***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Being ruthless towards the left while catering to affluent pseudo libertarians will do that.

The fact that a tea party guy might deny the Dems their precious white suburban vote is just icing on the cake of schadenfreude.
Oh please. The party didn't roll other and let your incompetent candidate win, so that amounts to them being ruthless.

Famb, you are in no position to speak. You happily talked all kinds of bad faith ******** about any and everyone, including posters in here, that was not Bernie Sanders (or a supporters of him) during the process. Your rhetoric in regards to Kamala Harris alone makes it clear that you didn't give a damn about discourse or good faith engagement when it serves your goals.

Secondly, Biden's polling is strongest against Trump is a two-way contest. So, of course, the party doesn't want to turn the thing to turn into a three-way race. No matter who the candidate was, Sanders included, there would be appeals to marginal Republican voters that Trump's corruption and indecency alone would be enough to vote Democratic this go around. Fear of Amash doesn't have to be because the Democratic Party are another variety of libertarian, but people wanting every advantage they can against Trump. No matter how small.

BTW, may I remind you again, you had little to no issue with going after the votes of problematic white people for years when your guy was doing it, you backed him continuously, defended him continually, but now you find that behavior objectionable. So you got standards now it is convenient for your argument.

Again with the taking pleasure in Trump winning ********.

You do you, b, cause all I see is a petulant affluent white socialist that doesn't have to bear the brunt of four more years of Trump so they can put their effort is some petty partisan ********.

But by all means, don't let me stop you from showing your ***.
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Oh please. The party didn't roll other and let your incompetent candidate win, so that amounts to them being ruthless.

Famb, you are in no position to speak. You happily talked all kinds of bad faith bull**** about any and everyone, including posters in here, that was not Bernie Sanders (or a supporters of him) during the process. Your rhetoric in regards to Kamala Harris alone makes it clear that you didn't give a damn about discourse or good faith engagement when it serves your goals.

Secondly, Biden's polling is strongest against Trump is a two-way contest. So, of course, the party doesn't want to turn the thing to turn into a three-way race. No matter who the candidate was, Sanders included, there would be appeals to marginal Republican voters that Trump's corruption and indecency alone would be enough to vote Democratic this go around. Fear of Amash doesn't have to be because the Democratic Party are another variety of libertarian, but people wanting every advantage they can against Trump. No matter how small.

BTW, may I remind you again, you had little to no issue with going after the votes of problematic white people for years when your guy was doing it, you backed him continuously, defended him continually, but now you find that behavior objectionable. So you got standards now it is convenient for your argument.

Again with the taking pleasure in Trump winning bull****.

You do you, b, cause all I see is a petulant affluent white socialist that doesn't have to bear the brunt of four more years of Trump so they can put their effort is some petty partisan bull****.

But by all means, don't let me stop you from showing your ***.

I have no idea what that is suppose to mean, or if it a jab at me. If my comments have shown hypocrisy in regards to Biden's allegations, please point them out.

Otherwise, miss me with this ********.

You went from one end of the political spectrum to the other but you still on some petulant clown steez. No matter how much you insist otherwise.
I have no idea what that is suppose to mean, or if it a jab at me. If my comments have shown hypocrisy in regards to Biden's allegations, please point them out.

Otherwise, miss me with this bull****.

You went from one end of the political spectrum to the other but you still on some petulant clown steez. No matter how much you insist otherwise.

First, I’m not attacking you when it comes to women. I’m attacking Biden or more importantly, the Democratic voters who nominated a rapist in order to make sure that their kids cannot see a doctor without crippling financial consequences.

And yes, I’ve, in my life gone from right libertarian to left ancom. When I advocated for the primacy of markets and capital without regard for the systems of oppression that exist. Eventually, I agreed that those systems exist and the only teleological end, if one takes that insight seriously, is to push for the abolition of those systems. Everything else is secondary including respect for the sanctity of the Democratic primary.
First, I’m not attacking you when it comes to women. I’m attacking Biden or more importantly, the Democratic voters who nominated a rapist in order to make sure that their kids cannot see a doctor without crippling financial consequences.

