***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Easier said than done.

Hillary Clinton said she was going to win over a bunch of “moderate” professional-managerial class Republicans and that she would be unbeatable. Hillary Clinton’s policies would have been better for all but the very rich, even fairly high income workers would have benefited and Clinton made overwrites towards that group and she oriented a good deal of her campaign to reaching those voters. It didn’t work to the degree she needed.

Same dynamic with Bernie in these 2020 primaries. Most black people would do better with Bernie’s policies and Bernie did lots of outreach to black voters. It didn’t work to the extent he needed.

Also, it should be noted that disengaging from a particular political party is not the same as leaving electoral politics. Also, leaving electoral politics is the same thing as abandoning politics.
:lol: You are just proving dudes point

That comparison to Clinton makes no sense if you give it a little bit of thought

But I see you are trying to hide that "black people don't know what's best for them" ******** a little better now. Good job
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Of all the talk of Southern black voters sinking Bernie, I want to point another group out for a moment.

I am not happy to see Prime lose

But I must it was hilarious seeing moderate "working class" whites go to Biden over Prime.

Dude spent years spending that economic anxiety ********, excused their racism, put working class white voting for Trump on the Dems not being left enough, hell he even went to the deep south and did it that ****. And in the end, none of that **** got rewarded. Watching that was....

It really be your own sometimes. :lol:
Of all the talk of Southern black voters sinking Bernie, I want to point another group out for a moment.

I am not happy to see Prime lose

But I must it was hilarious seeing moderate "working class" whites go to Biden over Prime.

Dude spent years spending that economic anxiety bull****, excused their racism, put working class white voting for Trump on the Dems not being left enough, hell he even went to the deep south and did it that ****. And in the end, none of that **** got rewarded. Watching that was....

It really be your own sometimes. :lol:

The 40k-50k who die every year under for-profit healthcare might not be as thrilled as you.

Bernie won the real working class. He won the multi-racial, disproportionately female cohort of precarious and underpaid service workers. He didn’t do well among aged, white boomers who got theirs.

It’s among the former and their political actions outside of a sclerotic Democratic Party where our salvation from ecofascism lies, if it’s to be had at all.
I was at a Gelsons here in California and it’s cool seeing so many Antifa supersoldiers out and about. Sky masks, bandanas and some of them with shirts tied around the bottom of their face and their neck. Direct action, baby.
The 40k-50k who die every year under for-profit healthcare might not be as thrilled as you.

Bernie won the real working class. He won the multi-racial, disproportionately female cohort of precarious and underpaid service workers. He didn’t do well among aged, white boomers who got theirs.

It’s among the former and their political actions outside of a sclerotic Democratic Party where our salvation from ecofascism lies, if it’s to be had at all.


The blue on these maps are counties that Bernie won.

Edit:I legitimately had to edit my post because I though I posted the wrong map for Michigan because it showed Biden winning every single county in the state. After doubling back, it appears that Biden did in fact win every single county in the state.

to break down demographics in a few of these states

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The 40k-50k who die every year under for-profit healthcare might not be as thrilled as you.

Bernie won the real working class. He won the multi-racial, disproportionately female cohort of precarious and underpaid service workers. He didn’t do well among aged, white boomers who got theirs.

It’s among the former and their political actions outside of a sclerotic Democratic Party where our salvation from ecofascism lies, if it’s to be had at all.
First you know damn well I want cheap universal coverage for people. You know Bernie being elected meant things were going to be instantly solved. Because anyone paying attention and got half a brain knows how the legislative process works. I vote for ole boy, I gave money to ole boy, I wanted him to win. Let's start there.

But dude ******* spare me, and please don't try to take the moral high ground with me because you a hardcore Bernie supporter (best you ain't got **** else to bring up). You only started giving a **** about poor and black people well into adulthood, before that you were a smug racist low life. You ain't ever gonna in the position to try to pull anyone's card in that area

And excusing racism was stupid, disgusting, and ultimately unnecessary. Been saying this for years. He made excuses for ****** behavior, and in the end those people went somewhere else, it was a stupid strategy. Maybe if he had not spent all that time in 2017 and 2018 kissing the collective asses of problematic midwestern white people, and instead focused winning over Southern black folk, things would have worked out a lil differently for Prime.

