Sold doge for 10m willing to give anyone who quotes this $100 dollars.

No clue. I’m just some guy on the internet. I can’t give advice.

y’all realize these hedge funds have infinite money and don’t need to cover necessarily right? They could just pile on top and eventually win more than retail can pump it up. Best of luck next week.
I’m asking is that a thing people do? I’m not saying sell Tesla at 793 and buying GME. I’m talking about a responsible move to make sure I maximize profits.

No clue. I’m just some guy on the internet. I can’t give advice.

y’all realize these hedge funds have infinite money and don’t need to cover necessarily right? They could just pile on top and eventually win more than retail can pump it up. Best of luck next week.
The whole USA can buy one share of gme (@ Robinhood s limit) and still come up short on volume. I really call suspect on the little guys forcing the change here. Even the og guy who made/making/holding millions didn’t invest too much. The 9th highest investor for them had $14 million in 2019 share $$. And they cashed out a few days ago.
They did say 60% of Robinhooders had some amount of gme. But they weren’t clear on their holding %. Millionaires jumped in early. There’s no doubt some wsb guys are millionaires but was it enough?
The crack in foundation may have been spotted by them. But the piling on was everyone else. How many board members bought more as it was going up?
If you’re interested in actual research and learning, Fidelity is the best! They offer the most info / research. They also have amazing customer service.

There’s a reason they’ve been in business 75 years and manage $1.2 Trillion. It’s almost unheard of to read any controversy from them, they’re ultra professional. For comparison, super garbage RobinHood has been around under 8 years and only manages $20 billion. And yet, in their short time they’ve managed to have controversy after controversy. They might be the single worst trading brokerage out there. I don’t think they even offer much (if any) research for their users. They treat this like a game, and prey on inexperienced investors. They are literally the worst.

Just FYI, $1.2 Trillion is SIXTY TIMES as large as $20 billion. Fidelity has been in business 10x as long as RobinHood, manages 60x the amount RobinHood does, and rarely causes controversy unlike RobinHood. There is no good reason to TRUST RobinHood with your hard earned money over Fidelity. None.
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So if we can’t pump anything anymore, will RH give me a refund on all my dumps I bought last year? They didn’t care when the majority lost money. The casino is changing the rules. At least when I go to the casino or sports bet, I know it’s out against me from the get go.
I’m asking is that a thing people do? I’m not saying sell Tesla at 793 and buying GME. I’m talking about a responsible move to make sure I maximize profits.
can you point out on a chart why you should be selling Tesla? Can you point out on a chart where you would be buying Tesla and explain why it will get there? If the answer is no, you should really reconsider everything you’re doing and learn how to read charts and create a plan.

here’s the chart, you’ve got the 21 ema and 70 dma on it. You tell me what you see and why. Then I’ll tell you my thoughts in the spoiler section and see if it matches up with what you see


chart looks heavy, needs to snap back over the 21 day. I wouldn’t have exited completely but if I was long with profits from the 700-750s or bought above the current price full size, I’d be taking some off and waiting to see if it can snap over the 21 day and print a bullish outside day candle. I think you can sustained selling here that might have room down to the 70 day if the market is heavy and sells off. I would be selling out completely if we take out today’s lows and reject them on any pops. But that’s if I’m an aggressive trader who joined the party late. If I’m a bull from 200-500 and I don’t need the money, I’d leave it alone, hedge and buy more at the 600 level if it got there
I’m asking is that a thing people do? I’m not saying sell Tesla at 793 and buying GME. I’m talking about a responsible move to make sure I maximize profits.

A couple things to consider:

1.) Tax rates on stocks you’ve owned less than a year are a lot higher.

2.) Most brokers only let you buy/sell a stock in the same day a few times in a five day period (3 or 4 same day trades within a 5-business-day period is a pretty standard restriction). Selling the next day is fine though.

3.) Timing the market is extremely difficult because it can be pretty random sometimes. All the research and indicators could point to a stock going down, but it may go up for unforeseen reasons. It’s still gambling at the end of the day. And most people aren’t good at gambling - once you start losing you panic and become irrational. You might start doing riskier trades to “make up” your losses. Or just become impatient and buy at a price you didn’t originally want, out of panic or frustration.

Lots of studies have shown investors usually do better in the long run just leaving their investments alone compared to constantly buying/selling trying to time the market.

