***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Fair enough

But I disagree

I have been reading the Atlantic for like a decade. They report facts, and facts have a liberal bias in American political world, and they have published liberal writers, but there editorials leaning right all things considered.

I mean their biggest name and senior editor is David Frum. So there is tons of conservative in their pages, just not the morally bankrupt bigotry you love so much.
Just so I’m clear: Because it’s a national emergency, Trump could use executive emergency powers to... force people to behave as though it’s not an emergency?

The wartime president commands that everyone stand in the way of the incoming bullets.

But if you get shot, blame it on Andrew Cuomo
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Note how emergency powers grant access to a number of statutory provisions.
Overriding governors' stay at home orders is ot one of them.

Again, this is a matter of interpretation. And, given the current composition of the Supreme Court, he is probably right on the extent of the power.

Like I said, this issue isn't nearly as cut and dry as many are trying to make it seem.

And while "interesting" is subjective, I think it certainly creates interesting legal issues.

But, again, the reality is that it is all theoretical, and the governors will collaborate and avoid these issues.
They're just dangling Americans over the fire if they attempt to "open it up" within the next few weeks or month. See if it the curve steepens and if it does, slow it down again. Basically treating us like lab rats. Their stake is financial, ours is health....which makes it unsurprising that they'd put us out there like that.
It is amazing how clear cut many think the president's emergency powers are.

Especially from dacomeup dacomeup dacomeup dacomeup
It's amazing how you mischaracterize arguments. Who says anything about "clear cut"? Forcing states to "open back up the economy" seems pretty clear not to fall under these powers. Where/What is the power vested under the emergency powers of the President for forcing state businesses to open back up in the midst of a global pandemic?
People should really pay attention to the parts that starts when he mentions Bernie, about the direction the party is moving.

He basically says that in these time he would not run like he did in 2008 (his 2012 run was very different), and said it was time for structural change.

People should also pay attention to what a real leader and president looks like. It's refreshing to see real leadership again. #TRUMP2020.
It's amazing how you mischaracterize arguments. Who says anything about "clear cut"? Forcing states to "open back up the economy" seems pretty clear not to fall under these powers. Where/What is the power vested under the emergency powers of the President for forcing state businesses to open back up in the midst of a global pandemic?

When you said that it wasn't an interesting legal argument I thought that meant it was clear cut. And, many are simply saying he doesn't have the power.

Obviously it isn't explicit. But I said that already.

It will come down to statutory interpretation and an analysis of implied emergency powers.

Also, forcing businesses to open and forcing governors to lift stay-at-home orders are not synonymous.

Governors can lift orders and businesses can remain closed.
Watched the Obama endorsement. Joe is going to need all the help he can get to take down trump, and the unity of the center and the left, along with bringing minorities and women in the fold (which Obama can do.) So I’m interested in seeing how Obama and Bernie both campaign for him.

Obama’s endorsement had 3 phases to me

first trying to reach out to “Main Street” which I guess it did decently

then reaching out to the left wing. The Bernie voters. Honestly it didn’t really resonate with me. I’m glad the DNC is realizing they need to have the Bernie voters as part of a coalition to unite against the cultists who are sure to show up on Election Day. But I can’t help but question how much of the wealth of the ultra rich they’re willing to infringe on in order to produce real change.

the one part that did resonate me was the third phase. Which was reminding people how dangerous this administration is to our present and future. I think it was a good note to end on because if either of the previous two didn’t hit home for a viewer that part is something people are much more likely to agree on.

maybe I’m overestimating the Obama factor, but I think the sooner it’s safe to have public gatherings again, the better it’ll be so that Joe can get the support he needs with Obama rallying people. Bernie too. But the Bernie faction is going to demand substance and not just the all too familiar sounding promises that go on to be empty.
People should really pay attention to the parts that starts when he mentions Bernie, about the direction the party is moving.

He basically says that in these time he would not run like he did in 2008 (his 2012 run was very different), and said it was time for structural change.
Yeah, obviously the Obama endorsement was gonna be powerful given his oratorical gifts, but this was really good. I thought he did a very compelling job of: (1) giving Biden an incredible endorsement, (2) reaching out to Bernie and his supporters, (3) drawing contrasts with Trump and the GOP, and (4) providing a good overview of what the current challenges we are faced with are.

I obviously have my political differences with Obama, but this was Obama at his best.
So I was going through leftwing YouTube to see if they’re pushing for voter apathy again, and it’s sad they fail to understand the magnitude of difference between Biden and Trump.

I’m someone who donated to Bernie and got a bunch of relatives registered to vote for him in the NY primary. But a Biden in cognitive decline with democratic staffers is much better than 45. These guys act like Supreme Court nominations don’t matter. That there’s isn’t more than just a presidential election, and there aren’t other elections to show up for too on that day. There’s so much more on the line here than blaming the DNC.

Also they won’t let go of the whole “Bernie is more electable in a general” idea. I hate to say it, but he wasn’t. He lacked presidential drip, isn’t good at reaching stupid people who run on emotion more than reason, and was running as almost a lone wolf. The people who say this live in a bubble where middle and older aged democrats don’t exist. As great as they are, not everyone is ready for his policies, and many just want a return to normalcy. Once the other centrists dropped we learned very quickly who the more electable candidate was.

Also the whole “accelerationist” idea is a load of ******** (letting the system crumble to push progress.) 4 years of trump is a hyperdrive of it, and it still didn’t happen because the concept is ********. “Accelerations” in the past have come with blood shed, and in 2020 nobody is putting down their iPhones and leaving behind a Netflix account to die over this ****. These cry-baby brats want progress overnight, but they don’t realize from things like feminist movements and civil rights movements, non-violent progress is something you slowly work, scratch, and claw for.

If acceleration is the wave then might as well support voter suppression and gerrymandering too. I’m sure that’ll show people and get you what you want.

It sucks that a lot of Bernie voters are going to listen more to these social media/radio personalities than the man himself, Bernie, and his message to vote blue no matter who.
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For the record, I am fine extending the stay-at-home orders indefinitely.

But that comes from a place a privilege.

Many are not fortunate to be able to earn while working from home.
For the record, you’ll continue to support Trump despite letting the situation get to the point where many have to choose between the risk of getting infected and running out of money, correct?
For the record, I am fine extending the stay-at-home orders indefinitely.

But that comes from a place a privilege.

Many are not fortunate to be able to earn while working from home.

Is this not what expanded unemployment for 4 months was for?
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