***Official Political Discussion Thread***

this is where I got two of my favorite gifs from


Is this not what expanded unemployment for 4 months was for?

In theory, yes. Maybe not as much in practice. Self-employed individuals and other types of contractors that are not typically eligible for unemployment are having to maneuver the new provisions. Despite being technically eligible.

And even the expanded unemployment doesn't fully replace earnings for many workers.
So I was reading a reddit threat that basically boiled down to “being a landlord is unethical.” I’ve never thought about it before, but I was wondering what you worldly folks’ thoughts were.
What was the reasoning? I rent out an apartment so obviously I'm biased but I don't think what I'm doing is unethical. Someone needs somewhere to live, I give them somewhere to live in exchange for money, a lot of which goes right back into where they stay. Owning property isn't cheap. The only thing in my life I've put more money into than that apartment is my mother's house.
2014 was so long ago, right dwalk31 dwalk31

Man Michelle was killing that dress
Its infuriating that Fox really stops pedaling the bull****, the numbers are down because people tried to stay away from each for over a month.

What reality do you have to live in to not understand that.

Right now, it’s just “baked in,” politically, that there will be no adequate and timely aid for households nor for genuinely small businesses. Within that framework, within this rock and hard place dilemma created by conservatives, going back to work even in a pandemic looks like a more attractive option. Correspondingly, governors in blue States, who want to quarantine to last at least through mid May are the bad guys.

It's quite ironic that trump spent the last month telling states to **** off because they are on their own, but now he wants control and say in what they do in terms of re-opening. Its completely baffling that there are idiots out there who still support this ****ing clown.

I don't even know how this would work. As head of the federal government, Trump could reopen every national park and federal building and field office across the country etc. but what he cannot do is to compel governors to lift their State orders for State gov't office and, most importantly, private sector companies in their respective States. He can "twist arms" by denying or offering aid for this crisis, in particular, or Federal funds, in general, to lift their State wide orders. Even so, neither the State nor Federal government can force people to stop working remotely and start going out to bars and restaurants and movie theaters again. Are we going to have federal marshals round up people and make them get dinner at the Cracker Barrel?
Profit, interest and rent are all unethical as they represent the fruits of someone else' labor going to you, the person who did no labor to "earn" that money. Labor is entitled to all that it, as a class, creates. The ideal is to have a society where we move beyond capitalism and which is democratic and meets all unmet human needs.

That's the ideal and the end goal. With that said, you're not a bad person if you have a rental property and own stocks and bonds. Our country has an entirely inadequate retirement system and you basically have to privately provision passive income sources if you don't want to live in poverty in your old age.
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