***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 remember when your boy did this:

Update on the Tara Reade allegation against Biden. She has changed her story again and abruptly canceled a scheduled interview with Chris Wallace on Fox.
Note: A former neighbor and coworker went on the record to state that they had contemporaneous knowledge of the alleged incident. The neighbor says she will continue to support Biden in the election but felt she had to speak out because she claims to have been told about the allegation around 2 years after it reportedly took place.

isn't contemporaneously typically considered to be hours to weeks?

keep in mind the neighbor and coworker weren't on the list she gave in her initial interview of people she told
isn't contemporaneously typically considered to be hours to weeks?

keep in mind the neighbor and coworker weren't on the list she gave in her initial interview of people she told
Yes, that was why I noted that the neighbor was told about 2 years later but I forgot to clarify that's technically not contemporaneous.
As you said, neither were on the list of people Reade claimed to have told.

Tara Reade has repeatedly changed some aspects of her story and her brother gave different accounts of his supposed contemporaneous knowledge to different newspapers. Hence why the on the record statements from the former neighbor and coworker are very significant. They don't have the credibility issues of Tara and her brother, though you should always take witness testimony with a grain of salt. I think the former neighbor's account is the most credible because she is a Biden supporter and will continue supporting him.
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It honestly doesn’t seem like this. You take thinly veiled or blatant shots at them often.

Can you claim solidarity and also speak about a group in a completely tone dead manner? E.g., the use of oppression Olympics and barbarism when it comes to these same voters.

Bernie got slaughtered by older black voters. You may assert that they are the PMC, but instead they are people like my poor grandmother on dialysis that he just wasn’t able to reach. That’s a loss that Bernie and his supporters need to deal with, and the next candidate inspired by his message and race should build upon. Without this massive L, he’s probably the candidate this fall regardless of what the affluent whites want.

I hope that such a coalition can materialize. Bernie’s coalition plus most older black voters would be pretty unstoppable at winning Democratic primaries. I truly hope that a another candidate can come along and make it happen.

I don’t recall enthusiastically supporting Joe Biden.

I do recall objecting to the phrase “oppression Olympics.”

I had only heard or read the phrase in a left and/or intersectional context. When I pointed out dirty’s use of the term I wasn’t trying to be like “gotcha.” I was alluding dirty used the term and you approved of it and agreed with it.

I googled oppression Olympics and I saw it used in two ways. One was don’t let one form of oppression erase or excuse other forms of oppression. I also saw it used in the reactionary context of denying that there even are oppressive systems.
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There is a certain irony in someone being a libertarian as recently as 10 years ago while simultaneously ****ting on the policy decisions someone made 30-40 years ago

“Black people don’t know how to vote” ~ guy who wrote in Ron and Rand Paul for Prez for a decade

The stakes are a bit different when you compare a private citizen who was younger than the statutory minimum age to be a US Senator and some who was an actual US Senator.
*coffins will be poppin again

What really puzzles me is that Trump is jeopardizing his re-election bid by trying force to an early opening.

Second wave either in June or July or a second wave in the Autumn sinks his re-election chances.

I’m sure his donors, Capital, is pushing hard to open now but if there’s one thing Trump is good at it’s pushing back on his creditors. At the margin, capital wants Frump to win despite his rhetoric about being a chaos president. So I’m surprised that given how much capital wants him re-elected and Trump’s personal stake in getting re-elected, that Trump can’t figure out how to get his backers to give him some space to let the virus really die down and “reopen” in August or September.

I suppose his desire and his allies’ desire to open right now comes from the fact that we’ve been able to observe the virus and while no one group is totally immune, it falls hardest on the type of people whom Trump cares lease about, poor people, frontline workers, PoC and urbanites.
Candace Owens and Diamond and Silk getting deplatformed. Time for Reason magazine to write one of its unctous concern for black people-faux populist-deregulation promoting articles all while ignoring the minor detail that Twitter is private and it instituting the sort of private sector power that they would otherwise support.

"twitter is acting like big government and taking away these black, female entrepreneurs right to sell colloidal silver and agitate for Korean stores to be fire bombed. This will leave us with only the biggest, most well established right wing Twitter accounts, with armies of lobbyists, to push unhinged analysis of the 'deep state' and sell $150 bottles of saw dust and trace amounts of powdered neem as Covid cures."
Speaking of social media bans, I'm baffled at the amount of high profile Americans who don't understand basic elements of the 1st amendment.
I'm no lawyer but it's not hard.
This congressman describes himself as a "constitutional lawyer" in his bio...yikes
Why is everything “like a dog” with him? How does a dog get thrown off of something? ****ing moron.

the part of me that finds his super limited word choice hilarious is the same part that so often got me in trouble as a kid because I ¨thought everything was so damn funny hee hee hell¨ and I kinda hate it sometimes.

beautiful test, brilliant germ, tremendous light interesting very very powerful

I´m literally laughing typing this.

but then it´s like this is the goddamn President of the United States, HIS TWEETS WILL BE IN HISTORY BOOKS

...so what happens if Twitter just suspends this dude? inciting riots has to violate TOS.

**** is so dangerous, we are a single Cheddar Bob incident away from a gunfight in a state capitol building.
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