***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Republicans up to their normal nonsense. I cannot wait for the meltdowns when Trump loses and they realize that they might have to answer for their behavior over the last few years.
And secondly i think people are getting tired of having to explain their support every time Trump says or does something stupid.
I could definitely hear that in Amash's explanation for his potential third party run. He isn't in total disagreement with Trump, he just doesn't like how Trump is communicating his agenda.
Republicans up to their normal nonsense. I cannot wait for the meltdowns when Trump loses and they realize that they might have to answer for their behavior over the last few years.

I highly doubt Trump will lose the election.

I am interested to see the reaction when Biden decides not to pick a black running mate.
In light of the reported contemporaneous corroboration by an old neighbor and former coworker who spoke out on the record, I’d like to survey the thread on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden.
I used intel agencies’ assessment grading as a way of gauging how confident you are in leaning towards the allegation being true or false. Personally I’m leaning more towards it being true at this point but only with low confidence.

If you lean more towards the allegation being true:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

If you lean more towards the allegation being false:
-99% convinced
-High confidence
-Medium confidence
-Low confidence

Third option:
-No opinion one way or the other
(For reasons such as incomplete familiarity with the most recent reporting on the allegation)

Props for consistently covering allegations no matter which side of the aisle they are lobbed at.

I would be remiss if I did not mention, again, that these allegations should not be used as a legitimate reason to not vote for Biden. He is entitled to due process and the "court of public opinion" has much lower standards and weaponizing allegations in this manner has negative implications that are not worth any small points gained by either side.
Props for consistently covering allegations no matter which side of the aisle they are lobbed at.

I would be remiss if I did not mention, again, that these allegations should not be used as a legitimate reason to not vote for Biden. He is entitled to due process and the "court of public opinion" has much lower standards and weaponizing allegations in this manner has negative implications that are not worth any small points gained by either side.
I highly doubt Trump will lose the election.

I am interested to see the reaction when Biden decides not to pick a black running mate.
Not to go to far down this troll road with you. What proof do you have he is going to win? Even his internal polls show him losing.
Not to go to far down this troll road with you. What proof do you have he is going to win? Even his internal polls show him losing.

I don't have any proof of the future.

I said I doubt it because we are hearing a lot of the same rhetoric this cycle as we heard with Hillary in the last cycle.

Based on that, and the gaffe-prone nature of Biden that may make him even less desirable than Hillary, I doubt that he wins.

Amash could also help Trump by taking votes from Biden and removing the "only other option" narrative that Biden has.

And Bernie supporters are talking about protest voting and/or sitting it out.

All of those factors signal a Trump re-election--to me.
I don't have any proof of the future.

I said I doubt it because we are hearing a lot of the same rhetoric this cycle as we heard with Hillary in the last cycle.

Based on that, and the gaffe-prone nature of Biden that may make him even less desirable than Hillary, I doubt that he wins.

Amash could also help Trump by taking votes from Biden and removing the "only other option" narrative that Biden has.

And Bernie supporters are talking about protest voting and/or sitting it out.

All of those factors signal a Trump re-election--to me.

Ok I think those are stretches in other news

I don't have any proof of the future.

I said I doubt it because we are hearing a lot of the same rhetoric this cycle as we heard with Hillary in the last cycle.

Based on that, and the gaffe-prone nature of Biden that may make him even less desirable than Hillary, I doubt that he wins.

Amash could also help Trump by taking votes from Biden and removing the "only other option" narrative that Biden has.

And Bernie supporters are talking about protest voting and/or sitting it out.

All of those factors signal a Trump re-election--to me.
I love this answer

Notice there are no positives listed for Trump. It is just some "stars will align" again rhetoric

Trump may win, he has good chance, but it will because of GOP voter suppression and other shenanigans. And when they do cheat, you will downplay it.


At this point you have made yourself look like an amoral scumbag for years just to defend this dude, so he has to win now for your sake. If not, you are gonna look like a bigger fool than you already have made yourself look like.

All these ******** argument you been peddling about people wanting the **** Trump been dishing is gonna go out the window if he can't pull off the heist once again.
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I love this answer

Notice there are no positives listed for Trump. It is just some "stars will align" again rhetoric

Trump may win, he has good chance, but it will because of GOP voter suppression and other shenanigans. And when they do cheat, you will downplay it.


At this point you have made yourself look like an amoral scumbag for years just to defend this dude, so he has to win now for your sake. If not, you are gonna look like a bigger fool than you already have made yourself look like.

All these bull**** argument you been peddling about people wanting the **** Trump been dishing is gonna go out the window if he can't pull off the heist once again.

It seems you are somewhat conceding that you think that Trump will win re-election.

We agree on something.

