I think the pandemic is playing a huge role in PINS success. People are at home. Bored. Home improvement went through the roof (go ask any contractor), people love Pinterest to get ideas on home improvement

post pandemic it will drop, as will everything. People will sell and use that money on vacations. You’ll see massive shift towards travel and recreation. Peloton might not even keep this trajectory. Once gyms open up- the need to socialize will be back and people will miss the gym. I just don’t see how else to explain a handful of stocks going from mid teens to 70, 80 90s in 7 months. Unheard of

If anything it was the opposite being said when this thing started - hold your money cause no one will spend and we're in for a downturn - it happened but things picked up quickly. Lots of the $$$ spend on home improvement, cars, fitness, etc were money that no one thought people would be spending. Somewhat agree with Peloton as the fitness market moves quickly and some new comers coming in (Apple, etc) combined with the struggle of actually getting bikes into people's homes - this coming from a Peloton user daily.

Who know's what the future holds, maybe put something on that industry as well.
Yeah I also don’t see Pinterest as a pandemic boosted stock. Sure, people are home and using the app but as places open more, Beckys will be talking to their friends and showing them their pins over a glass of Pinot Grigio. It’s a cool app
did that the entire time. Made excellent money and this definitely helped grow my account, but buying and holding probably would’ve been better

PINS is legit. They’re a cash machine and their customers aren’t leaving because of the reopening.
exactly this. If this becomes a runaway train, just buy chase size. Historically PINS will make the big move then base the entire quarter. You’ll have time to build.

@ecook0808 hates ABNB but this chart is looking decent for a play. Gotta look at my roadmap for levels of supply to play this off of but I may see if I can create a small position for a swing. Similar pattern in Apple.

Can you talk about this abnb chart? What are you seeing here? I see the resemblance to aapl.

Started to look into what’s actually in my IRA portfolio that I do not maintain.

Best way to look for a stock throughout a time period? For example I want to see APPL and VTSAX from 6/1/2018 to now. Growth and percentage of both?

Probably just use a free watchlist/portfolio on yahoo or Morningstar or whatever site you use and just put the cost of shares as the price on 6/1/18
If anything it was the opposite being said when this thing started - hold your money cause no one will spend and we're in for a downturn - it happened but things picked up quickly. Lots of the $$$ spend on home improvement, cars, fitness, etc were money that no one thought people would be spending. Somewhat agree with Peloton as the fitness market moves quickly and some new comers coming in (Apple, etc) combined with the struggle of actually getting bikes into people's homes - this coming from a Peloton user daily.

Who know's what the future holds, maybe put something on that industry as well.
Want a peloton but the ******* 10 week wait time kills me
Waiting for AMD to hit 70s......

I'm a fan of SNAP but still overpriced even with this recent pullback
Yeah normally I’d say you have nothing to worry about because PINS makes a big move and then bases for the rest of the quarter. But guiding 70% revenue growth, posting a 42% ebidta margin, net income 29% of revenue, strong international growth, this might be a multi day runner. Don’t fomo, be smart, if you want in, take a position but don’t drop 100k in one day.

PM’d :nerd:
All these great stocks Ive got on my watchlist and here I am holding a big L of INO

lesson truly learned on that idiotic move on my part. Not sure if i want to just cut my losses now or see if it itll jump a bit. Its only been going down since i bought
I havent read it yet, but did their earnings say anything about their acquisition of Precor and shortening production + shipping times?
I didn’t read it much as I just glanced one of the summary articles. I know they are investing 100mil on trying to speed up air freight and announced it would weigh on their profits. Still in the process of the precor acquisition to have some US manufacturing.
You don’t grow sales 70% yoy, have a 42% ebidta margin, and monetize international with 67% arpu growth because of a pandemic a year later. This is the equivalent of where FB was when they first started ramping up monetization 6 years ago.
We hear this a lot. Any chance their user base plateaus? It feels like those that wanted the pandemic related items already got in, or created an account/bought said items. What’s left out there that people haven’t found or bought? You can’t dismiss boredom. Unless this variant changes things, a reopening in months could be happening. Even eBay and Etsy were modest gainers for years and saw a huge jump recently. Pre pandemic, eBay was struggling. Once we’re sort of back to normal, do they shift down? Then again maybe this is all 1-2 years out and that’s long term enough for some.
I also didn’t see Etsy as a 400% gainer over the past year. So pins to $200 seems almost guaranteed at this point.
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