So you can whine, complain and hot take all you want, but in the end...

Be well, champ.
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First you know damn well I want cheap universal coverage for people. You know Bernie being elected meant things were going to be instantly solved. Because anyone paying attention and got half a brain knows how the legislative process works. I vote for ole boy, I gave money to ole boy, I wanted him to win. Let's start ther.

But dude ****ing spare me, and please don't try to take the moral high ground with me because you a hardcore Bernie supporter (best you ain't got **** else to bring up). You only started giving a **** about poor and black people well into adulthood, before that you were a smug racist low life. You ain't ever gonna in the position to try to pull anyone's card.

And excusing racism was stupid, disgusting, and ultimately unnecessary. Been saying this for years. He made excuses for ****ty behavior, and in the end those people went somewhere else, it was a stupid strategy. Maybe if he had not spent all that time in 2017 and 2018 kissing the collective asses of problematic midwestern white people, and instead focused winning over Southern black folk, things would have worked out a lil differently for Prime.

So you can whine, complain and hot take all you want, but in the end...

Be well, champ.

I should have just stayed a racist low life and a capitalist apologist. If I stuck with it another few decades I could be a Democratic Presidential nominee and have “woke” folk defending me. I suppose the only hitch in that plan is I have not sexually assaulted anyone.

I understand the argument about Biden being less bad then Trump and we got to put aside our feelings and go with guy whose presidency will get fewer people killed. But why doesn’t that logic extend into the primaries. Why is it ok to not vote for Bernie, whose administration would be more humane than a Biden administration because he didn’t strike the right tone? Conversely, if it’s ok for southern black voters, in a primary, to spurn the guy with better policies because they feel uncomfortable with him, why is it so morally wrong for former Bernie supporters, in the general, to spurn Biden and his better policies because Biden makes them feel uncomfortable? Same thing for online supporters being mean. Why is it ok for Warren supporters to not coalesce around Bernie because of his mean supporters online but Bernie supporters have to support Biden no matter what. What’s good for a general election should be good for a primary, right?

I suppose it’s all a moot point, if Bernie did build the coalition you want (if that’s even possible in a country where class consciousness is deliberately suppressed in all communities but for the wealthiest ones) and he cleared the hurdle of the crooked Democratic Party apparatus there would be the much worse Republican Party to deal with and the CIA and FBI and capital itself. We aren’t ever going to simply vote away all of this injustice. As far as electoral politics goes, the game is rigged.
I said the DNC is crooked (theoretically it could be overcome). The system, more broadly, is rigged against an electoral project that seeks fundamental change.

Bernie lost in every single county in 3 different states after 4 progressives stopped splitting the vote. How exactly is getting completely washed crooked?

This was a state that Bernie beat Hillary in 2016


The blue counties are the ones that Bernie won. The purple counties were won by Biden. I throw the blue out there full well knowing that Bernie didn’t win a single god damn county. He didn’t win in rural areas, he didn’t win in urban areas, and he didn’t win in suburban areas and he certainly did not win the working class as you proclaimed. Bernie ran an entire campaign geared toward a demographic that notoriously does not vote. Bernie did a great job winning the 18-29 year old group. Unfortunately that group was only 15% of the total vote.

I would appear there there are a lot of people who don’t see Bernie in the same light as you do.

You can stop making ******** excuses at any time
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I should have just stayed a racist low life and a capitalist apologist. If I stuck with it another few decades I could be a Democratic Presidential nominee and have “woke” folk defending me. I suppose the only hitch in that plan is I have not sexually assaulted anyone.

I understand the argument about Biden being less bad then Trump and we got to put aside our feelings and go with guy whose presidency will get fewer people killed. But why doesn’t that logic extend into the primaries. Why is it ok to not vote for Bernie, whose administration would be more humane than a Biden administration because he didn’t strike the right tone? Conversely, if it’s ok for southern black voters, in a primary, to spurn the guy with better policies because they feel uncomfortable with him, why is it so morally wrong for former Bernie supporters, in the general, to spurn Biden and his better policies because Biden makes them feel uncomfortable? Same thing for online supporters being mean. Why is it ok for Warren supporters to not coalesce around Bernie because of his mean supporters online but Bernie supporters have to support Biden no matter what. What’s good for a general election should be good for a primary, right?

