***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have said it was a toss up, and he had a good chance because of GOP cheating

I also have said he has a chance because the GOP will suppress the black vote. But since you hate black people so much, and support denying them the ballot, you ignored that part

And before you protest it is clear you hate black vote if you consider objections about their voting rights being systematically suppressed just "spin".

Miss me with your struggle trolling.

This is silly because, among other reasons, I am black.

The spin is you saying that it won't be a fair election. If that is the case, are you saying it is rigged?
Is it rigged??? Do you live under a rock?

I remember when Trump said the election was rigged many said that was dangerous rhetoric.

Now it seems that some in here are saying that the presidential election is rigged.

Is that what you are saying?
FLASHBACK, October 18, 2016 | Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining," "No Serious Person" Believes U.S. Elections Can Be Rigged Or Stolen

This is silly because, among other reasons, I am black.

The spin is you saying that it won't be a fair election. If that is the case, are you saying it is rigged?
A black person can still hate the black community, and be hostile to the groups civil rights. While deluding themselves they are in some way supportive.

Yes, most elections are rigged. Against the black vote, and against the Democratic Party.
How many Republican operatives were caught red handed committing crimes (like paying people to throw ballots in a dumpster) or trying to pass unconstitutional actions (like racist redistricting) between 2016-now? How many Democrats? dwalk31 dwalk31 can take his stuggle-argument ball and kick rocks.
Yeah I am not gonna down the rabbit hole with him

It is clear that instead of addressing the GOP suppressing the black vote, he wants to turn this into a semantic argument of what "rigging" means.
Lib, it's not a crime unless Trump says it is. So when a secretary of state purges specific voters, or a state rep pays $100 to throw hundreds of ballots in a dumpster, or a group of state reps redistricts communities based on race, or a state supreme court judge purges voters after losing his seat, or....

You see where I'm going. It's not rigging unless it's against Daddy Don.
FLASHBACK, October 18, 2016 | Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining," "No Serious Person" Believes U.S. Elections Can Be Rigged Or Stolen

'Fair maps': Barack Obama launches new initiative to help take on partisan gerrymandering

Obama on Voter Suppression: ‘It’s a Problem’

'Fair maps': Barack Obama launches new initiative to help take on partisan gerrymandering

Obama on Voter Suppression: ‘It’s a Problem’

I have said on here several times that I am against voter suppression, period.

Nothing has changed.

I am also against partisan gerrymandering, period.

No matter who is doing it.

Felt compelled to clarify that if it was unclear.
I have said on here several times that I am against voter suppression, period.

Nothing has changed.

I am also against partisan gerrymandering, period.

No matter who is doing it.

Felt compelled to clarify that if it was unclear.
As you hide behind plausible deniability and continue supporting the people that can’t win elections without voter suppression and gerrymandering.

Gotta protect your image, I guess.
Yall remember when this troll came in here and called Biden a gaffe machine like 3 days after Trump told people bleach would get rid of the Rona?

I have said on here several times that I am against voter suppression, period.

Nothing has changed.

I am also against partisan gerrymandering, period.

No matter who is doing it.

Felt compelled to clarify that if it was unclear.

Does this not constitute rigging an election? Or are you just going to continue to argue what the semantics of rigging an election is?
I have said on here several times that I am against voter suppression, period.

Nothing has changed.

I am also against partisan gerrymandering, period.

No matter who is doing it.

Felt compelled to clarify that if it was unclear.
Yet you support a party who employs both as a tactic to win elections, and attacks the ability of black people to exercise their right to vote. You're complicit in it with your support of this party. So as RustyShackleford RustyShackleford would say, miss me with the struggle trolling and fake concern.
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Yall remember when this troll came in here and called Biden a gaffe machine like 3 days after Trump told people bleach would get rid of the Rona?

Does this not constitute rigging an election? Or are you just going to continue to argue what the semantics of rigging an election is?

The article I posted earlier addresses former President Obama's response in re: rigged elections. I agree with him.
Yet you support a party who employs both as a tactic to win elections, and attacks the ability of black people to exercise their right to vote. You're complicit in it with your support of this part. So as RustyShackleford RustyShackleford would say, miss me with the struggle trolling and fake concern.

I said I am against it no matter who does it.

Is it your assertion that only one political party employs partisan gerrymandering tactics, and voter suppression tactics that impact black voters, to win elections?
Trump said that an election could be rigged as a preemptive cop out for his own potential failure

People say that the GOP is rigging elections because they are, you know, ACTUALLY rigging elections

Big difference

I, and apparently former President Obama, disagree.
Trump said that an election could be rigged as a preemptive cop out for his own potential failure

People say that the GOP is rigging elections because they are, you know, ACTUALLY rigging elections

Big difference

Trump's definition of rigging was that the winner was predetermined, that no matter what he did, Hillary will be made the winner. That was of course ********.

People's definition is that the GOP through intentional actions, raises the threshold for the share of votes the Democrats need to win an election, or for the party to get power. That way Dems need to get 57% percent of the vote to guarantee they win the White House, the House, and Senate. Most American wants Democrats in power.

There are some states where most people vote for Democratic state legislators, yet the GOP controls 60 percent of the seats because of gerrymandering.

The troll only cares about context and nuance when it serves his argument. Otherwise, **** em.
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