***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m actually surprised Warren is performing so poorly. I guess it goes to show most people don’t watch debates....maybe?

yah people don't watch debates but her bigger issue is,

she's not that popular, has weaker name ID than the front runners, and has limited appeal outside of her narrow base of white college educated elites.

she's a niche candidate.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Talk yo **** playa, you earned it...


My man!!
Joe going to somehow weasel his way into the nomination.
Weasel his way in by winning delegates? I don't want or think Joey Biden Badass is the right candidate, but if he wins the delegates, he wins the nom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lots of those people expanding voter turnout. Prob won’t vote in the election if burn gets the delegates and they still give to joe.

actually it’s looking like the party is ready to implode. They need a decisive joe delegate win. Anything less. And if something shady happens at the convention.

It’s a wrap on the general election
Weasel his way in by winning delegates? I don't want or think Joey Biden Badass is the right candidate, but if he wins the delegates, he wins the nom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't think either he nor Bernie are going to get the majority needed and it'll go to a contested convention and we're right back to 2016 where one side is going to feel cheated about the process and stay at home. Hope I'm wrong though.
I don't think either he nor Bernie are going to get the majority needed and it'll go to a contested convention and we're right back to 2016 where one side is going to feel cheated about the process and stay at home. Hope I'm wrong though.

nope sounds like what’s exactly going to happen
....and the underlined part is what matters most. Thank you for pointing that out RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . Black people (rather People Of Color as @rolaholic likes to say or AA’s as @Wargames likes to say even though he considers himself black......or would @Wargames consider himself a Person Of Color if he were standing beside @rolaholic........decisions decisions......but we’ll get back to the train of thought sometime later).

Only Bernie WE acknowledge....MAC!!


My dude let the yappa sing Joey's best hits famb.
I don't think either he nor Bernie are going to get the majority needed and it'll go to a contested convention and we're right back to 2016 where one side is going to feel cheated about the process and stay at home. Hope I'm wrong though.
Gotcha. Bernie better be extending the strongest of olive branches at this point to anybody he can, because I think you're right.
Also Bernie Bros are the most sensitive people on the planet, to the point they're offended Warren is still in the race. Pretty sure they'll find a reason to feel cheated even if Bernie gets the nomination.
Gotcha. Bernie better be extending the strongest of olive branches at this point to anybody he can, because I think you're right.
Also Bernie Bros are the most sensitive people on the planet, to the point they're offended Warren is still in the race. Pretty sure they'll find a reason to feel cheated even if Bernie gets the nomination.

warren is wasting people’s time and I ain’t even a Bernie bro. She isn’t winning her home state and you can’t be a centrist progressive. They would just vote for a progressive

Bernie Or a centrist joe

She played herself and embarrassed to admit it or playing for the establishment to split the progressive vote and empower joe.

either way it’s sad for her to go out as a pawn or a Desperate loser
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