There goes TSLA. Should have picked up that $560 options call.

Man I should’ve bought some ZM at 353. Thought it was done running for the day.

also passed on DOCU today because of earnings and wanted to be a little conservative. Welp. Onto the next one.
So reflecting on ZM and why I don’t own it I can across two things I need to consider doing:

If I see a strong fundamental growth story be in it and don’t get shaken out

in order to take advantage of as much opportunity as possible, open my book up to 20 names (currently 15) with an average size between 1-3k. This way I get exposure to every great stock I see that I like fundamentally and I manage my risk upon entry with no one position being too high and capable of bringing down my whole book
Man ok. I work in tech and im clearly behind on understanding stock. I have a Charles Schawb account and auto sell my RSUs and a healthy 401k but that's it.

Where can i get started understanding all of this stuff. I'm clearly missing out. Reading materials? basic 101s? do i just throw everything at FAANG? Any help would be appreciated
After the earnings ZM reported last time that were CRAZY and now seeing this earning reports..:wow:.. can they make it 3/3 next earnings?
After the earnings ZM reported last time that were CRAZY and now seeing this earning reports..:wow:.. can they make it 3/3 next earnings?
With everyone working from home, more than likely. Schools and organizations that haven't already will be moving towards using video conferencing software and right now, Zoom is it. Most retailers are out of equipment for work telecommuting/working from home. Headsets and other equipment are sold out at big retailers and are being sold at a higher markup by 3rd party sellers. Reached out to a rep to order some equipment and they were telling a number of items are back-ordered.
I think I will pass on buying $AAPL right now until after Nov. I don’t see it moving crazy by then but could drop for the low depending on the outcome of the election.
From the group:

Here is a fun NFLX 9/11 spread. 350% profit if you hit jackpot $580 target on 9/11, but guaranteed 126% gain no matter how high it runs when it comes down that slope. Breakeven is at $548. Around 240% profit at $570.
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