Official SF2THDR ps3

just downloaded this yesterday. fun and easy to play game great for those times when you gotta kill 20-30 mins.
is one of you guys terryroy079? got a friend request from this person and i don't know who it is. anyhow, i'm jumping on right now.
@ cammy's throw/suplex. i kept getting matched up with this dude in scoreboard mode who was timing the throw perfect every time and hed loop it 3 or 4times til i died
i just couldn't stop it.

puttin in work with e honda though
how do i accept invites and join games? this is the first time ive played online with my ps3 and i can't figure out how to do this
. it takes me to theinvite message and there's no option to join. why cant it be like the 360 where you just hit 1 button to join and youre in there like swim wear.
if you want to accept an invite, go to multiplayer -> friendly game -> accept invitation. conversely, if you want to invite someone to a game, go tomultiplayer -> friendly game -> create match, and then press square to send an invite.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

yeah that's me.. terryroy079... haven't seen none of y'all just raadius, but he's hiding from me...
Son I aint hiding, your connection is killing my room. Me, SonofTony and NCTwin are battling it out fine, but when ever you join it kills the roomand connection is lost,
yeah i dont know why either.. same thing happened in tournament mode... it sucks cause i dont know how to change it..
my internet is down for the moment and I want to play
I am very streaky hen it ocmes to this game
I either lose 5 in a row or win 5 in a row
and i will get frustrated as hell, I threw my controller across the hall at one point
Originally Posted by ikari XD

my apologies if my cammy has been turfing anyone in here. i dont get why my win/loss record isn't changing though...some dude played me 11 times until he stopped
i played agianst someone who picked cammy 11 times
and losteverytime

BTW if anyone wants to play me right no my Id is RobG-703
been trying to play but upcoming finals and all. will definitely play throughout the rest of the month after i'm done though.
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