***Official Political Discussion Thread***

cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9

I have a story about a big scandal in Belgium that'll likely surprise you and others here.

It involves credible accusations of bribery, corruption and lobbying on behalf of a foreign national. It doesn't sound that extraordinary until you find out who was the accused. It was our former Senate chairman, like McConnell's position. His name is Armand De Decker.
It gets worse from there.

The accusations stemmed from a law spearheaded by Senate chairman De Decker, who was very insistent on getting it passed.
His efforts were successful, and the law passed despite brewing controversy. The law in question was dubbed the 'friendly/amicable settlement law', translated literally. As absurd as this sounds, it allowed defendants in criminal cases to simply pay money to quash pending charges.

De Decker allegedly acted on behalf of one or more wealthy individuals from Kazachstan. One in particular was set to face charges in Belgium and virtually immediately after De Decker got the law passed, the wealthy Kazach paid a massive load of money to quash his charges before his case even really took off.

It was blatant bribery that took place in plain sight, but I really have no words for how absurd that law was to begin with.

The law was later ruled unconstitutional by one of our high courts. De Decker passed away before the charges against him were litigated but it was pretty obvious that he was exerting improper influence on the process of getting that law passed. Another set of key players pushing for the law was the diamond sector. Part of the law's text was actually written by attorneys representing the diamond sector, which often faces charges of money laundering etc.

Another fun fact; a justice on one of our high courts, Jean-Paul Moerman, showed up in the Mueller investigation in connection with none other than Paul Manafort.
I'm not sure if you recall Manafort's involvement in the Hapsburg group but Manafort included Moerman, a sitting justice, on a list of potential recruits. It's not the first time this sitting justice has come under scrutiny. He has often faced accusations of lobbying on behalf of Azerbaijan's government. He went on trips to Azerbaijan, refused to disclose who was paying for his travels and lavishly praised the Azerbaijan government there. Such praise wasn't just restricted to his travels to the country, he did it over here as well. His defense was that he claimed this was a personal interest for him, nothing more and certainly not improper.

The fact that Manafort really considered recruiting this sitting high court justice to his secretive Hapsburg lobbying group says it all really. Evidently Moerman's notoriety had reached Manafort somehow.

that settlement law sounds like an American original...so you could settle a bribery charge in cash?

sometimes I feel like public representatives should be selected randomly from a pool of qualified citizens, national government seems to attract the people worst suited to any kind of control over their fellow man.
that settlement law sounds like an American original...so you could settle a bribery charge in cash?
I'm not aware of a specific instance where the charge was bribery but yes, that law would indeed allow you to dismiss bribery charges against you if you pay up. That's how ridiculous this law was.
The individual from Kazakhstan was embroiled in a major corruption probe for example, and he simply dismissed the entire case against him under that law. The diamond sector made use of it to quash money laundering, tax fraud, ... charges too.

That law was straight up banana republic levels of absurdity. It was basically a free pass for the very wealthy to go on a crime spree and quash investigations of their activities. In some cases it was even done preventively, before charges were even filed.

And get this; Belgium didn't have formal 'cooperation agreements' until just a few years ago. Pretty much like US cooperation agreements, the prosecutors and defendants could now formally agree to reduced penalties in exchange for cooperation. It faced significant backlash when that was instituted.
The biggest backlash came when a match-fixing scandal broke out in Belgian football. One of the key players at the top of the conspiracy was granted the new formal cooperation agreement. He spilled the beans on everyone else and was penalized less than some other lower tier co-conspirators.
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Couldn’t let this day go by without acknowledging da debut of da Easter suit of all Easter suits.
Been saying we need to overthrow our government. We need an audit of every person in government and all the ones who fail the audit need to go to prison or get their heads chopped off. I don’t really give af what you do with them. Just get rid of them.

But bruh I work for the government..........

I MEAN who would do the audit who doesn’t work for the government. You gonna do your revolution pitch and get a whole lotta responses like Black Dynamite did when he told all his colleagues that he needed them to help him clean up the community.


You want to fix government, get a job in the government. Maybe run for office yourself. Terms like “Revolutions and Audits” are scary words for like 99% of the population. Most officials are not corrupt but having been audited twice in my career...... Nobody agrees to an audit!
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The US government is the biggest employer in the country. It supplies the nation with tons of good middle class jobs.

On of the problems in America is that our government is not big enough. And in many in government don't get paid well enough

We need to root out corruption of course, and lawd knows there is tons of it, but there is too much hostility toward civil servants in this country. And this whole pandemic situation is exposing what happens when you let your bureaucracy rot.

One reason I am so high on Warren because he knows the value of good governance, big and small, every step of the way.
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We know how this ends. He fires Fauci, and puts a idiot Eunuch in the role......

The Idiot says reopen everything

The Red states and Federal government comply cause right now they too are ran by idiots. Blue states say **** off

people die

Trump denies all culpability and begrudgingly recloses everything again. All those ventilators he’s been stealing from blue states get sent to red states

our economy stats crashed and we hit the 60-75000 death mark from COVID 19

Wargames Wargames

I don’t mean audit the meter maids, IT support and mail carriers.

I mean all the politicians.

ok that is still going to be tough be perhaps....

Oh boy! Now that some places in the US are approaching the peak of the first wave, the guy thinks he can go back to his usual self and fire folks he doesn't like. His confidantes should tell him about the second wave of infections that is going to happen as soon as folks go outside again and forget about all that social distancing. Our lives depend on them.

I feel sick watching this circus.
We know how this ends. He fires Fauci, and puts a idiot Eunuch in the role......

The Idiot says reopen everything

The Red states and Federal government comply cause right now they too are ran by idiots. Blue states say **** off

people die

Trump denies all culpability and begrudgingly recloses everything again. All those ventilators he’s been stealing from blue states get sent to red states

our economy stats crashed and we hit the 60-75000 death mark from COVID 19

ok that is still going to be tough be perhaps....

If he fires Fauci, I am expecting a full blown war between the medical community and the white house.
If he fires Fauci, I am expecting a full blown war between the medical community and the white house.
stupid *** CNN kept running a very innocuous quote by Fauci about how we could've saved more lives if we shut down sooner and tried to spin it as Fauci publicly rebuking Trump.

it's irresponsible and asinine of CNN to have done this. Obviously we could have saved more lives if we started sooner, and obviously Fauci thinks Trump is a piece of **** idiot, but obviously Fauci isn't going to say so on an interview with Jake Tapper.

Trump is going to replace Fauci with someone who's as dumb and simple as Birx and watch this country burn. Thankfully the blue states and blue citizens will know better. Come November, most MAGAs will be too sick to vote.
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