Too many easy set ups that looked awesome. Market would never make it easy for us :lol: tried a day trade in PINS that I stopped basically for a $7 loss after adding in initially.

HAACU is printing today tho 13.45 :nerd:
Look at your watchlist, see what's green and holding up while SPY and QQQ are selling, those are your leaders.

Bot 1 share of FB today for my daughter's account, and $200 worth of GOOGL, waiting for a redemption fee to go away to sell one of her mutual funds to buy more Google. I had too many aggressive growth funds that basically all held the same stocks so I'm looking to consolidate and create that moderate risk portfolio for her that captures some of the thematics of the next decade in addition to her funds.
Why is SPCE straight mooning?

I thought the initial spike a week or so ago was because people were buying in anticipation that Arkx would buy when created.

But it's sustained the momentum.
man I’ve had this issue a ton as well. I haven’t found a perfect way to address it, but aside from just scalping the breakout for a quick day trade, it might just have to be less size more range on the initial buy and wait for a confirmation of the breakout sticking (so a trend forming on the 1 minute after 10 am). I’ve also been buying the retest after the breakout and I think that could work as well. The best plays for me have come when I’m already in the stock during the base building period and I add with some house money on the breakout or buy more on the retest. I’ll only trade stocks these days that I’m comfortable buying and holding for a year if I decided to, just relieves some pressure, I don’t do well with buying garbage tbh.

Included the first buy signal, then we saw that repeated on the ATH breakout, now we just had a shakeout/retest and want I want to see is a move through today’s high to confirm, or if an inside day, we hold today’s low


ROKU im anticipating this one to play out like the previous higher low that was made (first oval), again liking it through today’s highs as a trigger to anticipate a breakout to new ATH’s. Doesn’t mean it’ll work but recognizing a pattern and managing risk from it is the best you can do

I will say trips to the 21 ema during a bull market offer good r/r typically if you see it hold with some wicks that go beneath it and get snatched up back above it. It might chop around on it for a few days so be aware.

Good call on MDB. Gapped up over its ATH then reversed so kinda a good example of what we talked about as far as confirming a breakout then watching it reverse. Was definitely some meat on the bone if you timed it right. Looks to be a downward trend on the day but seems to be finding support at the short term trendline (~394). The bull flag price target should've been ~438. How do you see it.
Why is SPCE straight mooning?

I thought the initial spike a week or so ago was because people were buying in anticipation that Arkx would buy when created.

But it's sustained the momentum.
SpaceX blew up a rocket yesterday. My guess. HOL has been bid too.
Good call on MDB. Gapped up over its ATH then reversed so kinda a good example of what we talked about as far as confirming a breakout then watching it reverse. Was definitely some meat on the bone if you timed it right. Looks to be a downward trend on the day but seems to be finding support at the short term trendline (~394). The bull flag price target should've been ~438. How do you see it.
seeing it the same way as you, liking your take on it a lot.

Day trading can be frustrating. Got into PINS around 945 on what looked like was a higher low in the trend on the VWAP test, saw it bounce a little, then the Qs sold off and it came down to 74.30s, before reversing higher low. Literally lost $7, didn’t jump back in but whatever. Busy at work today.

I did see アミーゴ アミーゴ stepping into some CURI at 15.30 and putting the short term bottom in with a 10,000 share order :nerd:
SpaceX blew up a rocket yesterday. My guess. HOL has been bid too.
seeing it the same way as you, liking your take on it a lot.

Day trading can be frustrating. Got into PINS around 945 on what looked like was a higher low in the trend on the VWAP test, saw it bounce a little, then the Qs sold off and it came down to 74.30s, before reversing higher low. Literally lost $7, didn’t jump back in but whatever. Busy at work today.

I did see アミーゴ アミーゴ stepping into some CURI at 15.30 and putting the short term bottom in with a 10,000 share order :nerd:
Hey NT Fam

Been in and out the thread a lot but started to build my portfolio heavier recently and look to continue to do so. TSLA has been my biggest success point after getting in a bit after the split. As someone who is younger, definitely trying to set myself up for success for the long haul.

Can't lie though, all this craziness from the market has chipped my mindset a bit in wanting some fast money :lol: gotta remember what the goal is though and the strategy. I'm excited to continue to stay in the thread more and learn while also adding to my portfolio as best as I can at the right times.

Big shout out to my brother antidope antidope :nthat:. Been a huge help in answering my dumb questions haha. Happy to be here though, exciting times to jump in!
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm with SPY, QQQ, VOO all at very high levels and the VIX all over the place.......i feel we are nearing a correction or hard pullback. What are some good hedge strategies besides just doing random puts on SPY and QQQ?
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm with SPY, QQQ, VOO all at very high levels and the VIX all over the place.......i feel we are nearing a correction or hard pullback. What are some good hedge strategies besides just doing random puts on SPY and QQQ?
I buy put spreads usually on the stock itself, so I think about where could it go if it breaks down, and on what time frame, and I try to spend .60 or less on the hedge. I've never made money off a hedge, but it helps me keep perspective and not sell my best long term ideas. You can do that on the index as well. Just understand hedges are designed to lose money. I want to lose $50 to make $450 if I'm right, and if I'm wrong, I want my gains to appreciate at least 3x more than the loss of the hedge.
You know what, I like CURI as an idea and their mission. Education is important, and I would sincerely hope they succeed. I'll open a nibble in CURI based off that alone. Having the two most important voices of our generation, アミーゴ アミーゴ and johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm , showing such conviction is the icing on the cake :pimp:
PM me if you want the dossier on it. The gist is they have 5 streams of revenue. Their annual membership is chosen a lot which decreases churn, the educational partnerships with universities benefits them, they're also involved in bundling with providers which is great, and they do offer ads that are subtle in nature, basically Kohls promotes this science show kind of thing. They're expected to grow sales by 10x over the next 5 years, if that happens, the stock will be north of $100. It comes with its risks obviously, but I've always thought they would get bought out by DISCA considering the CEO was the founder of Discovery Channel.

This could affect IPOE short term since SoFi does the same thing and has that partnership with Apex. One of the reasons why I closed the trade. If this send SoFi <20 I'd be a buyer again. Preferably want to the 15s.
if curi's goal is education, there's so much innovation to be done. The flow of information between my classes is terrible. So many damb software platforms: Canvas, BBcollaborate, zoom, loom, outlook, Wileyplus. Navigating between all of them is so time consuming
^ can you explain this in more simpler terms for someone like myself
How these platforms make money is buying selling transaction data of its users to hedge funds. Said proposed legislation would stop that and thus take away revenue, not from just Robinhood, but other platforms that engage in the practice. IPOE is attached to Chamath who has a similar platform to Robinhood call SOFI Active investing that engages in the practice. This could cause IPOE and the like to drop.
Semi debating going in on Nike. Nothing huge so makes me think I can't really put enough to make it worth it.

Also is anyone on any of the the ARK ETFs?
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