***Official Political Discussion Thread***

AOC in '24 is dependent on a ton of factors.

- Does she want to run?
-How open of primary will we have in 2024/what will Biden's mental and physical health look like?
-What will the economy look like?
-How will a Biden administration have responded to the economic fallout of COVID
-How will a Biden administration handle healthcare policy
-Did Democrats get a governing majority and what did they do with it.
-Did they restore the voting rights act, strength ballot access, create new States, etc?
-How alienated is the middle class in 2024? Do they have decent jobs and are "back at brunch"? Or did COVID, George Floyd and Trump generally radicalize the middle class and they stay active in terms of extra electoral politics?
-How unified and concious is the working class? Did unionization and labor action increase as a response to COVID or did a Biden administration find a way to placate that group?

A lot can happen in three or four years. From the perspective of AOC's potential run the best environment for her is one where a Democratic trifecta has done a great job with voting rights and Democrats still have majorities in Congress BUT they haven't done much to deal with all of the household debt, reduced income and medical bills lingering as a result of COVID and the downturn associated with it.

Ideally, she'd wait and run in 2028 or 2032 but, carbon isn't affording us that much time so it'll be worth a try.
Women f* with AOC heavy. Americans are sick of voting for old white men.

There will be a female President soon. Shoot, Hillary still won the popular vote even with the decades of slander by the GOP.

Only a matter of time... :pimp:
A woman president, maybe.

AOC, probably not.

Like think for a second, what base could she even form in the Dem primary to allow her to win?

A poll that doesn't matter but how does Gillibrand even have 3%
AOC for president as soon as she turns 35.
i dont give a **** about a base. i want progression. we'll be 105 before there's actual progression at the rate we've been going.
the base can ride the establishment train right into more of the same with the GOP controlling everything or they can actually listen to progressives and be a real alternate choice for those that don't want more of the same do nothing, say nothing democratic establishment.
I don't think we should litigate a hypothetical, but I feel that if someone wants a leftist President, they need to reckoning with why Bernie really got his *** kicked twice.

Saying **** the establishment is not a wise political move. It is literally the opposite of what you should be doing.
Is AOC very popular with Southern black voters?


Is she making attempts to be popular with Southern black voters?


Is she trying to build bonds with surrogates that could help her in the deep South?


Is she likely to win a Dem primary?


Until she fixes those things she has no shot in 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, etc.
nobody cares about what old southern black ppl think. they are standing in the way of progression.
their time is up. thank you for what you have all done for us all but we need faster movement. get down or lay down.
the south is still trying to decide whether or not they want to wear masks despite 234343242343223 ppl getting and dying from covid all around them.
real talk, this slow put a band-aid on every issue, kick the can down the block til someone else takes over and kicks it further **** is over.
its time to solve some ****.
its time for actual action.
its time for ppl to get their **** together, get off their asses and push this pos country in the right direction.

like i said before, the entire GOP should be voted out and face prison time for being complicit in the downfall of this country.
but that won't happen because american ppl are soft, gullible and flat out STUPID as a whole.

i said what i said and i meant it.

got a whole authoritarian regime with a clown *** leader that:

-is a pedophile
-is a sexist
-is a racist
-is a piece of ****
-is a con artist
-is in bed with the russian govt
-is in bed with white supremacists
-wants to send YOUR kids, OUR kids to school in a pandemic that he made worse by his inaction, half truths, flat out lies, and silencing those that would be a lot more honest

i got more to say but i'll leave it at that. you know what this clown and his party have done to your lives.

i don't care if the party was 95% old, southern and black, they will not hold the rest of us back any longer. **** that.

the clintons will not save us.
biden will do what he can for the CENTER RIGHT.
the establishment is not left they are center right.
**** the center right and the right and the far right. and the center.
The Democratic establishment, chiefly the big donors, want to run down the clock, cash out and move to New Zealand and have solar powered drones manage a rapidly deteriorating United States, climate and starving and increasingly displaced population.

The Republican establishment wants to do this too but they aren't as good about keeping quiet about it and they'll screw it up somehow.
When it comes to the South, you can't really blame the black people there because they vote 90% or more against the awful stuff that done there.

