***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know you didn't ask me...but moderates push their electability over progressives for the general--but Hillary lost.

The fact that Biden could secure southern states in the primary won't matter much because he will, undoubtedly, lose those states in the general.

I think progressives have a better electability argument for a general election because they bring more energy. Which could turn swing states.

A bunch of people begrudgingly voting for Biden, because anybody but Trump, doesn't seem like a real way to win an election.

But we will see in November.
I should clarify but I was mainly making an assessment about progressives’ electability arguments in the Democratic primary and to some extent congressional races, not what happens after the primary. After all, a progressive candidate has yet to get to that point so an assessment on that would purely be speculation without data/results to rely on.

A common theme you hear from some progressives when they get beat by a moderate is something along the lines of ‘the DNC picked [moderate candidate]’, as if voters didn’t resoundingly defeat the competition. In light of Bernie losing significant percentages of voters in areas he dominated in 2016, I'm wondering if that discrepancy could be explained by some portion of Bernie's votes in 2016 coming from an anti-Hillary position rather than a pro-Sanders position. That could explain why this time around his numbers went down in some of those areas despite being in a much stronger position than in 2016.
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Trump's new HHS spokesman will feature as a guest host in a propaganda segment on OANN today.
Yes I am an elitist because I want every human being on Earth to have a good, dignified worthwhile existence and pay for by taxing the ill gotten gains of the wealthiest people in the Global North. I am a sexist because I want gender hierarchies abolished. Most of all, I’m a racist because I want to dismantle white supremacy including all its manifestations in foreign and domestic policy and pay out reparations as redress for centuries of racialized capitalist extraction and accumulation.

I will try to do better and grope female subordinates, say that Indian American control the liquor store racket, pontificate about how black people live in filth and let minutemen know that I’m doing all I can to build a border fence.

Calling me racist for not enthusiastically supporting Joe Biden? Jesus H Christ, I’m done here.
I don’t recall enthusiastically supporting Joe Biden.

I do recall objecting to the phrase “oppression Olympics.”
Update on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden. She has changed her story again and abruptly canceled a scheduled interview with Chris Wallace on Fox.
Note: A former neighbor and coworker went on the record to state that they had contemporaneous knowledge of the alleged incident. The neighbor says she will continue to support Biden in the election but felt she had to speak out because she claims to have been told about the allegation around 2 years after it reportedly took place.

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Biden should just use the trump defense. “Look at her, I wouldn’t want to **** her “
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