Official Post Your Ethnicity Thread

trinidadian, dominican.. mixed in every sense..honestly don't know what i am. but i bubble in black
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

As what usually happens, people in here are mixing up nationality and ethnicity. The word ethnicity is more of a convulated term. How I see it...Ethnicity involves thing such as history, language, customs, traditions, ceremonies and values. As for nationality, it is geographic and involves national origin. There are some ethnicities that can also be nationalities (ie. Chinese, Korean,etc). But in some other cases, not so. For example, take the country of Eritrea. Being Eritrean is your nationality, but when it comes to ethnicities, it is more complicated and it gets broken down. As for ethnicities in Eritrea, you can be Tigrinya, Tigre, or Kunama or other ethnicities. Take a country like Ecuador. Being Ecuadorian is your nationality. When it comes down to ethnicity, you can be a mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white), Amerindian, Spanish (white) or black.

As for my ethnicity, I am Arab.

you are so sexy and smart...
she done turned me into a simp

i had a feeling ya would get confused with ethnicity/nationality. this always happen on NT
A lot of you are getting nationality and race mixed up with ethnicity. I'd be really interested in the ethnicity you all belong to. For me its the Mendepeople of Sierra Leone.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

You're going to make someone very happy one day.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

A lot of you are getting nationality and race mixed up with ethnicity. I'd be really interested in the ethnicity you all belong to. For me its the Mende people of Sierra Leone.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

You're going to make someone very happy one day.
Thank you mr5 and you too Mangudai!

People are still answering by their nationalities and not ethnicties.
I would also be interested to see what are people's ethnicities. Theidentification through ethnicities can be extremely important especially when looking at histories and politics of different countries around the world. In alot of cases, it is ethnic conflict that spearheads civil wars. In some countries, there are tons of ethnicities. I find all the different ethnicities andtheir cultures really beautiful and they should be represented.
Originally Posted by iLL Since 92


No wonder i'm so damn lightskinned
why do people do this?

you had 4 fathers/mothers?

bet no one guesses mine
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