Partisan politics in the South is an exaggerated version of the rest of the country with Democrats being the black party and Republicans being the white Party and there's more white people than black people even in the deep south and that's before voter suppression and felony disenfranchisement is taken into account.
i wanna be clear and say that my black *** will be voting for joe biden and kamala harris.
i will fed ex the **** if i have to. trump has got to go.
and if/when he doesn't leave then


lasty, black is black. nobody thats black from the west indies should have to explain ****.
sometimes it feels like some ppl come from the middle of nowhere (and a place of ignorance) and they don't have a lot of experience with black diversity at all or even know that it exists...

When it comes to the South, you can't really blame the black people there because they vote 90% or more against the awful stuff that done there.

Partisan politics in the South is an exaggerated version of the rest of the country with Democrats being the black party and Republicans being the white Party and there's more white people than black people even in the deep south and that's before voter suppression and felony disenfranchisement is taken into account.
young black ppl in the south IMO are progressive...they have to talk to mom, dad, grandma and grandpa tho..
nobody cares about what old southern black ppl think. they are standing in the way of progression.
their time is up. thank you for what you have all done for us all but we need faster movement. get down or lay down.
the south is still trying to decide whether or not they want to wear masks despite 234343242343223 ppl getting and dying from covid all around them.
real talk, this slow put a band-aid on every issue, kick the can down the block til someone else takes over and kicks it further **** is over.
its time to solve some ****.
its time for actual action.
its time for ppl to get their **** together, get off their asses and push this pos country in the right direction.

like i said before, the entire GOP should be voted out and face prison time for being complicit in the downfall of this country.
but that won't happen because american ppl are soft, gullible and flat out STUPID as a whole.

i said what i said and i meant it.

got a whole authoritarian regime with a clown *** leader that:

-is a pedophile
-is a sexist
-is a racist
-is a piece of ****
-is a con artist
-is in bed with the russian govt
-is in bed with white supremacists
-wants to send YOUR kids, OUR kids to school in a pandemic that he made worse by his inaction, half truths, flat out lies, and silencing those that would be a lot more honest

i got more to say but i'll leave it at that. you know what this clown and his party have done to your lives.

i don't care if the party was 95% old, southern and black, they will not hold the rest of us back any longer. **** that.

the clintons will not save us.
biden will do what he can for the CENTER RIGHT.
the establishment is not left they are center right.
**** the center right and the right and the far right. and the center.
Welp guess what, the Democratic Primary process does, so you have to get them on your side.

It is reality. There is no way around that. You are not gonna get you way by saying ridiculous **** like black people are standing in the way of progress just because they don't vote for your preferred primary candidate

BTW, AOC will not save us either. And the Democratic Party is not center right

Leftist gonna run the same play, telling themselves the same lies, and take the same L, if they listen to your advice.
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Just because Bernie didn't overcome 40 years of neoliberal driven atomization and cynicism and nihilism with his voter turnout strategy doesn't mean it's not worthwhile and absolutely necessary for the next wave of progressives to follow.

In politics every thing is rock solid and predictable right up until it is not.
i wanna be clear and say that my black *** will be voting for joe biden and kamala harris.
i will fed ex the **** if i have to. trump has got to go.
and if/when he doesn't leave then


lasty, black is black. nobody thats black from the west indies should have to explain ****.
sometimes it feels like some ppl come from the middle of nowhere (and a place of ignorance) and they don't have a lot of experience with black diversity at all or even know that it exists...

young black ppl in the south IMO are progressive...they have to talk to mom, dad, grandma and grandpa tho..
The Litmus Test
Leftist thinking that AOC running back Bernie's same strategy in 2024 or 2028 is gonna yield different results

Is like the New Orleans Saints starting Jameis Winston, and saying "We gonna let him air it out this year" and thinking his QBR gonna be off the chain

Sometimes you gotta accept observable reality, and realize that the "Run Game" Establishment is your ally, and see where you can fit in the play action progressivism.

Just sayin

-But in all seriousness, if "the next person up gotta learn from the last guy's mistakes" is a take leftist still got and issue with, then I dunno what to tell ya.
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He's still mad that Big Mama called AOC a "Nice girl" but told him not to bring his "scrawny white heifer" (Tomi) back. Who knew they'd break up and she'd get her wish? Meanwhile Bae and I are happy and on our way to the White House, ya hate to see it :emoji_relieved:
Big Momma is currently the only church going older black woman that might vote for AOC

She needs a few million more, and the girls down at Bingo are...
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