***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dems opened the door with first round of checks. the people who normally would not support these kinda things likely need it more than most, so they’ll likely be inclined to agreee with the need for more on a monthly basis at least for a period of time

repubs would be doing themselves a favor getting ahead of it and starting to promote the idea of further payment for regular people. It would likely have to be bundled with a corporate package behind the scenes.

would bring them more support + keep poorer undecideds on their side cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9

what a plot twist if the red team hijacks the UBI issue.

that would be an incredibly savvy maneuver, even though it goes against fundamental conservative ideas...still, even ACTUAL temporarily embarrassed millionaires have their hands out in this thing, the emperor naked af.

Repubs taking ownership of that issue would totally, completely work.

¨They talked about it for years, he made it happen.¨

an incredibly savvy move that might sway entire generations in future...never let a good crisis go to waste, eh?
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