***Official Political Discussion Thread***

NAFTA gets blamed for so much but truth be told it just didn't have that much of an effect on the US economy

the worst you can say is it created winners and losers (like all trade) and the US hasn't done enough to help the losers

You are right that NAFTA exacerbated issues that were already present but it did have a huuuge effect on our economy and labor force.
For starters it weakened unions and the American employees’ bargaining power because now corporations could more easily and affordably use labor outside US.
This also allowed corporations to ignore domestic “fair” wages and labor standards. The incentive was now to take jobs abroad.
NAFTA which was supported by both Dems and Republicans (thanks to generous corporate donations) was a preview of what was to come. Why try and fight pro labor reforms in America when you could just pickup your business and move to corporate friendly countries.
As this was going on Mexico’s corrupt PRI party was deregulating the country and selling it off to the highest bidder.
American companies would get a piece of that action.

On the bright-side we all got more affordable socks and VCRs...in the short term.
If there was an app, the GOP would make black vote trying to cast their vote on the Voting App have as hard a time as me trying to hit on a Travis Scott release on the SNKRS app.

this was my first thought before even considering the security risks

I can’t even check out a ******* shoe without running 17 accounts on a snkrs bot. Voting app 100% not gonna fly in this country lol
He still insist that viruses and bacteria are synonymous and can be treated the same with antibiotics?

I wish Dr. Fauchi, would slap the complete sh*t out of this buffoon.

I have two reasons for ignoring that garbage: dumbass talking dumb, and the pain in Dr. Fauci's eyes having to stand there and listen :frown:
You are right that NAFTA exacerbated issues that were already present but it did have a huuuge effect on our economy and labor force.
For starters it weakened unions and the American employees’ bargaining power because now corporations could more easily and affordably use labor outside US.
This also allowed corporations to ignore domestic “fair” wages and labor standards. The incentive was now to take jobs abroad.
NAFTA which was supported by both Dems and Republicans (thanks to generous corporate donations) was a preview of what was to come. Why try and fight pro labor reforms in America when you could just pickup your business and move to corporate friendly countries.
As this was going on Mexico’s corrupt PRI party was deregulating the country and selling it off to the highest bidder.
American companies would get a piece of that action.

On the bright-side we all got more affordable socks and VCRs...in the short term.

I don't disagree with those issues, although we probably disagree on how directly correlated NAFTA was to some of them. but the case that trade deals have hurt the US work force that many on the left make only resonates so much for me

yes free trade has hurt the working class in the US who struggle economically by First World standards and at the same time helps millions/billions? of people born into truly unfortunate circumstances, in desperately poor countries with little to no opportunity

I don't believe supporting the economic interests of people who are in the 90th-95th percentile of global wealth/income is inherently more important than those in the 96-99th percentile

the evidence that free trade has benefited America overall as well as developing economies is remarkably strong and the virtuousness of free trade is one of the few subjects on which pretty much all economists agree
A voting app is a bad idea.

We need to greatly increase the density of voting places, expand early voting, making election day a true national holiday, have some 24/7 voting places, and have universal vote by mail rights.

Use apps and websites to track mail in ballots, but don't putting voting online. That just invites China, Putin and MBS to do some tomfoolery.
Yeah, voting should never be connected to a network unless you want every country in the world trying to hack that ****.
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