***Official Political Discussion Thread***

President Biden will lull Americans into a false sense of return to normalcy as he pardons all the bad actors we've become familiar with, refuses to prosecute Trump for his grift, and in four years, we will have candidate Stephen Miller running for the White House, while MSNBC and CNN highlight his record on immigration policy the same way 60 Minutes recently profiled the war criminal Navy Seal who got pardoned by Trump in an effort to normalize what he did.


That’s a big thing, God help us if we have an economic downturn. Biden would reach across the aisle and maybe get a small stimulus but would agree with austerity in other areas and would demand that Americans get job retraining despite unemployment being high due to lack of aggregate demand.

The situation would get worse if a Republican emerges who would go economically left of Biden but would be as or more racist and socially reactionary then Trump. I’d imagine that younger and lower income whites, even college educated, downwardly mobile whites would go with the harrenvolk Republican candidate in 2024.
For your first point, going to college is NOT a right, it isn't even a good choice for half the people there now.

As for not having rich parents, I didn't have nor do I feel that poverty is an indication of character or worth. I do however, feel that an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility, but to hell with MY beliefs. This is about the direction of the country. I also know the danger of conflating "moral" issues with economic ones, and having a pragmatic plan does not make me an opponent of change, quite the opposite.

For the last point, Joe Biden and Barack gave us the only major domestic reform in the last 50 years. I would like to build on it as opposed to tear it down. I think a public option is the way, but the problem with Bernie supporters is there is no middle ground. You are a bootsraps republican in disguise and part of the establishment if you don't fall in line. I don't want ANYONES vote that voted for Trump anyway.

Not to get into the middle of your debate but this is double talk.

Explain why anyone who is poor is responsible in some part for it and how that belief isn’t you just moralizing an economic issue?

Also as a Biden supporter it’s ironic you’re bringing up college debt and saying it is not a right when Biden used that same argument when he altered credit loan laws to extend it to basically everyone, while also removing the stipulation that it could be expelled as debt during bankruptcy?

Like literally Biden was very much a key person in the College loans crisis
Biden was the biggest joke until Bloomberg......

Just shows how much power and popularity Obama will always have......

people are actually out here voting for Joe Biden......Joe Biden
If he wins the nomination, he's gonna run in the general against his entire congressional record and against a guy who's gonna blame him (and all Democrats) for not being able to bring Americans the prosperity they deserve. Then, Trump's gonna ask for four more years to bring back economic prosperity after he fixes the democrat-induced coronavirus.

What's Joe going to do against Trump delusional promises? Be level-headed? What kind of desperate electorate, facing an economy that is systemically failing them, listens to level-headed politicians?
Some of you dudes need to get a grip already. Tonight just means the race isn’t a runaway race like it appeared it would be. Bernie can still win. Biden can still win.

At the end of the day, do I want to vote for Joe Biden? Hell no. But we gotta stop pretending like America will be destroyed if Bernie doesn’t win. That job belongs to the orange blob occupying the White House right now, and he’s doing a great job of doing just that. Our job is to get him the **** out of there by any means necessary and figure the rest out later, even if that means taking one for the team and voting for someone you’re not too enthused about.

Everyone breathe and take it easy, and by everyone I mean the staunch Bernie defenders. Look at the bigger picture, and realize that everything doesn’t have to go your way in order for an outcome to be for the greater good.
I’d clarify that there’s a coalition of the comfortable (the PMC) and those with limited political imaginations due to oppression. The former are among the minority of the country who have good enough jobs that they get raises and good health insurance and can treat treat it like an entertainment product.

Forget about Bernie for a minute. It’s very disheartening that no matter how bad things get, more often then not, voter turn out is so low, the definition of moderate skews so rightward and Americans are so atomized that capital always seems to build a coalition of the well off and beaten down to block any serious positive material changes for the mass of people.

That should be terrifying whether or not Bernie is your candidate in 2020.
-I am terrified of a lot of things happening in America right now.

-Sorry but you are cherry picking. I could do the same, there are a ton of affluent people that support Sanders, tons of them those motivations for voting is disdain for the Democratic Establishment instead of the desperation for social democracy. Some that have regressive racial views, and some that are NIMBY as hell. People whose politics are a result of the the fact their path to the upper middle class is not has easy as their parents were. You have affluent grifters like Cenk and the Chapo ****boys scamming desperate folk out their money every money by fanning the flames of their anger. You have people that see Bernie as a vote against liberals so called turn towards "wokeness"

No side has a monopoly on good actors, bad actors, affluent a-holes treating this as a game, and desperate people just looking for some kind of positive change. So stop using the desperate people on your side as a shield to paint other folk with a broad brush.