And yes, I’ve, in my life gone from right libertarian to left ancom. When I advocated for the primacy of markets and capital without regard for the systems of oppression that exist. Eventually, I agreed that those systems exist and the only teleological end, if one takes that insight seriously, is to push for the abolition of those systems. Everything else is secondary including respect for the sanctity of the Democratic primary.
Reade's sexual assault allegations where not national news when Biden was surging in those two weeks. It is a reach to act like every, even most, were aware of those allegations when they went to the ballot. It takes further reaches to indict Biden voters like that. Before Super Tuesday, even online, the place it was getting the most push was from Bernie supporters online and in the left leaning media. Your attacks against Democratic voters have run out of gas so I assume the "they knowingly nominated a rapist" is your last ditch effort to claim moral superiority over people that didn't vote the same way you did in a primary.

But once again, I should be thankful, because this beats the "black people not understanding their oppression gets in the way of progress" hot take you tried to peddle. So in some way I appreciate the new tactic.

Secondly, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim to be some freedom fighter than doesn't give a damn about civil discourse, and then whine when people return the energy even in the slightest way. You like to throw rocks with one hand, and clutch your pearls with the other.
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Claiming moral superiority is the easy part. Getting a better, socialist world is the hard part and if you’re not working to advance that, you are on the side of barbarism. Sorry, but you just are.

Liberals care about rules, leftists care about justice and every news cycle seems to underscore that.
But if one does not vote for Biden in a presidential election against Trump, that doesn’t square at all with wanting to advance leftist/progressive goals

I agree with you about voting. Although a lot of leftists who are SA survivors disagree with our assessment

The issue is the lying and the gaslighting. Dems want ya to agree with their premise that they would love to be a left party but they just can’t because of those mean old republicans. It’s not true, it’s a center left party that sees the left as a problem, not a partner.

Voting is, at best damage control. Direct action is our path to maybe not being crushed u der the heel of climate catastrophe and the ecofascism that will take over without a strong and robust left to serve as an alternative.
Claiming moral superiority is the easy part. Getting a better, socialist world is the hard part and if you’re not working to advance that, you are on the side of barbarism. Sorry, but you just are.

Liberals care about rules, leftists care about justice and every news cycle seems to underscore that.
Jesus christ you are up your own ***.

You just started giving a **** about people in the 2010s and you feel you are in the position to pull someone else's card.

Anyway, I want this to be clear: are you asserting that people that voted for Biden over Sanders in the primary are on the side of barbarism?
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*whispers into the wind* “**** dem poors if Bernie isn’t the candidate“

the funny thing is actual working class leftists tell me that my decision to vote for Biden comes from a place of privilege.

Perhaps I should just vote by class interests, having two political parties at my disposal is better than having none.
Anyway, I want this to be clear: are you asserting that people that voted for Biden over Sanders in the primary are on the side of barbarism?

Ultimately, yes. Although I’d say the same thing about anyone who simply voted for Bernie and was able to do direct action work and decided not to.

The clock is ticking. We got 9 1/2 years and incrementalism won’t save us.
Ultimately, yes. Although I’d say the same thing about anyone who simply voted for Bernie and was able to do direct action work and decided not to.

The clock is ticking. We got 9 1/2 years and incrementalism won’t save us.
So black people living under the boot of white supremacy in the deep south and voted for Biden because he looked like the better option to defeat Trump are on the side of barbarism

Got it.

Maybe I should become a leftist. That way I can attain the delusional level of self importance needed to lecture to people that face oppression I never have about how they are on the side of their oppressors because they are not socialist, like me.

I swear, this energy is exactly the reason DSA meetings stay mostly lilly white.
Belgium Belgium , to answer your earlier question about the allegations against Biden --

I'm a pragmatist and think utilitarianism isn't a bad way to go, which is why I care more about what an elected official will do rather than something they said or did 30 years ago. But also, I think sexual abuse is reprehensible.

Given that, I'm being a pragmatist here. Currently I'm 50-50 about the current allegations against Biden. I think something happened, but I don't know how far it actually went. There's a spectrum from awkward interaction on one end to truly horrible things on the other end.

But here's the determination I'm making: not whether Biden was guilty, but whether I think it's possible that all of Biden's transgressions surpass those of Donald Trump. That's part one of the equation. Part two is how much good and how much bad would each do in office over the next four years. Based on that, it's pretty clear cut and, sad to say, I don't really care about the allegations in terms of my vote. Donald J Trump all the way!

I do think Tara Reade should get her chance to speak, she should be shown respect, and we shouldn't brush aside such things. The same should go for all of Trump's accusers and victims. Biden didn't have the foresight to pay off Reade and get her to sign an NDA when he had the chance. That seems like a pretty ****** reason to vote for Trump instead or -- just as bad -- to not vote at all.
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