***Official Political Discussion Thread***

stupid *** CNN kept running a very innocuous quote by Fauci about how we could've saved more lives if we shut down sooner and tried to spin it as Fauci publicly rebuking Trump.

it's irresponsible and asinine of CNN to have done this. Obviously we could have saved more lives if we started sooner, and obviously Fauci thinks Trump is a piece of **** idiot, but obviously Fauci isn't going to say so on an interview with Jake Tapper.

Trump is going to replace Fauci with someone who's as dumb and simple as Birx and watch this country burn. Thankfully the blue states and blue citizens will know better. Come November, most MAGAs will be too sick to vote.
Fauci’s answer did rebuke Trump to some extent. It meant Fauci’s advice to Trump went ignored for weeks. If Trump listened, it could have saved lives.

I understand your point but I disagree that what CNN did here was irresponsible. I don’t think media outlets should tip-toe around certain questions because it might prompt a deranged and deluded president to make a bad decision. They shouldn’t cower before someone like Trump by avoiding questions he doesn’t want to hear the answer to.

Dr. Fauci has previously been far more direct in his past rebukes of Trump.
Fellas when it comes LIBCLOWN-44 we need to stop the spread. If you don't do it for yourselves do it for Soy Bois, Libs, Clown Guys, Ugly dudes, Remainers, Libs Libs, Scum Scums and Zelle.

dwalk31 dwalk31
I don't think Trump is planning to fire Fauci. But we will see.
Such a firing would be tremendously stupid and damaging but past incidents have shown that these disastrous actions are often prevented by aides refusing to carry out Trump’s orders, not by Trump thinking ahead about the likely consequences. In Fauci’s case, the only safeguard is hoping Trump accepts advice he may not like.

It’s clear he’s growing increasingly frustrated with Dr. Fauci. Trump has escalated the situation and has now taken steps to muzzle him.
When Dr. Fauci was asked about his expert opinion on hydroxychloroquine after Trump kept praising it, Trump immediately interjected to block Fauci from responding. After all, Trump knew that Dr. Fauci was once again going to contradict him and throw cold water on the supposed effectiveness of the drug.

Trump’s past behavior indicates that it is very likely he’s considering firing Dr. Fauci.
Such a firing would be tremendously stupid and damaging but past incidents have shown that these disastrous actions are often prevented by aides refusing to carry out Trump’s orders, not by Trump thinking ahead about the likely consequences. In Fauci’s case, the only safeguard is hoping Trump accepts advice he may not like.

It’s clear he’s growing increasingly frustrated with Dr. Fauci. Trump has escalated the situation and has now taken steps to muzzle him.
When Dr. Fauci was asked about his expert opinion on hydroxychloroquine after Trump kept praising it, Trump immediately interjected to block Fauci from responding. After all, Trump knew that Dr. Fauci was once again going to contradict him and throw cold water on the supposed effectiveness of the drug.

Trump’s past behavior indicates that it is very likely he’s considering firing Dr. Fauci.

Trump Isn’t Firing Fauci Over Coronavirus Comments, White House Says

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