-You can keep peddling this idea that only Sanders supporters feel a sense of urgency about America, that they are the only ones that truly care, that Bernie and only Bernie represents a serious positive change in America. For a damn year Sanders supporters, including you made bad faith arguments against other candidates that raised numerous issues with the status quo and you hand waved them because you wanted Bernie and only Bernie. You want me to buy your arguments are about something bigger than Bernie, but it sure doesn't seem like it, it seems specifically motivated my Bernie taking this L.

BTW Bernie, many of his supporters, and you....

Claimed Sanders would do much better with Southern black voters

Claimed he would bring in tons of new voters to overwhelm the system

Claimed he will motivate young voters in massive numbers.

These things are no coming to fruition, and I understand it is a tough pill to swallow, but stop for a second. Trump is an existential threat to America, and the theory of how Bernie would be able to defeat him is getting seriously undercut tonight. And your only option seems to be to complain about voters you previously claimed Sanders did not need.

Like damn, all the things you could look at Bernie and see the next person has to improve on, your first instinct is to somehow paint it has Bernie not winning is some tragedy out of his control. Bernie is not getting screwed over, as much as I wish **** was different, this **** is on him.
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Not to get into the middle of your debate but this is double talk.

Explain why anyone who is poor is responsible in some part for it and how that belief isn’t you just moralizing an economic issue?

Also as a Biden supporter it’s ironic you’re bringing up college debt and saying it is not a right when Biden used that same argument when he altered credit loan laws to extend it to basically everyone, while also removing the stipulation that it could be expelled as debt during bankruptcy?

Like literally Biden was very much a key person in the College loans crisis
What are you even saying here? Can you provide evidence that I said this?

My comment regarding responsibility was related to student loan debt. Which argument did Biden use. regarding credit loan laws, I'm not following? My quick reading of the article was that Biden made it so private loans could not be written off in bankruptcy just like federal loans.

As far as Biden being a key person in the college loans crisis, miss me with that nonsense. Take that fiction somewhere else.
But RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

the question remain: even if he wins the general election (and I just don’t see it). Do you think that the kind of politician Biden has been, and the kinds of power brokers within his coalition, will look turn a new page or reignite the kinds of policies that decimated the livelihoods of so many?

Simone bout to walk into the next rally like...
I want to take this opportunity to invite all the Bernie Bros to do the RIGHT thing.

Give yourself to the Coal Gang. It is the only way you can save your socialist dreams. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for Dumbocrats are strong. Especially for... Obama. But your feelings have now betrayed him too. Now their failure is complete.

Don't make Trump destroy you. Bernie Bros, you do not yet realize your importance. You've only begun to discover your power! Join Trump, and we will complete your mission! With our combined strength, we can end the do-nothing Dumbocrats, and bring order to America. If only you knew the power of the RIGHT Side! Bernie never told you what happened to communists. Trump is your Communist Candidate! Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

Bernie Bros, you can destroy Joe Biden. Trump has foreseen this. It is your destiny! Join Trump, and together, we can rule the country as father and bros! Come with Trump. It is the only way.

giphy (1).gif
What are you even saying here? Can you provide evidence that I said this?

My comment regarding responsibility was related to student loan debt. Which argument did Biden use. regarding credit loan laws, I'm not following? My quick reading of the article was that Biden made it so private loans could not be written off in bankruptcy just like federal loans.

“for not having rich parents, I didn't have nor do I feel that poverty is an indication of character or worth. I do however, feel that an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility, but to hell with MY beliefs. This is about the direction of the country. I also know the danger of conflating "moral" issues with economic ones, and having a pragmatic plan does not make me an opponent of change, quite the opposite.”

My response is to that paragraph. “While poverty isn’t a indication of character or worth .... an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility”

Also read the whole thing Biden was a major contributor to creating the system for federal loans that exists today that does not let people remove college debt during bankruptcy. He claimed it was a compromise to convince private lenders through the federal government to extend loans to more people as a way of making college a more equal/universal right. The reality is they didn’t increase dramatically the amount of people who got college loans, that was in the grand scheme never hard to get. Instead it did lock people into paying those loans and created a situation where college began to charge more, and loans went up because it was guaranteed money. Basically the law Biden pushed through led to college prices skyrocketing
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