***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is this a recent revelation for you, because if not, what institutions have you been part of, and/or helping to build, to change the situation?

If you haven't been doing that work, systematically and consistently, don't give me this rant about the smoke and the system. Contrary to what you think, a majority of voting Americans do recognize the inequalities of the system. But like adults, and in the face of an existential threat, we're rallying so that we have an inkling of a chance to transform politics.

Seems like some folks want a complete overhaul of the system overnight.

Imagine folks having that attitude towards the civil rights movement.

“they’re still gonna be racist, why are y’all marching every weekend?”
Is this a recent revelation for you, because if not, what institutions have you been part of, and/or helping to build, to change the situation?

If you haven't been doing that work, systematically and consistently, don't give me this rant about the smoke and the system. Contrary to what you think, a majority of voting Americans do recognize the inequalities of the system. But like adults, and in the face of an existential threat, we're rallying so that we have an inkling of a chance to transform politics.

Lol the go to response when political ideas are challenged. "What do you do?"
Lol I do alot but I'm not looking for brownie points and validation from you guys. And we talking about politicians who pledged to do stuff for us. Not a guy like me donating thousands of back packs and school supplies to children in need and doing direct mentoring.

I bring it up because people seem to need to be reeducated on it every 4 years. And the animosity of lambasting ppl for not voting like you is a divisive sentiment that is actually driving ppl away and making lots of people more apathetic towards politics. Especially the democratic party.

Y'all are approaching cold mechanical systems with too much emotion that is being manipulated. You don't care that the votes don't count? You mad more people ain't voting like you? In my opinion that seems besides the point of really trying to make systematic change.

I'm trying to say irregardless of how we vote the political machine is gonna do what it wants to do. Not what the people want. That should not be so controversial to y'all.
Lol the go to response when political ideas are challenged. "What do you do?"
Lol I do alot but I'm not looking for brownie points and validation from you guys. And we talking about politicians who pledged to do stuff for us. Not a guy like me donating thousands of back packs and school supplies to children in need and doing direct mentoring.

I bring it up because people seem to need to be reeducated on it every 4 years. And the animosity of lambasting ppl for not voting like you is a divisive sentiment that is actually driving ppl away and making lots of people more apathetic towards politics. Especially the democratic party.

Y'all are approaching cold mechanical systems with too much emotion that is being manipulated. You don't care that the votes don't count? You mad more people ain't voting like you? In my opinion that seems besides the point of really trying to make systematic change.

I'm trying to say irregardless of how we vote the political machine is gonna do what it wants to do. Not what the people want. That should not be so controversial to y'all.

You want people to coddle hot takes, while you hand wave everything you disagree with.

Famb, this election is not about you, and you alone.
People's votes matter. First off, where you not the same person last night that said you were not stay home because there are other things on the ballot? So if people's ballots are not delivered that means House races will be impacted, Senate races, State level races, Sheriff, judges, ballot measures, etc. So putting the presidential race aside, there is still tons of ways that popular vote on the state and local level counts. And the USPS situation will distort that.

Secondly, all the electoral college does is give voters in a handful of states more power.. The popular vote represents the will of the people all things being equal, the electoral college represents a distorted system where some voters have more power than other. Most of the time, the two results align, the issue is that the GOP can't win the popular vote anymore, and the electoral college is not enough to distort it in their favor, so the employ other voter suppression methods on top of it. And statisticians show, the higher the turnout the more likely it is that the result of the popular vote and electoral college will match. The bigger the margin of victory for a candidate the more likely the electoral college and popular vote will match. That is why people want Biden to beat Trump as badly as possible, so it makes it less likely the electoral college will swing it to Trump. So that is why people care about every vote being counted, it correlates to a higher chance of a electoral college victory for Biden.

-I don't know if you read this thread before, but people in here aways raise major issues with the electoral system. About the Senate, gerrymandering, campaign finance, electoral college, etc. People all the time say it would be better if America had a parliamentary system. People post about reforms they want. Getting rid of the filibuster is actually part of the solution though. Because that is a massive roadblock to things not getting passed, way more than politicians flaking. People want other reforms, but the only way we get closer to those things is if the Dems are in power. They are the only party with people open to those reforms

-Famb with all due respect, you are kinda acting like everyone in here is someone ignorant of what is going on, and just putting blind famb in politicians. People understand the game, the understand the roadblocks, they understand the finesse, we discuss and argue about it all the time. We have done so for years. Most just understand that the best way forward still remains that Biden and the Dems need to take power for now. But no one thinks it ends with that, no one here thinks a quick fix is coming.

