***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wow!! I'm sorry I didn't get out my Webster's dictionary! You like going around taking shots at people who don't know the definition of every word? You must be fun a parties!! 👎👎

And why didn't you quote the person I quoted, since he used the word.
That’s a great question. Thank you.

Let me tell you something, Trump has done so much for the thugs in the inner city and yet they disrespect him. Very unfair. He’s been nothing but good to you people.
But conservative twitter told me that it was Nancy Pelosi who was on the hot seat...


She is on her way to getting impeached any minute. Meth didn't think he was on the hot seat either then WHAMMO he was impeached and jrose5 jrose5 assumed moderator duties.
The pro rich people, pro corporate ads for/against various propositions in CA have been shameless in appropriating social justice.

If you want Uber’s workers to have regular labor protection, you hate black single mothers.

If you want rich boomers, who move, to pay property taxes, you want to prevent disabled people from seeing a doctor.

If you want commercial property owners to pay property taxes, you want to increase income inequality.

I know that political ads aren’t supposed to be neutral arbiters of truth but pro rich/pro corporates ads are especially dishonest this year.
That’s a great question. Thank you.

Let me tell you something, Trump has done so much for the thugs in the inner city and yet they disrespect him. Very unfair. He’s been nothing but good to you people.

I'm a little slow, so forgive me. I hope you don't think I like him? I hate the president! I despise him! As a transplant patient, who is very afraid of catching Covid, I blame him for everything. He singlehandedly f'ed up the whole Cornonavirus response! He's misogynistic, arrogant, egotistical, womanizing narcissist who grifts off of anything or anyone he can and has shown no compassion for anything or anyone but himself. I can't wait till he loses next month, will need to be dragged out of the WH and then sees the inside of a courtroom to tell us all about who that $414M is owed to. He, and his disgusting kids & that creepy S-I-L are gonna go to jail for a LONG TIME!!

Oh and what did you mean by "you people"?
I'm a little slow, so forgive me. I hope you don't think I like him? I hate the president! I despise him! As a transplant patient, who is very afraid of catching Covid, I blame him for everything. He singlehandedly f'ed up the whole Cornonavirus response! He's misogynistic, arrogant, egotistical, womanizing narcissist who grifts off of anything or anyone he can and has shown no compassion for anything or anyone but himself. I can't wait till he loses next month, will need to be dragged out of the WH and then sees the inside of a courtroom to tell us all about who that $414M is owed to. He, and his disgusting kids & that creepy S-I-L are gonna go to jail for a LONG TIME!!

Oh and what did you mean by "you people"?
By “you peopleI refer to the goons and thugs that will ruin my suburbs. They will bus people into my neighborhoods to solicit outside my white picket fence.

Trump helped prevent millions from dying. He closed travel to China early, a move Sleepy Jose said he wouldn’t have. By blocking the Chinese citizens and spies from carrying it on their knockoff clothing in airplanes, He prevented an even bigger burst. He also did a lot to protect us from depression. He held the scariness of this virus from us so we didn’t lose our minds. It’s like if you had cancer, would you want your doctor to tell you! I think not.
They really tried to snatch up Big Gretch

Edit: and was targeting the Police??? :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:

Not defending those idiots, but I haven’t been able to take any “ABC thwarted plot to ______” news at face value in six years thanks to The Newburgh Sting documentary.

After watching the doc, picking apart these stories becomes too easy.
I'm a little slow, so forgive me. I hope you don't think I like him? I hate the president! I despise him! As a transplant patient, who is very afraid of catching Covid, I blame him for everything. He singlehandedly f'ed up the whole Cornonavirus response! He's misogynistic, arrogant, egotistical, womanizing narcissist who grifts off of anything or anyone he can and has shown no compassion for anything or anyone but himself. I can't wait till he loses next month, will need to be dragged out of the WH and then sees the inside of a courtroom to tell us all about who that $414M is owed to. He, and his disgusting kids & that creepy S-I-L are gonna go to jail for a LONG TIME!!

Oh and what did you mean by "you people"?
AMEN. I cant believe America hasn't turned their backs on the joker in the White House. Next month we'll finally have our revenge and we'll finally LOCK. OBAMA. UP. No more FEMA camps! No more Obummercare! No more oppression! Obummer, his wife, and those children will all be tried for treason with BIG GRETCH and HILLAREMAILS CLINTON. Lock them all up! Once Donald J Trump is president, we will FINALLY make this country GREAT again!
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I'm a little slow, so forgive me. I hope you don't think I like him? I hate the president! I despise him! As a transplant patient, who is very afraid of catching Covid, I blame him for everything. He singlehandedly f'ed up the whole Cornonavirus response! He's misogynistic, arrogant, egotistical, womanizing narcissist who grifts off of anything or anyone he can and has shown no compassion for anything or anyone but himself. I can't wait till he loses next month, will need to be dragged out of the WH and then sees the inside of a courtroom to tell us all about who that $414M is owed to. He, and his disgusting kids & that creepy S-I-L are gonna go to jail for a LONG TIME!!

Oh and what did you mean by "you people"?

Before you respond to him again, you should probably know he’s just doing a MAGA schtick. None of his posts, especially the ones where he quoted you, were serious.

Edit: I should probably clarify because another one got posted while I was typing this - Every response you see in here that’s praising Trump is satire.

Unless it’s from dwalk31 dwalk31 He actually loves Trump and supports Pedos.
Before you respond to him again, you should probably know he’s just doing a MAGA schtick. None of his posts, especially the ones where he quoted you, were serious.

Edit: I should probably clarify because another one got posted while I was typing this - Every response you see in here that’s praising Trump is satire.

Unless it’s from dwalk31 dwalk31 He actually loves Trump and supports Pedos.

I appreciate that buddy. 👍I kinda figured it out by his reply. 👍 I know of the others who do the troll posts. Didn't know he did them too.

Yeah, I know that other dude loves 45!
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