Originally Posted by sosly

watched it, totally wasted Shockwave and Soundwave. So much for main baddies
I enjoyed it though. Would watch a fourth or whatever if they make another.

Quick question, maybe I had a brain fart- but later in the film, Bumblebee and the Wreckers were captured by Soundwave and some Decepticon goons. I was wondering how was Bumblebee captured? I mean a scene before he just aided the humans. Then right after it shows him and the Wreckers captured as prisoners about to get killed?

Thats what I'm saying, one minute they were talking about setting up a bait or a trap and the next they're captured.

And how are they even captured? Do they not still have all their armor and guns? All it took was some !$@! falling from the sky for them to jump into action and start shooting as if they couldnt be doing that already. The whole thing was an excuse to add some non-existent drama to the last hour and have Sam and Bumblebee make slow motion sad faces to each other. Just an example of another stupid +#+!%@% scene from the master Michael Bay.
Movie was ok.. Ending was +@*+!$ up tho.. i was like that's it? after what happened to the city.. they just gonna end it like that?
Anybody that say this movie bored them, it dragged on, plot was stupid or it was over all terrible are effing fools.

Seen it 3 times already and still think it was an awesome movie. It takes a lot for me to give a movie two thumbs up.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by ZoomGP

No one else felt the end was anti climactic?

i felt like the movie built up for this Huge event and then it was jus like eh.

Of course it was, but what did you expect. I was annoyed with the ending but it's always the same with these movies. You can't expect a dramatic ending, it wouldn't be "viewer friendly" 
I felt They should have just cut it after Optimus did his thing. The "I love u" *$% with Sam and Carly could have been kept.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Anybody that say this movie bored them, it dragged on, plot was stupid or it was over all terrible are effing fools.

Seen it 3 times already and still think it was an awesome movie. It takes a lot for me to give a movie two thumbs up.
Movie was boring, dragged on, plot was really weak, and the Victoria Secret acting was pathetic(that is a given though since this is her first movie). The only thing that interest me was how they tried to tie NASA and the transformers history together. Other than that, the movie was probably the worst of the three.
The highlight for me was watching the pedestrians getting vaporized 

They are gonna make another transformers movie?
Twins were apparently cut because Paramount wanted them gone.

The film has a lot of the same basic problems as ROTF... but amidst the 'bigger' 'darker' 'louder' nature of it, it just doesn't always seem so obvious.

Laserbeak was more like Buzzsaw...sadistic, homicidal.

Shockwave was a biiiiig disappointment though. Just a random name reusue.

Ironhide...the way they set up her personality in that standoff...then removed him almost straight after, was just annoying.

Originally Posted by FOG

Picked up the Leader Class Bumblebee figure 
Don't know if I should wait for Ironhide and exchange it though.

Any toy collectors in here?

TBH, both have considerable limitations. Look up the review Optibotimus of IH on Youtube.

In the long run, BB will have wider distribution and will probably be easier to find on clearance/
FOG wrote:

Picked up the Leader Class Bumblebee figure 
Don't know if I should wait for Ironhide and exchange it though.

Any toy collectors in here?

TBH, both have considerable limitations. Look up the review Optibotimus of IH on Youtube.

In the long run, BB will have wider distribution and will probably be easier to find on clearance/

Optiboitmus is IMO the best TF reviewer on youtube 
 I supply him with figures here and there real good dude. And for Anyone who is into collecting or just into Tranformer Figure's i highly recommend you check him out.
theone218 wrote:
Rick2345 wrote:
YUNG FLiP iMAGE wrote:

pics of those toy you got?
my room is too plain need some room decor

I don't have the best set up but i'll take some pics of my set up and post it.
The film was entertaining, definitely better than the second one but still too long. I think cutting out the parents, Sam's job search, John Turturro and Patrick Dempsey would have resulted in a much better film. Plus megatron should have had things to do, he's the damn leader of the Decepticons!

There was also way too much comedy for me, not that the jokes weren't funny, it's just that there were so many that they seemed out of place and lessened the tone of the serious parts of the film.

Also that Asian guy from The Hangover... Please... No more film appearances...

But the CGI was fantastic, possibly the best I've ever seen, respect to the team for that.
Originally Posted by Rick2345

FOG wrote:

Picked up the Leader Class Bumblebee figure 
Don't know if I should wait for Ironhide and exchange it though.

Any toy collectors in here?

TBH, both have considerable limitations. Look up the review Optibotimus of IH on Youtube.

In the long run, BB will have wider distribution and will probably be easier to find on clearance/

Optiboitmus is IMO the best TF reviewer on youtube 
 I supply him with figures here and there real good dude. And for Anyone who is into collecting or just into Tranformer Figure's i highly recommend you check him out.
I don't have the best set up but i'll take some pics of my set up and post it.

Peaugh is not bad himself. I checked out Optibotimus review on Ironhide and he completely made me do a 180 on that figure. I ended up getting one after watching it
Just got home from the IMAX screening. Was entertaining. Better than the second one. Worth the money, for sure. But it's an 8/10 for me.