Once again you are giving me credit for words I did not say. I never said I was staying home. You are trying to make points based on your assumptions of what somebody said.

Every thread not bout your opinion.

Other people have differing views.

People are damaged at the hands of a centuries old system and to claim people wanting change are wanting it "overnight" is laughable.

Global systems of governance are looking to reset our system over night. Anybody seen what type global policy has come out of Davos, IMF, BIS, World Economic Forum? Even they are admitting political systems slow to change are obsolete.
Once again you are giving me credit for words I did not say. I never said I was staying home. You are trying to make points based on your assumptions of what somebody said.

Every thread not bout your opinion.

Other people have differing views.

People are damaged at the hands of a centuries old system and to claim people wanting change are wanting it "overnight" is laughable.
Famb, da **** is this. This is what I wrote....

First off, where you not the same person last night that said you were not stay home because there are other things on the ballot?

I literally didn't do what you are accusing me of. I said you said you were not staying home, in other words, that you will vote. For reasons beyond the presidential election. So why are you claiming people's vote don't matter because of the electoral college when you have already conceded are issues on the ballot beyond just the presidential race. That's my point

If you gonna clutch your pearls, have a valid reason to do so.

Good ******* grief.
Either way if I stay or vote, disclose my vote to you or not, it don't take away from how the system set up.
A west Indian man is always right breh. No matter what. A Trini man tried to argue me down water ain't wet. I let him have that W.
Two of the more more demobilizing claims in American political culture today are:
  1. Things have always been this way; this is not new...
  2. The powers that be, the "system," the "political machine" makes it so...
At a most basic level, the first claim is ahistorical and misses the contingency of dominant power relations. The second claim relies on a mechanical metaphor, as if political power is machine-like, as if machines operate in perpetuity.

wr wr

My g, politics is not mechanical. Politics is struggle. Truly transformative change is the outcome of quotidian practices and long-term sacrifices, strategizing, and direct action. It is full of advances and, "hang ups, let downs, bad breaks, [and] set backs," to paraphrase the great Marvin Gaye.

These efforts can be truly transformative for the people who are engaged in everyday and long-term struggle, especially when experienced in solidarity with others. And if these efforts morph into a social movement, can even compel elected officials to respond to the will of the people.

You stand here with your chest out talkin' bout what other Americans know and how most Americans need to be reeducated. But when pressed, you retreat back to your own "opinion." Your "own" ideas. You can't have it both ways, fam.
Either way if I stay or vote, disclose my vote to you or not, it don't take away from how the system set up.

You can vote for the candidate and candidates in congress who will take steps to correct the system. More than ever before...the dems have been pushed the farthest to the left. And are rapidly electing very progressive elective officials who have proposed literally, changing the system.

But you can sit it out, complain and the status quo would be what it is, and Def worse.

Decisions decisions. It’s on you Bruva.
Never needed to use the ignore/block function till I started coming in here.

Damn shame too! one of the most educational threads on NT.

funny thread is, it’s politics that made me hate Facebook and literally only go on their for very specific things

i mean I already knew some of the people weren’t that bright, but at least in person they knew to keep that shh in check

but Facebook, good lord.. I’ll never forget during our last election I’d have people send me BS articles linked to Facebook.. and I’d just respond “can you name 1 other story that you have read from this source OTHER than what you currently want me to read that affirms some stupid opinion you already had”
You can vote for the candidate and candidates in congress who will take steps to correct the system. More than ever before...the dems have been pushed the farthest to the left. And are rapidly electing very progressive elective officials who have proposed literally, changing the system.

But you can sit it out, complain and the status quo would be what it is, and Def worse.

Decisions decisions. It’s on you Bruva.

Whoever said the other day that non-voters are worse than Trump fans is 100% spot on. If you’re not voting by choice in 2020 then you literally stand for nothing. New Wave Deplorables.

In America, nobody deserves assistance unless they're the ones who need it. People with jobs don't think people without jobs deserve bonus money, people who don't qualify for a stimulus don't think people deserve a stimulus check. People who can afford to pay for groceries don't think people deserve food stamps.

But let them lose their job, not have money to pay rent, not have money for groceries, and watch their perspective change up quick.
it's a virtual certainty there will be mail slowdowns in early November in places like Milwaukee and Detroit, while rural mail will be running just fine

i'm in Pittsburgh and there has already been a noticeable slowdown

vote early and in person if you can
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