***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In fairness

In fairness

In fairness

He ****ing lied.

He said Joe had to talk Republicans into it and to prove that it could have been done he lied about talking the opposition party into support criminal justice reform. That didn't happen.

That is not what happened. He didn't even talk the GOP into it. There was support for it, but they refused to vote on the bill. Under Obama, and even under Trump. Let us remember Trump ran on a tough on crime agenda. Cory Booker convinced Kushner to make Trump support it. Trump said he would not veto it. So the GOP agreed to pass a watered-down bill.

Belgium Belgium has posted an article numerous times talking about how Mitch McConnell blocked criminal justice under Obama even though enough of the GOP caucus supported it.

Trump didn't even talk his own party into supporting the bill. He just said he would sign it if they passed it. He gave them clearance to stop holding it up.

He damn sure didn't talk any Dems into signing it

Secondly, Joe doesn't need to talk his own party into signing anything.

So please, shut up with this utter nonsense.

Stop responding to him man. Him being in this thread spewing his nonsense is as much his fault as yours. I say this as respectfully as possible.

Edit: On the flipside, it's good to have a person who brings up fox news talking points so someone can fact check it.

Nvm, I'm a bit conflicted now :lol:
I wouldn't say the GOP caucus supported it. Not at that time anyway. The bill had a good amount of GOP co-sponsors but also a good amount of Republicans (the likes of Tom Cotton etc) whispering in Mitch's ear that he had to block it.
I said enough of the GOP caucus supported for it to pass under Obama.

I didn't say the whole caucus supported it.
cousin ****er
Surprised Trump managed to stay civil for the most part. Still lied his *** off in virtually every question but could've gone a lot worse for him. Not sure if Biden gains much, if anything from this. The last debate give Biden a tiny bump in the polls but hardly anything to write home about. This debate could open him up to more scrutiny depending on what becomes of the Hunter Biden emails thing.
Biden lied on at least some occasions (China travel ban for example, which Trump also lied about) but generally seemed to have his facts straight.
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