***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The United States is the fourth country I've lived in. It's also my favorite. I love this place. But if half the people in this country can't see this is utter, total lack of leadership for someone responsible for the most powerful economy in the world, then America's reign as the top dog is going to end.

No President ever, left or right, has done this. None. George Bush got a lot of flack, but he never lost it like this. Wake up. This **** isn't about left or right. If you actually want America to succeed this is not the type of leadership that will lead you there
Unless something dramatic happens like it turns out that Biden was running a child sex slave ring or (much more likely) he gets replaced by the DNC, I am done with back and forths over Bernie-in-primary to Biden-in-the-general. I'm going to post a few bullet points and I can refer back to that in the coming months. Otherwise, I want to talk about the abject failures of late stage capitalism and gawk/commiserate at the tragicomedy that Trump's presidency.

- I will be voting for Joe Biden in the general election

-I will make the case for voting for Joe Biden and straight ticket Democratic voting as a harm reduction strategy to my comrades, fellow activists and socialists.

- I will not get mad at someone who does not vote for Biden.

- There will not be a 100% carry over from Sanders' primary electorate. A number of those voters are not socialists but at ideologically confused independents and some Republicans, those people really did like Sanders' personality and cannot be swayed by a left or a harm reduction argument.

- I will implore my comrades, who intend to not vote for Biden as some strategy to discipline the DNC, to reconsider. Organizations are made up of people with very different interests. The elites, the Party insiders want to make lots of money and winning general elections is not a primary concern, beating Sanders and preserving the grift was their top priority. By contrast, local elected officials and voters who supported Biden simply want to remove Trump from office. Biden losing in the 2020 general election doesn't do anything to remove Party insiders and the professional consultancy class from its position of power within the Party.

I will implore my comrades to keep organizing and educating and agitating and to therefore change the terrain where we can change the minds of future primary voters and thus remove the bad Party insiders from power within the Party.

- Either socialists and/or young voters are unreliable voters who live online instead of voting and therefore, their support is not needed for Biden to win OR socialist and/or young voters are a vital constituency and therefore, that group should be given major concessions in terms of policy and cabinet appointments. It cannot be both.
I’ve watched this entire press conference so far and I think this is easily the most deranged Trump has been in public. Complete meltdown and the rant just went on and on and on.

Corona Karma

The United States is the fourth country I've lived in. It's also my favorite. I love this place. But if half the people in this country can't see this is utter, total lack of leadership for someone responsible for the most powerful economy in the world, then America's reign as the top dog is going to end.

No President ever, left or right, has done this. None. George Bush got a lot of flack, but he never lost it like this. Wake up. This **** isn't about left or right. If you actually want America to succeed this is not the type of leadership that will lead you there
Absolutely. You can see it in the way people are speaking to defend the president. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And it's never been more evident. We must LOCK. HIM. UP. Impeach him, jail him, throw the ******* key away. Tbh I've never seen a more radicalized, divided America. If we keep going down this path and the people in this nation reelect the worst President to ever set foot in the Oval Office, America will cease to be.

I guess this must've been what it was like to see Himmler's Ministry of Propaganda in action.

Trump played his propaganda video and it clearly didn't include anything from February.
A reporter then asked "Your video has a complete gap. What did your administration do in February with the time that your travel ban bought you?"
Trump simply answered "a lot" and then berated the reporter when she again pointed out that his video didn't include his repeated false statements and diminishing of the virus in February.

Don't want to play social justice feminist here, but I've always thought men with power has the potential to be more harmful than women with the same power. Men can often turn it into a **** measuring contest, acting on ego and pride.

This is great news!! This is proof and evidence that any and all Bernie Sanders supporters can and should get over Bernie dropping out of the race. Not only that but it shows that if Bernie Sanders can endorse Joe Biden there should be NOTHING standing in the way of all these Bernie Bro’s doing the same.

From this day forward I don’t want to hear or see any Bernie supporters talking about “I need time to get over Bernie dropping out”.....or “I need Joe Biden to work on my earning my vote”....none of that nonsense. Time for all these Bernie Bro’s to get out in the field for Joe Biden by campaigning, knocking on doors, fundraising, putting up Joe Biden 2020 yard signs and get with the program. If Bernie Sanders can get out of the way and do his part so can his supporters!!
The United States is the fourth country I've lived in. It's also my favorite. I love this place. But if half the people in this country can't see this is utter, total lack of leadership for someone responsible for the most powerful economy in the world, then America's reign as the top dog is going to end.

No President ever, left or right, has done this. None. George Bush got a lot of flack, but he never lost it like this. Wake up. This **** isn't about left or right. If you actually want America to succeed this is not the type of leadership that will lead you there

Really though, this was unlike anything I've seen from Trump up to now. It was a little disturbing tbh.
Putting aside the cultish praise for Trump, I think Mike Pence has done an excellent job at these briefings.
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