Then you go on to addressing what will certainly be the spin if Biden loses.
In light of the reported contemporaneous corroboration by an old neighbor and former coworker who spoke out on the record, I’d like to survey the thread on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden.
I used intel agencies’ assessment grading as a way of gauging how confident you are in leaning towards the allegation being true or false. Personally I’m leaning more towards it being true at this point but only with low confidence.

I don't believe it, with medium confidence. too many inconsistencies

I believe Christine Blasey Ford because of specific factors, including 1) she had no reason to fabricate or exaggerate, as she didn't have any real interest in Kavanaugh being confirmed or not; 2) her story had not changed; 3) she spoke up when his nomination was nationally known, not a decade after he had served in one of the highest offices in the land; and 4) Kavanaugh's behavior at the time was absolutely consistent with the allegation (and the fact that Kavanaugh repeatedly lied about his behavior didn't help)

I wouldn't say it's a a partisan thing as I believe the accusers for the Lt. Gov of Virginia for many of the same reasons

some good information from a former prosecutor on the inconsistencies in her story. not sure if it's been posted already:

It seems you are somewhat conceding that you think that Trump will win re-election.

We agree on something.

Then you go on to addressing what will certainly be the spin if Biden loses.
I have said it was a toss up, and he had a good chance because of GOP cheating

I also have said he has a chance because the GOP will suppress the black vote. But since you hate black people so much, and support denying them the ballot, you ignored that part

And before you protest it is clear you hate black vote if you consider objections about their voting rights being systematically suppressed just "spin".

Miss me with your struggle trolling.
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I don't have any proof of the future.

I said I doubt it because we are hearing a lot of the same rhetoric this cycle as we heard with Hillary in the last cycle.

Based on that, and the gaffe-prone nature of Biden that may make him even less desirable than Hillary, I doubt that he wins.

Amash could also help Trump by taking votes from Biden and removing the "only other option" narrative that Biden has.

And Bernie supporters are talking about protest voting and/or sitting it out.

All of those factors signal a Trump re-election--to me.

not gonna say i agree or disagree but just two points:

-it's interesting that you'd mention biden being "gaffe-prone" while trump continues to put his foot in his mouth and sound unintelligible while in front of the media. the man not only contradicts his own statements, he makes up numbers and statistics that are refuted. however, he insists on using bully tactics to quiet any journalist who challenges him or refers to reality as "fake news." by the end of his 1 or 2 term presidency, the length of the book they publish of just fact-checks will rival that of the bible.

-re: amash - i think the common narrative is that he'll pull from the biden base, however, i'm hard pressed to figure out why? if anything, i could see amash's candidacy negatively impacting trump (similar to how perot messed with HW Bush). given that he's running on a libertarian, a that party that tends to share more moderate to right wing values with republicans, republicans who were on the fence about re-electing trump could easily side with amash. additionally, amash could take michigan, a swing state that trump won in 2016. if amash goes on an anti-universal health care platform, he'll end up mobilizing a lot of the disappointed and disgruntled bernie voters who checked out of this election
There’s no way trump beats Biden in a fair election. Trump has done nothing to gain new supporters, if anything he has lost people that voted for him in 2016. There are also lots of white boomers that will feel better about voting for Biden than Hillary.
Key word “fair”.

how are we even supposed to vote? If the whole country can vote by mail trump minus whale wrap it up now because he’s done.
not gonna say i agree or disagree but just two points:

-it's interesting that you'd mention biden being "gaffe-prone" while trump continues to put his foot in his mouth and sound unintelligible while in front of the media. the man not only contradicts his own statements, he makes up numbers and statistics that are refuted. however, he insists on using bully tactics to quiet any journalist who challenges him or refers to reality as "fake news." by the end of his 1 or 2 term presidency, the length of the book they publish of just fact-checks will rival that of the bible.

-re: amash - i think the common narrative is that he'll pull from the biden base, however, i'm hard pressed to figure out why? if anything, i could see amash's candidacy negatively impacting trump (similar to how perot messed with HW Bush). given that he's running on a libertarian, a that party that tends to share more moderate to right wing values with republicans, republicans who were on the fence about re-electing trump could easily side with amash. additionally, amash could take michigan, a swing state that trump won in 2016. if amash goes on an anti-universal health care platform, he'll end up mobilizing a lot of the disappointed and disgruntled bernie voters who checked out of this election

To address those points:

- Trump has proven that he can win the presidency despite those gaffes. And he has a core of voters that still vote for him despite all of the things you've named. I think his approval rating among Republicans is currently greater than 90%.

- Amash wouldn't get core Trump supporters to flip. He has a chance to get undecideds and people that don't want Trump or Biden. Biden is not an exciting candidate for the Democratic party. Even in here, it is mostly a people saying that he isn't their top choice but they prefer him to Trump. I don't think that energy will do it. And once Biden chooses to pick a non-black running mate, it will be even worse for him.
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