Official Post Your Ethnicity Thread

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

As what usually happens, people in here are mixing up nationality and ethnicity. The word ethnicity is more of a convulated term. How I see it...Ethnicityinvolves thing such as history, language, customs, traditions, ceremonies and values. As for nationality, it is geographic and involves national origin. Thereare some ethnicities that can also be nationalities (ie. Chinese, Korean,etc). But in some other cases, not so. For example, take the country of Eritrea. BeingEritrean is your nationality, but when it comes to ethnicities, it is more complicated and it gets broken down. As for ethnicities in Eritrea, you can beTigrinya, Tigre, or Kunama or other ethnicities. Take a country like Ecuador. Being Ecuadorian is your nationality. When it comes down to ethnicity, you can bea mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white), Amerindian, Spanish (white) or black.

As for my ethnicity, I am Arab.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

As what usually happens, people in here are mixing up nationality and ethnicity. The word ethnicity is more of a convulated term. How I see it...Ethnicity involves thing such as history, language, customs, traditions, ceremonies and values. As for nationality, it is geographic and involves national origin. There are some ethnicities that can also be nationalities (ie. Chinese, Korean,etc). But in some other cases, not so. For example, take the country of Eritrea. Being Eritrean is your nationality, but when it comes to ethnicities, it is more complicated and it gets broken down. As for ethnicities in Eritrea, you can be Tigrinya, Tigre, or Kunama or other ethnicities. Take a country like Ecuador. Being Ecuadioran is your nationality. When it comes down to ethnicity, you can be a mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white), Amerindian, Spanish (white) or black.

As for my ethnicity, I am Arab.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

As what usually happens, people in here are mixing up nationality and ethnicity. The word ethnicity is more of a convulated term. How I see it...Ethnicity involves thing such as history, language, customs, traditions, ceremonies and values. As for nationality, it is geographic and involves national origin. There are some ethnicities that can also be nationalities (ie. Chinese, Korean,etc). But in some other cases, not so. For example, take the country of Eritrea. Being Eritrean is your nationality, but when it comes to ethnicities, it is more complicated and it gets broken down. As for ethnicities in Eritrea, you can be Tigrinya, Tigre, or Kunama or other ethnicities. Take a country like Ecuador. Being Ecuadorian is your nationality. When it comes down to ethnicity, you can be a mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white), Amerindian, Spanish (white) or black.

As for my ethnicity, I am Arab.
Great and concise explanation, HH. I wanted to type something like that out, but I was too lazy.
Originally Posted by inspektahdeck

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

As what usually happens, people in here are mixing up nationality and ethnicity. The word ethnicity is more of a convulated term. How I see it...Ethnicity involves thing such as history, language, customs, traditions, ceremonies and values. As for nationality, it is geographic and involves national origin. There are some ethnicities that can also be nationalities (ie. Chinese, Korean,etc). But in some other cases, not so. For example, take the country of Eritrea. Being Eritrean is your nationality, but when it comes to ethnicities, it is more complicated and it gets broken down. As for ethnicities in Eritrea, you can be Tigrinya, Tigre, or Kunama or other ethnicities. Take a country like Ecuador. Being Ecuadioran is your nationality. When it comes down to ethnicity, you can be a mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white), Amerindian, Spanish (white) or black.

As for my ethnicity, I am Arab.
i was thinking the same thing...
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Great and concise explanation, HH. I wanted to type something like that out, but I was too lazy.
Thank you!Everytime I come in these type of posts, I just shake my head. Ethnicity also tends to be linked to race at times,but more likely I findit linked a lot to language too.

Here is a list I found that lists ethnicites/races by countries:

It is not accurate or perfect in its listing, but does give a general view of the different ethnicities by countries.
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