***Official Political Discussion Thread***

See, this is why I like what they do in Canada and all these other countries with protected professional titles.

The Dr Ozes and Dr Phils and Dr Rand Pauls of the world don't exist there, or if they do, they know better than placing their fraudulent selves in front of cameras to sell their snake oil because they would be sued by professional organizations for misusing their titles.

Here, in the name of freedumb, we are being lied to with impunity. They are using the authority conveyed by those titles to push uninformed and sometimes dangerous opinions, and nobody is saying anything.
Congressman says US should reopen economy — even if more would die
Congressman says US should reopen economy — even if more would die
I really hate this. The quotes in the article are even worse.

Going back to normal is a recipe for disaster. It will lead to lockdowns every couple months and it will both destroy the economy and unnecessarily kill a lot of people.

A good faith argument would be that we don't have to choose between the extremes, either a complete shut-down or opening everything back up. We can find a responsible middle ground where people can do most of their normal routine and most people can still work and the economy can keep going while we in parallel work really hard to keep the virus contained. This is exactly what any public health expert would argue for.

But these idiot right wingers can't see shades of color. To them it's all or nothing, so they've invented this strawman epidemiologist who wants to lock us in our basements for two years until we all die of starvation, and it's against that future that they try to offer their position.
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