***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Bruh. The Secretary of White Suprremacy outchea wildin. :lol:

NO LIES SPOKEN. Rosa Parks would be right there front in center protesting our RIGHT TO DIE FROM RONA. ANYONE THAT CAN'T SEE that these stay at home orders are this generation's segregation laws are blind. These civil rights leaders aren't going to wait months to get their highlights.
NO LIES SPOKEN. Rosa Parks would be right there front in center protesting our RIGHT TO DIE FROM RONA. ANYONE THAT CAN'T SEE that these stay at home orders are this generation's segregation laws are blind. These civil rights leaders aren't going to wait months to get their highlights.
100% true, but let's give a shout-out to rexanglorum rexanglorum and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford and analyze the situation from an ECONOMICS perspective.

Economic anxiety is modern-day slavery. It is unnatural and cruel to feel soooo economically anxious. Look, I have kids, and I don't know when I can get back to work, and pop pop just developed a cough and fever.. Every morning I look to my wife and ask her THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: "Honey, do you think Dow Jones will recover from this pandemic?" and "When do you think we can go to the beach again?" and "Are our children going to grow up to be weak because Virginia is going to take away everyone's guns and they're not going to get to experience their first school shooting during their formative years?"

That's right, that's what these stay-at-home orders are doing to Real americans. And you want to look me in the eye and tell me we don't have it 100x worse than Rosa Parks? Nobody even wrote a song about us yet.

my mom just sent me a video of a wack-job medical doctor (who practices here in the U.S.) talking about this massive conspiracy around covid. i listened to one minute of the 44 minute video, and in that one minute dude talked about chemtrails, RF chips, people not getting the future vaccine being put into concentration camps or murdered by the government, and 5G towers.

i go into the comments section hoping to find just one person who calls him out, scrolled and scrolled and its a whole cesspool of wackos agreeing with him

people want there to be a conspiracy around this so badly. what I hate about these people is that they'll literally contradict themselves for the sake of their conspiracy.

Trump lets people die from Corona: omgz our government is letting people die for stock prices and so corporations can continue raking in money. Government shuts down economy: this is a whole ploy to drive small businesses out, and force people into hysteria to get vaccinated and mind-controlled.

empty souls that want to convince themselves they're inherently better than 95% of people by virtue of their wokeness. ******* idiots.
Robert Grullon, 29, a carpenter at a door factory near Melbourne, Fla., liked Mr. Sanders’s promises to raise the minimum wage and provide health care for all. “We love Bernie,” he said. “Bernie’s our guy.”

He complained that Hispanic voters and black voters — he is third-generation Dominican-American — tend to support Democrats but don’t get much back. “When are they going to have something for blacks and Hispanics, just for us?” he said. Mr. Biden struck him as just another politician in a blue suit.

“To tell you the truth, Trump might get my vote,” he said. “Donald Trump is a person who’s always been known in our community — I like hip-hop — we idolized him because he was a billionaire, he has been in rap videos, he has friends who are African-American.”
Dude must be in Ninja’s group chat.
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