This info is mostly for long term investing. If you’re thinking short term then yes it’s probably better to be active, BUT you should know why it’s “probable” a stock moves a certain direction, like Johnny showed above. You’ll probably do better making informed gambles, but luck is involved so nothing is guaranteed.
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can you point out on a chart why you should be selling Tesla? Can you point out on a chart where you would be buying Tesla and explain why it will get there? If the answer is no, you should really reconsider everything you’re doing and learn how to read charts and create a plan.

here’s the chart, you’ve got the 21 ema and 70 dma on it. You tell me what you see and why. Then I’ll tell you my thoughts in the spoiler section and see if it matches up with what you see


chart looks heavy, needs to snap back over the 21 day. I wouldn’t have exited completely but if I was long with profits from the 700-750s or bought above the current price full size, I’d be taking some off and waiting to see if it can snap over the 21 day and print a bullish outside day candle. I think you can sustained selling here that might have room down to the 70 day if the market is heavy and sells off. I would be selling out completely if we take out today’s lows and reject them on any pops. But that’s if I’m an aggressive trader who joined the party late. If I’m a bull from 200-500 and I don’t need the money, I’d leave it alone, hedge and buy more at the 600 level if it got there
Appreciate it. Im the latter. Got in 400s. Sitting on 22k profit at the moment. Very helpful info. Thanks
A couple things to consider:

1.) Tax rates on stocks you’ve owned less than a year are a lot higher.

2.) Most brokers only let your buy/sell a stock in the same day a few times in a five day period (3 or 4 same day trades within a 5-business-day period is a pretty standard restriction). Selling the next day is fine though.

3.) Timing the market is extremely difficult because it can be pretty random sometimes. All the research and indicators could point to a stock going down, but it may go up for unforeseen reasons. It’s still gambling at the end of the day. And most people aren’t good at gambling - once you start losing you panic and become irrational. You might start doing riskier trades to “make up” your losses. Or just become impatient and buy at a price you didn’t originally want, out of panic or frustration.

Lots of studies have shown investors usually do better in the long run just leaving their investments alone compared to constantly buying/selling trying to time the market.

This info is mostly for long term investing. If you’re thinking short term then yes it’s probably better to be active, BUT you should know why it’s “probable” a stock moves a certain direction, like Johnny showed above. You’ll probably do better making informed gambles, but luck is involved so nothing is guaranteed.
Great ideas here.

timing the market is very hard and has cost me money. There are times where I do it perfectly. Look when I went cash big this week. But then there are times where I mess up and get too cute which is what I did selling my SE add at break even after it faded $20 from its highs two days ago thinking it would go lower than my entry and I could get a better price. The best thing you can do is trade around your position and this is something I will do occasionally but less more so now. If you own 100 shares maybe you sell 25 up 10-15% and you buy back 25 shares on a pullback or whatever your plan is. But you’ll have to pay taxes on the sell and you run the risk of thinking a pull back will happen and it never does. This is why I hedge instead of selling core positions. I will never sell out of my top stocks unless fundamentals change. I’ll sell my weaker, smaller stocks that are just trades, but the big ones I hedge with a cheap put spread and typically lose $50-100 on in order to just keep a level head and avoid emotions during pull backs. If you let your winners win and compound, you can create a good cushion in a bull market than when a correction hits, you don’t worry about going red, you just chill or add more if you have cash or sold something weaker Roku is my best stock, I was up over 130% at the highs, now I’m up 100%, if it gets halved I’m still up 50%, I’ll sell something to buy more or buy on margin (don’t do it unless you’re experienced) and either keep the extra position or sell it higher if I was on margin (Id also use a stop on the add if I was on margin).
If one is 10-20 years long on a stock, and has dividends every quarter, is it wrong of me to be cheering for the stock to drop (as long as dividends are nearly identical)? I won’t name the stock but the current dividend yield is half as what it used to be since climbing in price just 9 months ago. Long term, this does little for me. I was doing fine before it spiked up. I don’t need to the moon emojis. I need solid stable or linear growth until I retire.

there’s many strategies at play. I feel many short their best long term plays and will know it recovers in due time. Is that realistic?
Appreciate it. Im the latter. Got in 400s. Sitting on 22k profit at the moment. Very helpful info. Thanks
That’s a nice profit. Know what your plan is and what you can deal with based on your account size. If you’ll be tight seeing that 22k get cut in half, sell half and let the rest ride. Never anything wrong with trimming if you’re nervous about giving away profits.
Me too. But I only had a 100 invested. It was gonna be 1 dollar or bust

if it goes to7 cents again I’ll sell

Yeah I was tryna hold Out for at least 50 cents but it’s seeming like this really might be over :lol:

another thing is that Robinhood made it so your trades are no longer instant if you using Instant Deposit until the funds clear. On some ***** *** hating **** so now people can’t buy as fast

hoping that it has one final burst in it :lol:
if you’re going to trade complete **** you need to take targets and trim along the way. Garbage goes back to being garbage but it could get hot and run. Trim a little every 15 or 20% and have a stop that you exit at regardless. Don’t be greedy. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be emotional. Be a robot who wants to bank off the meat of the move. You won’t get the top or the bottom but you can get most of it.
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