I have only $3k exposure into individual stocks. My portfolio is disorganized, lagging, and largely flat. Debating minimizing my holdings to PYPL, SQ, FVRR, SE. GDDY and staying liquid for a snow and frog entry.
I closed at $9.30. Wouldnt be happy with myself if I left a position open over the weekend and it broke down. I'll be happy that my goal was met much quicker than expected, instead of wondering "what if" if it runs next week too.

Just keep hopping back in! I missed out on some of this upside, but I'm not upset. I got the return I wanted and freed up capital. Will look for dips to contemplate.
Wait what? What firm is doing this daily, never heard that? If true just trade through a SO or new account.

I had a list of over 500 clients I couldn’t trade - did it daily. Worked on a 8B acquisition and made a decent amount (less than 25k) off of it when it was announced- Just don’t be stupid lol.

We have "Broker import" as a member of management, I have to have all brokerage accounts linked. So whenever a position is added/closed, the system is notified. Typically refreshes overnight but we're open to being sanctioned if you open a restricted position and close it in the same day even, irrespective of intention.

We're trying as a firm (KPMG) to nip in the bud any independence issues as we've had plenty of headlines over the last few years.
We have "Broker import" as a member of management, I have to have all brokerage accounts linked. So whenever a position is added/closed, the system is notified. Typically refreshes overnight but we're open to being sanctioned if you open a restricted position and close it in the same day even, irrespective of intention.

We're trying as a firm (KPMG) to nip in the bud any independence issues as we've had plenty of headlines over the last few years.

Crazy - sorry to hear. Yeah the headlines haven’t been pretty
Missed out on the NVDA play today because the alarm on my phone doesn’t go off anymore for some reason :smh:. Wasn’t expecting such a big move, but I was going to play the morning dip, which I scalped earlier this week. The $510 call for $1.80 is $13 now :smh:.
Catalyst will break through resistance. I sold and rebought nvda calls. New gpu sept 1st. 3 white soldiers coming right up

SPCE loaded $20c 9/18 at .70.
I know most here know this, but Index Funds are a great alternative to mitigate risk and cost but still be aggressive. NVDA is too rich for my blood but I own a piece through my fund. (FNCMX)
Didn't pull the trigger on chwy calls on Tuesday..coulda been up over 100% already :smh: Loading up on some Monday no matter what

Damn! I was pretty disappointed when I saw it on the restricted list. Deleted that B off my watch list w/ the quickness. onto the next!
Index and mutual funds are fantastic but remember you can create good cash flow from one or two shares if a stock price is too high allocation wise. You don’t need huge investments. I’m up $40 on my two shares of nvda from this morning. Will it make me rich, no, but I’m beating inflation and that’s all that matters.
Didn't pull the trigger on chwy calls on Tuesday..coulda been up over 100% already :smh: Loading up on some Monday no matter what
I bought cheap, went heavy and got out at a loss when it dipped

I pretty much screwed my self out of a big payday

done that quite a few times the last 2 weeks, could been up BIG
I bought cheap, went heavy and got out at a loss when it dipped

I pretty much screwed my self out of a big payday

done that quite a few times the last 2 weeks, could been up BIG
Cut your size by at least 70%. You're becoming too emotional because you’re risking more than you’re comfortable. You don’t need to get rich overnight, you need to become consistent and with that consistency you can compound and create wealth.
I bought cheap, went heavy and got out at a loss when it dipped

I pretty much screwed my self out of a big payday

done that quite a few times the last 2 weeks, could been up BIG

What i have been doing is if I have a position of 10 to 20 contracts, I'll sell half and let the rest run. Worked out well lately.
My wife wants to invest in Apple. She was confused why we didn’t own any. “Because I’m an idiot” was all I could say.

haha i tell myself the same thing. Tried to time it after pandemic drop. Was in and out waiting for a good pull back. That was in high 200s low 300s. No way it will keep going up! Guess ill buy some now
My wife wants to invest in Apple. She was confused why we didn’t own any. “Because I’m an idiot” was all I could say.

no exposure at all to the S&P 500 through your mutual funds and index funds?

That's how i get my exposure to Apple, but I wish I had some individual shares too considering the recent growth :lol:
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