I suppose it’s all a moot point, if Bernie did build the coalition you want (if that’s even possible in a country where class consciousness is deliberately suppressed in all communities but for the wealthiest ones) and he cleared the hurdle of the crooked Democratic Party apparatus there would be the much worse Republican Party to deal with and the CIA and FBI and capital itself. We aren’t ever going to simply vote away all of this injustice. As far as electoral politics goes, the game is rigged.
Your *** could have stayed a racist low life for all I cared. Meth would have banned your white privileged self, and this thread could be spare all this whining now. I don't know if you would have made it as a Democratic politician, your desire to constantly **** on black people would have gotten in the way of a primary run. Good job on not being accused of sexual assault, that would have made you slightly less of a scumbag than you were.

You can run your mouth and try to put the **** of people I don't support to try and make me look morally bankrupt but that **** is never gonna fly. Besides your past, your *** was in here wishing harm on people that didn't vote Sanders last time, and floated a scenario in which you would vote for Trump this time. So no matter how you try to spin it I have never never engaged in the same level of buffoonery as you.

A Joe Biden presidency would be different as a Trump presidency. So you trying to equate Biden primary voters to Trump general voters falls flat. The motivations of Biden voters, if different than Trump voters. No one felt uncomfortable with Bernie, he had high favorable with black voters, there were a high numbers of undecided voters days before primaries, Sanders was the second choice of most Biden supporters, **** was winnable. Before this primary you claimed you were ready and willing to put the blame for Bernie losing again on Bernie. Now it comes time to do that you want to **** on voters that were there for the taking. Voters Sanders didn't put in the requisite work and didn't make the right moves to get.

All the people you want to check in here were ready and willing to vote for Bernie when he looked like he was gonna pull it off. Nearly everyone was talking that unity **** for Sanders. You *** didn't have a problem with it then, you were in here reppin post because you thought you were getting your way. Soon as you weren't getting your way, you started throwing tantrums. You think my black ***, coming from where I come from, seeing what I have seen, been through what I been through, is excited for ******* Joe Biden? Get out my face with this insinuation.

The Primary was not rigged, it could have been won, Bernie was just too incompetent to pull it off. And you don't want to accept that because that means reflecting on all the petulance your side peddled, all the bad moves they made.

If you are so concerned with class consciousness in the black community, at the next DSA meetings I tell those people to get their heads out their asses. Maybe getting rid the undercurrent of "don't talk about **** that will piss off white people" than runs through that organization might help expand its base. Maybe stop acting like their views of a diverse liberal coalition all align with its ****tiest mostly white members

If you care so damn much about dysfunction in the electoral system, come join the join the people that are fighting against, advocate for some of the fixes. No one is claiming you can vote away injustice. Again, you are pushing back against **** I have never argued, so you can take that **** somewhere else.
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Also, it should be noted that disengaging from a particular political party is not the same as leaving electoral politics. Also, leaving electoral politics is the same thing as abandoning politics.

it actually is the same thing. IT'S THE EXACT SAME THING.


To be engaged in american electoral politics is to be engaged in the politics of either the Democratic or Republican party.
Perhaps next election when Biden is either dead or loses to Trump we can all get the candidate we want

free burritos for everyone is a platform America can coalesce around
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If it’s no Bernie or Tulsi or Liz or YangGang, I’ll still vote for most Dems on the ballot but if Biden is the nominee, I’m writing in “Gritty” and I’ll pay 100 illegal aliens to do so as well.

I’ll start burning coal so that before Donald Trump’s second term is out, his Florida properties are under water.

If Joe Biden can get nominated in 2020, there’s no hope for electoral politics. It’ll be real accelerationist hours at that point.

“tHe DnC iS CrOoKeD” says the man who threatened voter fraud if things didn’t go his way
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