***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It's incredible right? In a time of emergency the claim is Trump can unilaterally do something that would make people unsafe and republicans are cool with it.

For the record, I am fine extending the stay-at-home orders indefinitely.

But that comes from a place a privilege.

Many are not fortunate to be able to earn while working from home.
Chris Cuomo is all of sudden trending in FL. Guess he turned a new leaf :lol:. He can go **** himself with his "IDGAF if it happens to regular folk until it hits home personally" *** mentality
Just imagine if Obama or Hillary said something like this. There would literally be a call to bear arms and overthrow the government.

It's amazing how frowned upon socialism is in the country but the continual shift to fascism is fine.

bruh they were doing this when Obama was just doing normal president stuff :lol: these people are LUNATICS

the fact that we give them any leeway still is mind boggling, they threaten literal violence against politicians and civilians and we just like “I mean that’s his base”

those are TERRORISTS man, **** them people
bruh they were doing this when Obama was just doing normal president stuff :lol: these people are LUNATICS

the fact that we give them any leeway still is mind boggling, they threaten literal violence against politicians and civilians and we just like “I mean that’s his base”

those are TERRORISTS man, **** them people

Meanwhile dwalk31 dwalk31 doesnt see the correlation to stuff like this

It is amazing how clear cut many think the president's emergency powers are.

Especially from dacomeup dacomeup

This is an old article from a left-leaning publication:

The Alarming Scope of the President’s Emergency Powers

Note how emergency powers grant access to a number of statutory provisions.
Overriding governors' stay at home orders is not one of them.

The Supreme Court could theoretically grant Trump that authority if it were to be litigated. It would be a novel interpretation of the constitution that goes far beyond the likes of AG Barr's extreme views on executive power.
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