***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Generally, that low wages, low Human Development Index and extraordinary brutality from the criminal-legal system, redounds to the benefit of lower case “c” conservative forces because expectations are kept low and people cannot even imagine anything better.

you are not wrong. Biden is winning the bluedog Dems in states (outside of maybe NC) that he won’t win in the General and that he barely put work into.
Generally, that low wages, low Human Development Index and extraordinary brutality from the criminal-legal system, redounds to the benefit of lower case “c” conservative forces because expectations are kept low and people cannot even imagine anything better.
There might be some truth to that, I will adnit. But then explain Jesse Jackson?
There might be some truth to that, I will adnit. But then explain Jesse Jackson?

That’s a good question. I’d hazard a guess. There will, periodically, be resistance and sometimes, there will be skilled organizers. Unfortunately, the ruling class usually defeats them in the end and the mass of oppressed people become even more broken and discouraged.

Warren splitting the progressive vote as expected.
Generally, that low wages, low Human Development Index and extraordinary brutality from the criminal-legal system, redounds to the benefit of lower case “c” conservative forces because expectations are kept low and people cannot even imagine anything better.
Or Sanders has failed to fool black voters into the nonsense that Barnard and Claremont Mckenna students have fallen for?
That’s a good question. I’d hazard a guess. There will, periodically, be resistance and sometimes, there will be skilled organizers. Unfortunately, the ruling class usually defeats them in the end and the mass of oppressed people become even more broken and discouraged.

which is why I will never be able to move to the south even though I like it there and half my family lives there. gotta keep my *** in mn or west or ne. I’m surrounded in a sea of right to work trash states. :lol:
Or Sanders has failed to fool black voters into the nonsense that Barnard and Claremont Mckenna students have fallen for?

We’ll see how that theory pans out. You may be be right. Maybe a majority of black voters will conclude that basic Social Democracy really is a pie-in-the-sky dream. Their political calculations my be correct. In which case, we’re doomed in a world of growing and escalating economic and environmental crises.
That’s a good question. I’d hazard a guess. There will, periodically, be resistance and sometimes, there will be skilled organizers. Unfortunately, the ruling class usually defeats them in the end and the mass of oppressed people become even more broken and discouraged.
They same people that chose Biden over Sanders are some of the Dems most loyal voters, voters that will assuredly wait long hours to cast a vote for Bernie if he ends up being in the general.

I agree with your general point about how oppression shapes the politicial imagination, but I think it is a lil convenient to drag it out to imply that the voting base is just not willing to take big chances. Nominating a black man over the most popular politican in the country was surely a risk too.

Instead of putting Sanders failure on him, it seems that this is a backdoor excuse for Bernie not accomplishing what others have in the past.
They same people that chose Biden over Sanders are some of the Dems most loyal voters, voters that will assuredly wait long hours to cast a vote for Bernie if he ends up being in the general.

I agree with your general point about how oppression shapes the politicial imagination, but I think it is a lil convenient to drag it out to imply that the voting base is just not willing to take big chances. Nominating a black man over the most popular politican in the country was surely a risk too.

Instead of putting Sanders failure on him, it seems that this is a backdoor excuse for Bernie not accomplishing what others have in the past.

The fact that free or near free point of service healthcare is an example of taking a big chance shows how ****** workers in America really are. In a much less beaten down and slightly less oligarchic body politic, opposition to universal health care would be considered extreme and candidates who oppose it would be considered the risky nomination.
Biden was slightly ahead in polling

Models had Bernie as the favorite in Fed up until the SC primary.

Apparently exit polling is showing Biden crushing prime in the black vote again.

....and the underlined part is what matters most. Thank you for pointing that out RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . Black people (rather People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic likes to say or AA’s as Wargames Wargames likes to say even though he considers himself black......or would Wargames Wargames consider himself a Person Of Color if he were standing beside rolaholic rolaholic ........decisions decisions......but we’ll get back to the train of thought sometime later).

Only Bernie WE acknowledge....MAC!!
Man I am black and will refer to black people as AA whenever I want. **** out of here.....

Sure you are champ......sure you are. If that’s truly the case I guess it’s true what they say........every brotha ain’t a brotha.........if I can call you that, brotha.
....and the underlined part is what matters most. Thank you for pointing that out RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . Black people (rather People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic likes to say or AA’s as Wargames Wargames likes to say even though he considers himself black......or would Wargames Wargames consider himself a Person Of Color if he were standing beside rolaholic rolaholic ........decisions decisions......but we’ll get back to the train of thought sometime later).

Only Bernie WE acknowledge....MAC!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Talk yo **** playa, you earned it...

I’m actually surprised Warren is performing so poorly. I guess it goes to show most people don’t watch debates....maybe?

the average American doesn’t know anything except Bernie is a communist Biden was Obama’s VP Bloomberg is all over the tv and internets #MAGA and that there’s a beer virus that’s going to kill us all next week.

bloombergs money just to get his name out there was smart but them ads didn’t make most people love or hate him it seems so no one cares.
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