***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don’t want to see anyone blaming warren or southern black voters when Bernie lost states he won in 2016 in OKC and Minn and lost Mass which was talked up to be him and warren and Biden comes outta nowhere and wins it. All while young voter turnout dropped from 2016
A large number of people, who earn five figures, voted as if they earn seven figures.

as, always

having shaun king (not the bucs qb) endorse you is like the kiss of death politics wise.

forgive my ignorance, but wasn’t Shaun King doing good things for underserved groups? Last I heard about him was when he was helping find the Charlottesville white supremacists. Can someone enlighten me?
After last night the race just got real close. I really like sanders but I never views him as a revolutionary once in a lifetime candidate despite some I know bigging him up like he is. If Sanders doesn’t turn this around in the future who will do y’all think will be the progressive candidate who will be able to whet sanders has tried to do but struggled to really get firing on all cylinders
I think the low key “spoiler” for Bernie more than Warren is Bloomberg. Dude has apparently been eating up ad space everywhere, which makes it more difficult for Bernie to put the money he’s been raising to good use

Biden is a senile fool, today’s results while an asshat is our president reflects poorly on the entirety of our electorate.

The amount of Bloomberg ads I’ve seen is outrageous. It feels like they were on a loop no matter what channel I was on, what device I was using, and what time of day it was. He basically Ross Perot’d his way into the field, but instead of there being just 1 Perot, the Dems had a whole sea of Perots eating up the field and wasting people’s time. Everybody wanted to throw their hat in the race instead of uniting.
At the end of the day, people need to realize that voters are going to pick the candidate that lines the pockets of them, their family members and friends. That goes for the rich as well as the poor.
White voters and DWalk and his black friends, as a caveat. And I’m not sure that there’s any candidate out here that is lining the pockets of the poor. The best that they’re fighting for his basic healthcare and social programs that most Western European countries already have.
forgive my ignorance, but wasn’t Shaun King doing good things for underserved groups? Last I heard about him was when he was helping find the Charlottesville white supremacists. Can someone enlighten me?

From what I remember DeRay has accused him of a lack of integrity and issues regarding the transparency of where the funding he receives goes.
I'm really annoyed at my young brothers and sisters today. I wasn't rooting for Primetime but he got let down by this group once again. This country is in shambles and yet they can't get off their seats and vote in mass is disgusting. The stakes are too high for this nonsense.
These Bernie Bros are truly pathetic. Now that is a complete wrap for Lizzie, I’ma vote Bern, but these cats better get their head outta their asses and vote for whoever wins.

People hate trump so much they may show up this time.

Also, Maga gang taking an L will be funny.

The Republican Party going to be interesting post trump. Then again he would run again in 2024 if he lost.

Cause he just won’t take losing easy
I'm really annoyed at my young brothers and sisters today. I wasn't rooting for Primetime but he got let down by this group once again. This country is in shambles and yet they can't get off their seats and vote in mass is disgusting. The stakes are too high for this nonsense.

fortnight and lil uzi vert drooped my way.

they didn’t have time
I'm really annoyed at my young brothers and sisters today. I wasn't rooting for Primetime but he got let down by this group once again. This country is in shambles and yet they can't get off their seats and vote in mass is disgusting. The stakes are too high for this nonsense.

Perhaps they don’t feel it is as in shambles as you do. One would think they’d be compelled to go vote if they felt the country was in shambles. Or, perhaps, they’ve seen presidents come and go without many real significant changes so they don’t really think it matters much.

Just throwing ideas out there.
I'm really annoyed at my young brothers and sisters today. I wasn't rooting for Primetime but he got let down by this group once again. This country is in shambles and yet they can't get off their seats and vote in mass is disgusting. The stakes are too high for this nonsense.
I'm really annoyed that voters yesterday did not give Roy Moore due process but instead jumped to conclusions and didn't vote for him.
These Bernie Bros are truly pathetic. Now that is a complete wrap for Lizzie, I’ma vote Bern, but these cats better get their head outta their asses and vote for whoever wins.

I’m not going to group all Bernie supporters under this basket. But the Bernie or bust crowd are just progressive Trump supporters to me.

They’re so mad their guy didn’t win that they rather take their ball and go home and stick it to disenfranchised groups who are negatively impacted by Trump and GOP policies.
forgive my ignorance, but wasn’t Shaun King doing good things for underserved groups? Last I heard about him was when he was helping find the Charlottesville white supremacists. Can someone enlighten me?

I’m sure he does some good stuff. But he also has a very shaky track record when it comes to donation money, intentionally posting misleading information, and being deceptive. There’s been reports of him taking people’s information and passing it off as his own. Hell the recent Beto and Rachel Madow tweets are typical inconsistencies.

If you want to go further back, google his name and also type jasmyne barnes or sherita Dixon cole. He’ll go guilty until proven innocent attack mode on people and rile his followers up without all the facts, only for when things to come out he just deletes stuff without apologizing and claims to be a victim of his own reporting. Hell if you want some laughs. Look up his story about him and C bo the rapper lol.
there are those that want trump out of office more than anything, and there are those that want bernie in office more than anything. theres some over lap but youre seeing more and more that these are distinct groups.

that said, from own anecdotal window into blue collar white america working in manufacturing there seems to be growing group of moderates that are voicing more and more for a "safe" way to move on from trump and the frenzy he causes every single day. from what i can tell, people are seeing biden as that person. these are people where back in 2015-2018 were vocally in favor of trump as the alternative to Hillary Clinton. i think that group of people is growing
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