PTON popping almost 3% after hours :nerd: Making it real hard to hold onto this call if it keeps these levels into trading tomorrow.
PTON popping almost 3% after hours :nerd: Making it real hard to hold onto this call if it keeps these levels into trading tomorrow.
Trade machine triggered a 14 day before earnings trade that historically is a winner. Close it one day before earnings. I’ve never used it before or paid attention so we’ll see what happens.

BYND keep an eye on a continuation today. Some great r/r right now against 132.34. We have room to 136.85, 139.50 and lotto targets of 181 and 187.

CHWY might be gearing up for another move. Liking it through 57.50 to anticipate the big move over 58.32 where it could be a runner. Just be aware that CHWY fails a lot and takes time to get going so it might be one of those plays you put a stop in and ignore for a few days.
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Wish I had Telsa man. I just started and see the jumps, not ready to buy in at that amount yet still learning haha.

Way over my head/budget for now
@everyone Some crazy push again this morning. ULTA took off (although they miss on sales forecast). 258 is a pivot point for it.
WDAY was not a big surprise.
NTNX climbed all the way to hit the top, just before entering the gap to fill. We need new buyers to enter that point and strong believers holding bags to keep moving to the upside. Note that RBC upgraded its PT... While Baird downgraded to neutral... Even top investment firms can sometimes be wrong... There is a support line at 24.01. Next one down is 22.85. On the upside, 25.75 will have it enter the gap to fill.
Now WMT. Historically, it tends to tank after good news. I would be very careful to go long right at the gate. They are really trying hard to compete with AMZN selling home brands here and there but although we think it's a healthy company, compared with COST and AMZN that doubled their value since 2019, WMT always feels like it has to work harder.
Keep an eye on AMD at 84.25 if it breaks above.
It's Friday folks. Lower volume and market makers that want to position tickers to avoid paying for option premiums.
Yesterday was a good day. Don't ever let the feeling that you've become invincible get the best of you. Keep working with a plan. Know your limits. Ask questions. One day your account can go 100%. Don't aim for that. Aim for consistency.

Tesla stock jump makes no sense to me, but I don't think it does to anyone else either. Just go along for the ride.
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this whole week, tsla short vol went up while prices kept rising. on a lot of volume. it's gonna explode next week after split. just my guess though
That's what I'm seeing. Dudes on IBD always seem to bring it up, good examples too.
Yeah I think it’s something worth using to exit a position. I started rereading the O’Neil book and when stocks break that line, it’s been a good sell indicator and if it’s just a shakeout and it regains, it works out buying back. So from that perspective I’ll probably use it at times.

roku is a beast though :pimp: $400 in the making, especially if they capture the international market.
Is it worth buying 2 shares in something lower prices like 20-60$ as a beginner? or should I use the money I put up to buy 2 shares of multiple into just more shares of 1-2

Thanks in advance good ppl
Is it worth buying 2 shares in something lower prices like 20-60$ as a beginner? or should I use the money I put up to buy 2 shares of multiple into just more shares of 1-2

Thanks in advance good ppl
So here’s the thing, don’t get trapped by a stock’s price. Just because Shopify is $1,000 doesn’t mean it’s a stock you should ignore over a $25 stock like delta let’s say. There are plenty of good stocks with good growth and earnings that are around 20-60, sometimes they’re misunderstood by the street, sometimes they’re just very young, that’s ok, but you need to distinguish between the $20 stock that has a future versus the $20 stock that’s on the back end of its legacy.

nothing wrong with buying 1-2 shares of anything. It’s your money, it’s your risk, stick to your comfort level and gradually learn and compound your gains. I bought 5 shares of api because the earnings were fantastic, $227 of risk, but I only bought 5 shares because I hve reservations about China and accounting fraud and trump meddling so I kept my risk down, at the same time I bought 5 shares of crm where each share cost $267 because I liked the earnings and the volume flowing in and the future story. I feel more comfortable there, so I can have a higher risk tolerance. At the moment I’m up $16 on both positions. Just having a share or two might seem pointless, but it’s actually not and can be very rewarding. Remember, your job is to create wealth by beating inflation. So if you invest $10 and it doubles, congratulations you just beat inflation on that $10 for 50 years. Look at things that way and you’ll never feel uneasy and pointless using small size. Get rich by compounding gains through experience, not reckless behavior.
Trade machine triggered a 14 day before earnings trade that historically is a winner. Close it one day before earnings. I’ve never used it before or paid attention so we’ll see what happens.
I closed at $9.30. Wouldnt be happy with myself if I left a position open over the weekend and it broke down. I'll be happy that my goal was met much quicker than expected, instead of wondering "what if" if it runs next week too.
So here’s the thing, don’t get trapped by a stock’s price. Just because Shopify is $1,000 doesn’t mean it’s a stock you should ignore over a $25 stock like delta let’s say. There are plenty of good stocks with good growth and earnings that are around 20-60, sometimes they’re misunderstood by the street, sometimes they’re just very young, that’s ok, but you need to distinguish between the $20 stock that has a future versus the $20 stock that’s on the back end of its legacy.

nothing wrong with buying 1-2 shares of anything. It’s your money, it’s your risk, stick to your comfort level and gradually learn and compound your gains. I bought 5 shares of api because the earnings were fantastic, $227 of risk, but I only bought 5 shares because I hve reservations about China and accounting fraud and trump meddling so I kept my risk down, at the same time I bought 5 shares of crm where each share cost $267 because I liked the earnings and the volume flowing in and the future story. I feel more comfortable there, so I can have a higher risk tolerance. At the moment I’m up $16 on both positions. Just having a share or two might seem pointless, but it’s actually not and can be very rewarding. Remember, your job is to create wealth by beating inflation. So if you invest $10 and it doubles, congratulations you just beat inflation on that $10 for 50 years. Look at things that way and you’ll never feel uneasy and pointless using small size. Get rich by compounding gains through experience, not reckless behavior.

Perfect just what I needed to know and think about! I appreciate ya bro
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