I gotta look at their market. You can't touch GME right now unless you're a baller or selling volatility.

Am I hedged at this point or short the market?
295-290 put spread in QQQ for next week and Feb 19
250-245 put spread in QQQ for March 19
200 put in QQQ for March 19
355-350 put spread in SPY for next week
330-325 put spread in SPY for March 19
295-290 put spread in SPY for March 19
230-225 put spread in TDOC for next week
240-235 put spread in ROKU for March (this was before the explosion)
120-115 put spread in LQD for June
40-60 call spread in VXX for March

I probably have like 300-500 bucks in premium now that I'm looking at it. but if we tank, I'm going to make serious cash, each of these hedges were bought <.80. If we go up, my book will move much more than the hedges rolling off will affect me.

This helps me keep perspective and keeps me from worrying at night. That to me is invaluable.

Portfolio Update in size order: $ROKU $SHOP $TDOC $NVDA $AAPL $DIS $PINS $NVTA $FSLY $HAACU $SQ $SE $GDRX $IPOE $CURI $ONDS $JMIA 5% cash
Just looked at my account and saw the notional value was down massive. Forgot for a second I drew on margin for my house downpayment instead of selling. Almost got scared for a second. I am going to rotate out of my SPY though, that was what I was going to use for a portion of payment but now that I did this I have no real use for it. Don't feel like selling into this, so will just pay it off via cash and no buys until I do after today. Going to buy IPOE and some other stuff on my watch list.
How this app called robinhood when its doin the opposite of what robinhood did?

You supposed to steal from the rich and give to the masses

You know, the idea of value investing being dumb for young people is true, but then you post literal garbage that are trading vehicles which 90% of the people in that age group should not be touching because of their inexperience with markets. If he replaced them with quality high growth stocks in strong thematics, I'd agree completely.

Bot more SQ, wanted to buy at 216 this morning but waited, now that were back to it here after selling off, I'm ok with taking a flyer on an add with cushion. Have money free to add again lower if needed. Not done building this.

FB is damn tempting tho tbh.
What Robinhood did and continues to do is criminal. GME, BB, AMC, and NOK all flying and they take your ability to buy away. DOGE goes crazy and they take it down.

Again, this is not the normal stock halt for volatility. This was protecting billionaires.

If you believe DOGE is a **** coin, then why offer it? O yea, because it attracts retail traders. You ******* RH *** holes. This is absurd.
I am holding my bags of BB and NOK. No, it isn't irrational for these companies. One is a critical telecom and the other can be an emerging player in 2 markets in the coming years. I see these as viable long holds anyway.

And let me be clear, at the end of the day, I only eat if someone believes a company has more value than I do. This is consistent with every trade anyone makes. You need a buyer. You can't open trading and close it if there are buyers waiting.
This is how you do it ladies and gents.

This is how you play this!
ROKU dropping quite a bit today
In all honesty, 90% of your favorite trader's, favorite traders' portfolio is overvalued from a fundamental perspective. You will see great companies with runways like ROKU and TDOC and some of these others just completely **** the bed if this GME craze permeates. Some people believe we need a drawdown because things are inflated. It doesn't make any sense to buy at the prices at all unless you are trading momentum.
I love SQ but their customer service is beyond trash IMO, anyone else have similar experience?
For those still holding the meme stuff, wasn't today supposed to be the big day? So today wasn't a big day, what now?
Not really. Today is when Mevin's short positions expires but that doesn't mean action will be had on his end today. That will be in the coming days (maybe lol).
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