***Official Political Discussion Thread***

the banks says the 3k you withdrew was transferred from fraudulent accounts,
so we are are taking 3k back from you.

But everyone keeps telling me that the block chain means instantaneous cash settlements with zero risk of fraud. Shouldn't this be impossible?

Levine is the best. NT has really been eating up my Money Stuff time. I'm several weeks back on the newsletter.
Elon is scamming people too. Dude doesn’t care about the environment. Only selling Tesla’s and wack internet that’s super expensive.

We gave Elon an interest free loan just to be on the waitlist to receive a just a crumb of his wack internet. :lol:

that's how bad rural broadband is. :lol:

I know but it could be if they built it. If not there are other satellite providers as well.

he is late to the game stealing ideas again. :lol:

nah the starlink is a legitimate innovation.
existing satellite internet is trash, trust me, we tried it all. its garbage high latency trash.
LTE is decent if you are close enough to a cell tower.

but low latency reasonably reliable satellite internet, doesn't exist outside of starlink.

ive been following the canadian rollout, people in rural areas of my province have gotten in on the beta

and def trounces all other options in rural areas.
some people getting like 300 down.

my bro who lives in the country would pay anything to get like 40 down, let alone 300 :lol:

obviously it would be better if the government just tunneled fiber to everyone's homes

but until they do id pay whatever elon asks for non useless internet. :lol:

Weird times.
Would like to live in a world were the social issues on the ground are taken care of before extending society out to space.

Clearly everything from Space force, Mainstream UFO talk, Starlink, Blue Origin and Facebook satellites and Mars shows that the race for space supremacy/ jurisdiction is on.
nah the starlink is a legitimate innovation.
existing satellite internet is trash, trust me, we tried it all. its garbage high latency trash.
LTE is decent if you are close enough to a cell tower.

but low latency reasonably reliable satellite internet, doesn't exist outside of starlink.

ive been following the canadian rollout, people in rural areas of my province have gotten in on the beta

and def trounces all other options in rural areas.
some people getting like 300 down.

my bro who lives in the country would pay anything to get like 40 down, let alone 300 :lol:

obviously it would be better if the government just tunneled fiber to everyone's homes

but until they do id pay whatever elon asks for non useless internet. :lol:

yeah it’s faster than the other options for sure.

the problem is there’s a lot of country dudes with money but there’s probably more rural people who are broke. Like your brother is good and I know a lot of people in the same boat but there is a ton of poor rural areas.
That crippled handicap piece of garbage Abbott withdrew from federal unemployment for Texas today. I hope another tree falls on him and paralyzes him from the neck down.

In all seriousness though can Biden and/or the Department of Labor do anything about this. If it’s was just Montana and South Carolina like it initially was, I could see them treating it as an isolated incident and letting it rock. But when 20 plus governors have withdrawn from the program and each and every single one of them has a R next to their name, I would think they would have no choice but to address it. Especially with some states getting cut off as soon as June 12th.

Either way it should give the Dems plenty of ammo and they should run attack ads on this issue all throughout those states. Mind you Mitch being a stubborn pos opened the door for those Georgia elections and stimulus and covid unemployment were big talking points in those races.

On another note. I know a few restaurants in Dallas where the owners were being extremely whiny about ending the enhanced unemployment. Since their hissy fit is directly impacting me for the short term, I’m thinking about taking a job with one of them and directly impacting them as well. I can provide rude, piss poor service, and do a few things to make the business look as bad as possible while costing them money in the process in a pretty short time before they fire me. I’m strongly considering doing just that as a F you to them.
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After these last few weeks and this campaign against pandemic UI, I don’t know how anyone could deny that:

1.) Capitalism runs on coercion.
2.) Class antagonism is real and constant

Normally, the employer class likes to pretend that every worker is just a solo entrepreneur, a hustler and CEO of their personal brand, who seeks out gigs that speak to their passions (weird that so many people are passionate about spread sheets and cleaning toilets but ok). Not only that, pay is not supposed to even be important for workers, they are just independently wealthy folks who wait tables and pick crops for the love of the game.

Then COVID happens and a variety of factors are forcing some restaurant owners to pay 13 to 18 bucks an hour and the mask comes right off. Employers approach employees and prospective employees like they’ve besieged a walled city and lack the numbers to storm it and the catapults to knock down the walls so they demand assistance in starving them out.

A fascist is just a libertarian who has to give his employees a modest raise.
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