***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In light of the reported contemporaneous corroboration by an old neighbor and former coworker who spoke out on the record, I’d like to survey the thread on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden.
I used intel agencies’ assessment grading as a way of gauging how confident you are in leaning towards the allegation being true or false. Personally I’m leaning more towards it being true at this point but only with low confidence.

If you lean more towards the allegation being true:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

If you lean more towards the allegation being false:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

Third option:
-No opinion one way or the other
(For reasons such as incomplete familiarity with the most recent reporting on the allegation)
You can't make this up




In light of the reported contemporaneous corroboration by an old neighbor and former coworker who spoke out on the record, I’d like to survey the thread on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden.
I used intel agencies’ assessment grading as a way of gauging how confident you are in leaning towards the allegation being true or false. Personally I’m leaning more towards it being true at this point but only with low confidence.

If you lean more towards the allegation being true:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

If you lean more towards the allegation being false:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

Third option:
-No opinion one way or the other
(For reasons such as incomplete familiarity with the most recent reporting on the allegation)

At this point he just needs to release the HR file from Reade then move the hell on from this. The longer he lets this go on doing nothing the worse it is going to get.

while i dont take too much stock in polls, ive been seeing this trend playing out in real time here in southern NJ. i think the toughest part for trump when it comes to white folks is that the anti-Hillary element just isnt here this time around. they can try to shift the hate towards the "establishment" but white people hated Hillary more than they hated the status quo. And secondly i think people are getting tired of having to explain their support every time Trump says or does something stupid.
while i dont take too much stock in polls, ive been seeing this trend playing out in real time here in southern NJ. i think the toughest part for trump when it comes to white folks is that the anti-Hillary element just isnt here this time around. they can try to shift the hate towards the "establishment" but white people hated Hillary more than they hated the status quo. And secondly i think people are getting tired of having to explain their support every time Trump says or does something stupid.

hated Hillary, the Clintons and women in general
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