows of the ongoing proceeding and obviously a directive to refuse to cooperate, followed by retaliation against officials wanting to cooperate, qualifies as an obstructive act.
Intent speaks for itself given the alleged retaliation for failing to refuse cooperating.

It is worth remembering that the whole implication of the State Dept and Mike Pompeo himself was caused singlehandedly by none other than this man. Entirely unprompted, Rudy first snitched on the State Dept as being aware of his Ukraine efforts at best, directly involved at worst. Later, Rudy went on to snitch on Mike Pompeo personally.
As Rudy said in one of those deranged rants: "I'm the real whistleblower!"
"It is impossible that the whistleblower is a hero and I'm not."
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You went into high school level economics which anybody here should be familiar with, you didn't go into some level theoretical dissertation. And again, more insinuation on your part. I never said "I knew nothing about economics" I said I didn't know anything about it past what I know from school. It's like you're even trying to be honest here, but again, you have to feel like the smartest guy in the room so go ahead.
:lol: :rofl:

Can't refute my points, so take issue with my tone.
I don't feel the need to look up her past position on medical care simply because searching for something so specific would probably be a hassle and if that position were drastically different I feel like someone would've written an article about it by now. Searching that question only brings up her being unclear on m4a.
:lol: Silly lib, post my full quote and stop using cliffs, it'll clear things up for you
I'm sorry, but the full quote is perfectly summarized by: "I can't be bothered, cuz I feel... cuz hassle..."

You simply don't care about her past positions, just like Birthers didn't really care a birth certificate. You're disingenuous or ignorant at best, at worst you're both.

How about you go to youtube and search for "coming collapse of the middle class" and educate yourself.
The question now becomes, is Pompeo obstructing justice on his own initiative to protect himself after Rudy snitched on him, or is he also doing it at the direction of the president?
I'm sorry, but the full quote is perfectly summarized by: "I can't be bothered, cuz I feel... cuz hassle..."

You simply don't care about her past positions, just like Birthers didn't really care a birth certificate. You're disingenuous or ignorant at best, at worst you're both.
You can read my opinion on her past and current positions in my response to Belgium Belgium

:lol: :rofl:

Can't refute my points, so take issue with my tone.
Rust, what point did you have in the comment I quoted?
My points about Bernie and capitalism. Those are the wines you avoided, instead taking issue with my tone.
Your about capitalism was literally just listing a bunch of points as if it was new genius level information. There was literally nothing for me to refute because it wasn't at all my position in the first place. You assumed I thought that Bernie was gonna turn the US into Cuba or Soviet Russia over night when I never even made that claim. You've literally been this same thing since yesterday. Just imagining positions that I never took.
The question now becomes, is Pompeo obstructing justice on his own initiative to protect himself after Rudy snitched on him, or is he also doing it at the direction of the president?

pompeo, barr, trump - all part of the same brain diseased corrupt, paranoid, violent, conspiracy theory ridden crew.

As in: No sir, you can go search youtube for her 2008 lecture on the "Coming collapse of the middle class."
If a youtube vid is the best defense for Warren's tenuous stance on m4a then I think done I'm here. This is ninjahood level discourse. If you want to have a serious discussion on it then like I said, start with my quote of Belgium Belgium post.
Your about capitalism was literally just listing a bunch of points as if it was new genius level information. There was literally nothing for me to refute because it wasn't at all my position in the first place. You assumed I thought that Bernie was gonna turn the US into Cuba or Soviet Russia over night when I never even made that claim. You've literally been this same thing since yesterday. Just imagining positions that I never took.
See what I mean.

No serious response. Just more whinning
If a youtube vid is the best defense for Warren's tenuous stance on m4a then I think done I'm here. This is ninjahood level discourse. If you want to have a serious discussion on it then like I said, start with my quote of Belgium Belgium post.
Please don't hide behind Belgium, France tried that already.

A bunch of pre-financial crisis lectures, where Elizabeth Warren speaks at length about the predatory practices of the medical insurance and credit card companies, I can see how you would prefer to avoid those inconvenient facts.

I gotta ask you though about your vocabulary, what's up with your use of "Lib," that doesn't sound like your run of the mill Venezuelan Bernie-socialist, sounds more like Maga-hat/Pround boy lingo, seriously what's up with that?
Moving on...

Is Trump actually melting down, or do news networks just want to sell me prescription drug commercials?

Is this impeachment legit? I have a hard time really believing any of this will be taken seriously, since literally nothing else has been taken as seriously as it should have.
Wait wait wait wait wait

Please tell me that this shh about Stacy dash listing herself as a white woman aren’t true and the internet jumping on an opportunity


Pretty please
Moving on...

Is Trump actually melting down, or do news networks just want to sell me prescription drug commercials?

Is this impeachment legit? I have a hard time really believing any of this will be taken seriously, since literally nothing else has been taken as seriously as it should have.
As long as the GOP solely relies on the benevolence of the Trump supporters, they may be a little timid in their defense of the rule of law.
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