***Official Political Discussion Thread***

True, but what the Left doesn't seem to realize is that it is talking to a crowd that has been intellectually prepped to hate them and anything associated to them. You're going against 40 -60 years of anti-leftist propaganda. Ask the centrist worker what they know about the history of labor conditions in the US before and after the New Deal, the relationship between productivity and wages before and after Reagan, the role of unions in building the middle class, etc... and you'll get a blank stare. Just look at the visceral reaction the terms "liberal" and "socialist" receive in many parts of the country.
The result is, the public doesn't hear two different things; all they see is, "even the communists, who are generally wrong, agree that the Democrats are pedos." The GOP doesn't care about the reasons why you agree with them, they only care that they can use your voice in their ads to attack Democrats. In doing so, the GOP is able to use the Leftist's voice to destroy the vessel - the Democratic party - through which the Leftist will be able to gain influence and improve the general public's perception and acceptance of progressive policies.

What the Left should do is focus on educating their listeners on how the GOP is a bigger threat to democracy than centrist Democrats. What they should do is explain to them why it is important for them to become reliable voters of the party that aligns closest to their interests and why it is important; what they should do is explain how for every Clinton you have 5 Roy Moore's on that the GOP actually protects. Coddling bothsideism does not and will not help them gaining a bigger voice through the electoral process.

I suppose it all depends on who the audience is. Most conservatives dont know that liberals and leftists are different groups. They already think every one to their left is both a communist and a pedophile so it’s not like one conservative would have to persuade another conservative using screen shots from rose Twitter .

Also, most American leftists do vote for Democrats. Some don’t. Some refuse to engage in electoralism while others want start a third party. Most of us see the Democratic Party, at minimum, as a useful bulwark against the GOP. I see benefits to the left beyond that as well and I am cautiously optimistic that we can really start to bring a lot of leftists to power on the Democratic ticket.

The reason we talk about the short comings of the Democratic Party much more often than that of Republicans is because it has thus far been Democrats who have blocked our candidates in primaries. If we start getting a lot of our people on general election ballots, we’ll be talking about how bad the GOP is.

I do think that leftists, with a platform, should more frequently remind their listeners that while they don’t say it very often, the GOP is objectively worse and that their being power has negative consequences relative to Democrats bring power. It’s possible to draw distinctions while criticizing the Democratic Party. That said, it does come off as a bit of entitlement to ask leftists to do the work that the Democratic Party itself refuses to do.

They had a huge convention which revolved around reassuring Republicans that Democrats don’t want fundamental change. When we look at the Parties‘ respective Platforms, there are differences but I don’t know why Chapo Trap House should have to tell their 100k listeners this fact when the DNC wasted a chance to tell millions of people about those differences, last week.

I suppose it may be a moot point since the GOP is using its convenient to make it very clear that differences exist between the parties. While far too many Democrats are still small “c” conservative, every Republican, voter and politician alike, is a racist reactionary.
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Like I said....we never got follow up to the fake, “Oval Office shooting”

There was a follow up. They said the guy who was threatening to shoot the president...didn't have a gun...:rofl:

That clown Dan Branzino was on twitter that day talking about "Dont let them see you sweat" because Trump continued his press conference. **** I wouldn't be afraid of someone without a gun shooting me either.
She got called a "raghead" when she was running for governor ten years ago...by another Republican!

:smh: yup, this racist video.

It must be not racism when your own immigrant parents are mocked for their cultural attire.
:smh: yup, this racist video.

It must be not racism when your own immigrant parents are mocked for their cultural attire.
What's even more problematic in this video is how they think religion is embedded in someone's blood, which is ironic considering that they've adopted a religious system that was created by a brown man.
2 years ago, BuzzFeed News published that the Falwells loaned millions of dollars to the pool boy (21 y.o. at the time) to start a hostel business and they were being sued by a third party over the whole deal. Seems like that was shut up money.

When I say my motive is one thing, and you state that it's something else, you're not questioning my motives?

Well, so I think you're confused because you're trying to shift the conversation. I get that you think Trump can help pass meaningful legislation. I'm interested in how you weigh that against the negatives of his presidency. Do you not think there are any negatives to a Trump presidency? Can you name any?

You're basically acting like the marketing department of any company. Boast about your alleged positives and ignore any negatives.

Yes there are negatives to Trump. His actions, tweets and rhetoric have all been problematic.

I’ve conceded these negatives plenty of times.

Acknowledging is not ignoring.
Tim Scott delivers powerful speech touching on race and the 'promise of America'
Yes there are negatives to Trump. His actions, tweets and rhetoric have all been problematic.

I’ve conceded these negatives plenty of times.

Acknowledging is not ignoring.

You've conceded these negatives yet still find ways to defend him, his administration and his goons.

You're a trash human being for supporting him. You can tell yourself whatever you want but there is a reason people go at you the way they do.

How anyone can continue to support this administration is beyond me especially after 4 years of him in office.
I hope you guys are tuning in to the political talk shows to hear what Republicans have to say (that is, if you need a reminder regarding why Trump and the Reds in the Senate should go).
Right now, I'm listening to Mike Davis who is talking about liberal judicial activism while defending the nominees of the Trump, which include people who have never defended a case in court.
Tim Scott delivers powerful speech touching on race and the 'promise of America'

Scott, the only Black Republican in the US Senate, opened by bringing up the coronavirus and invoking the names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor -- two unarmed African Americans who were killed by police this year
And what will the GOP do about those unjust killings? Ignore them?
And what will the GOP do about those unjust killings? Ignore them?

I am not sure what you mean by the GOP, but there are currently federal investigations for the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor killings.

If you recall, Trump requested the federal investigation of the George Floyd murder.
I am not sure what you mean by the GOP, but there are currently federal investigations for the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor killings.

If you recall, Trump requested the federal investigation of the George Floyd murder.

If you recall, the FBI requested it a week before Trump
I am not sure what you mean by the GOP, but there are currently federal investigations for the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor killings.

If you recall, Trump requested the federal investigation of the George Floyd murder.
As a body with the ability to make laws, what does the GOP plan to propose or implement to penalize bad police behavior and disincentivize police brutality?
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