I do agree that some parts dragged on too long. And some parts just popped out of nowhere. How did the Autobots even get captured? They just kicked some #&$@ in the previous scene. And they did Megatron dirty in this one. Made the Decepticon LEADER insignificant.

Oh, and Rosie's less annoying than Megan Fox, definitely. They try too hard to make her look hot in every shot (not that I mind, though
) It just dumbfounds me how her face doesn't even have a speck of dirt throughout the whole movie, while running all over the battlefield.
Dialogue was crap, story was garbage, I didn't like the movie that much. CGI was good and the special effects. This is not as bad as Iron Man II, but a couple steps above it.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

I'm still puzzled as to how in the hell ya'll think the Victoria Secret model did a better job than Fox...

That !%% shot in the beginning has blinded some judgements...

Anyway, I caught the 10:25 show last night and that was the worst decision ever. The movie was entirely too long with a lot of unnecessary filler like the Sam/Carly love angle, Patrick Dempsey and Sam trying to find a job. It added an hour to a movie that didn't need it. Overall the human element was my biggest pet peeve of the series. The movie was ok at best. The length was the biggest problem of the film and it showed in the theater as it took the energy out of the crowd. I've never been to a movie where it was that quiet. I am glad that this was Bay's last TF film. If they continue the franchise, please pick someone who can make a good movie. Matter of fact, please don't make anymore TF films unless you reboot the entire franchise.

Why was Megatron so damn useless? He had about 20 minutes max of screen time. He was the leader of the Decepticons.

One thing I don't get about this series is why the humans were made to be able to combat the Decepticons without little trouble at all. They are supposed to be some advanced race but get taken out rather easily by human technology. As effective as the humans were, the Autobots could have sat on the sideline.
Anybody that say this movie bored them, it dragged on, plot was stupid or it was over all terrible are effing fools.
Pot talking to kettle. I've watched movies that were just as long but kept me interested because the plot was good. Bayformers 3 was slightly better than 2 but that's not saying much.

Did Starscream lowkey get killed in this movie?

Yes by Sam of all people
first half of the movie was surprisingly good. from the back-story to the humor, the film kept me interested. the second half however, was just a cluster(*&@ of bad writing/acting, intertwined into a 1 hour battle scene 
 . i would have walked out if it wasn't for the beautiful visuals: cars, destruction, and, most important, Rosie Whiteley 
 . Overall, the movie was entertaining for what it was.
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Originally Posted by Rick2345

FOG wrote:

TBH, both have considerable limitations. Look up the review Optibotimus of IH on Youtube.

In the long run, BB will have wider distribution and will probably be easier to find on clearance/

Optiboitmus is IMO the best TF reviewer on youtube 
 I supply him with figures here and there real good dude. And for Anyone who is into collecting or just into Tranformer Figure's i highly recommend you check him out.
I don't have the best set up but i'll take some pics of my set up and post it.
Peaugh is not bad himself. I checked out Optibotimus review on Ironhide and he completely made me do a 180 on that figure. I ended up getting one after watching it

I'm so sold on Leader Ironhide and almost picked him up when I saw it yesterday but I'm waiting on the Takara version.  Hopefully, it gets released soon
I'm still waiting on the ultimate OP and target wrecker for my movie line figs. I really should have jumped on the leader jetfire and op from tf2 for the combiner mode. I think I'm done with the movie figs after the jet tech op and target car. Still hunting for the last wave of generations with warpath and wheeljack. Masterpiece Hot Rod comes put soon as well for those wanting it.
just read that sentinel prime was supposed to be ultra magnus in the film but bay changed it
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

I'm still puzzled as to how in the hell ya'll think the Victoria Secret model did a better job than Fox...

That !%% shot in the beginning has blinded some judgements...

Anyway, I caught the 10:25 show last night and that was the worst decision ever. The movie was entirely too long with a lot of unnecessary filler like the Sam/Carly love angle, Patrick Dempsey and Sam trying to find a job. It added an hour to a movie that didn't need it. Overall the human element was my biggest pet peeve of the series. The movie was ok at best. The length was the biggest problem of the film and it showed in the theater as it took the energy out of the crowd. I've never been to a movie where it was that quiet. I am glad that this was Bay's last TF film. If they continue the franchise, please pick someone who can make a good movie. Matter of fact, please don't make anymore TF films unless you reboot the entire franchise.

Why was Megatron so damn useless? He had about 20 minutes max of screen time. He was the leader of the Decepticons.

One thing I don't get about this series is why the humans were made to be able to combat the Decepticons without little trouble at all. They are supposed to be some advanced race but get taken out rather easily by human technology. As effective as the humans were, the Autobots could have sat on the sideline.
I agree, I caught the 10:20 show here and when it was over it was damn near 1am 
.  I thought the movie was way too long myself.  Some parts of the movie they should have just left alone (especially Sam's parents).  I wanted to see more Megatron and Shockwave.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

just read that sentinel prime was supposed to be ultra magnus in the film but bay changed it

When he first showed up in the movie that's who I thought it was even though they looked nothing alike


 T2 was by far the worst/one of the worst movies of the past decade, you should've known what to expect in T3 
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