Official ******** vs. Steelers vol. MNF

Meh - it's amazing how much i get upset when we lose, and how much i don't really care when we win. We played ugly on offense again - Byron gave alittle spark, but Washington played poorly all around and if we hadn't beaten them it would've been pretty bad.

Anyways - we're still in the driver's seat for the North, and we can catch Tennessee if we had to - but what's the point? We choke at home inAFCC's, might as well play it on the road

Woodley and Harrison are monsters - now the "secret" is out.

Ben probably separated his shoulder... dude is beat up, but you can't doubt his will to win - even on the sidelines he was going nuts for Byron and theteam doing well, he's just a good teammate - never badmouth's his team when they let him down (5 drops in the first half... smh).

FWP and MW are a nice little combo...

Let's just get healthy for the playoffs, eh?
Originally Posted by leothegod

@ byron leftwich trying to sell himself

I was thinking the same thing. He looked good though so I can't blame him. I wouldn't mind seeing him catching on somewhere and getting a startingjob somewhere if he can manage a game like he did tonight.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by Deuce King

**OVERRATED................clap clap clap clap clap................OVERRATED**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you Skins fans that the team was overhyped trash, now do you believe me??

So our team is trash because we're 6-3? What does that make the 49ers? Don't even bring that "oh well my valid opinion of how much the Skins suck has nothing to do with my team champ," because I'm gonna tell you how much garbage your team is when you needlessly drop in our thread and talk !$++ for no reason.

We may have lost badly tonight, but at least our coach doesn't have to show his %@#% to his players to get their attention at halftime.
I'm sorry, I choose not to get involved in this weekly Deuce King fiasco, but that is hilarious
Originally Posted by Deuce King

**OVERRATED................clap clap clap clap clap................OVERRATED**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you Skins fans that the team was overhyped trash, now do you believe me??

b/c the 49ers are gonna be a Disney movie one day after the turnaround they make with Shaun Hill and a coach's !%$ showing at halftime
Originally Posted by liveanddiewithdemboys

bottom line ... you make jason campbell beat you and you will most definitely beat the ******** cuz campbell is a bum ... unless you have corners like the cowboys
cosign!! lmao
Originally Posted by liveanddiewithdemboys

bottom line ... you make jason campbell beat you and you will most definitely beat the ******** cuz campbell is a bum ... unless you have corners like the cowboys
Wow! LOL

They used to say the same thing about Eli, the rest is history!

Give J.Cam and Zorn 1-2 years and well see how good he is then. Right now he lead this team to a 6-3 start so far. So ill take him as not being a bum thank youvery much

I don't care who you are..when you down playing against the #1 defense in the league and they know you are passing you name me 5 QB's not named Peytonor Tom who can beat those odds

at THE cowboys fans who are calling Jason Campbell garbage...This is the same Jason Campbell who went 20/31 with 2 Td's and 1 called back with no picksagainst the Cowboys right ????
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by areyouin729

b/c the 49ers are gonna be a Disney movie one day after the turn around they make with Shaun Hill and a coach's !%$ showing at halftime


what dont you understand? 49ers fan talkin +#!$ for no reason
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Wow! LOL

They used to say the same thing about Eli, the rest is history!

Give J.Cam and Zorn 1-2 years and well see how good he is then. Right now he lead this team to a 6-3 start so far. So ill take him as not being a bum thank you very much

I don't care who you are..when you down playing against the #1 defense in the league and they know you are passing you name me 5 QB's not named Peyton or Tom who can beat those odds
o now he needs 1-2 years LOL ... in every game that campbell had to make a comeback or big throw he has lost ... i dont think he has ever WON agame for the ******** ... straight riding the safe throws and back of clinton portis ... bum
Jesus christ.

I never put J Rain on the ignore list.
I never put Shoes on the ignore list.
I never put Fresh on the ignore list.

Probably because they're all funny, but someone in this thread may just be the first...(and it's not Marley's Protege)
I mean seriously, we're overrated because we lose to a good team?

even some cowboys fans aren't that should move out of the area with that kind of hate in your blood

i might as well buy you this shirt in a 49ers theme (credit to eyes)
Originally Posted by liveanddiewithdemboys

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Wow! LOL

They used to say the same thing about Eli, the rest is history!

Give J.Cam and Zorn 1-2 years and well see how good he is then. Right now he lead this team to a 6-3 start so far. So ill take him as not being a bum thank you very much

I don't care who you are..when you down playing against the #1 defense in the league and they know you are passing you name me 5 QB's not named Peyton or Tom who can beat those odds
o now he needs 1-2 years LOL ... in every game that campbell had to make a comeback or big throw he has lost ... i dont think he has ever WON a game for the ******** ... straight riding the safe throws and back of clinton portis ... bum

I feel you!

And I also know why you mad
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Jesus christ.

I never put J Rain on the ignore list.
I never put Shoes on the ignore list.
I never put Fresh on the ignore list.

Probably because they're all funny, but someone in this thread may just be the first...(and it's not Marley's Protege)
i'm heartbroken
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

I mean seriously, we're overrated because we lose to a good team?

even some cowboys fans aren't that should move out of the area with that kind of hate in your blood

i might as well buy you this shirt in a 49ers theme (credit to eyes)

that shirt is the TRUTH
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Jesus christ.

I never put J Rain on the ignore list.
I never put Shoes on the ignore list.
I never put Fresh on the ignore list.

Probably because they're all funny, but someone in this thread may just be the first...(and it's not Marley's Protege)

Originally Posted by liveanddiewithdemboys

you know it lololol ... but if we somehow come in and beat yall, we will both be 6-4 ... getting interesting

I mean its cool to me...We weren't deemed to Win the Superbowl this year, everyone had us locked for last in the NFC east.

All I want to see is for us this year is to improve as a young team. Build through the draft and not free agency and trades for older players.

Zorn will be a Coach for the ******** for a very long time

If we make a run/deep run into the play-offs (**$@ maybe even superbowl) If you arent winning the Superbowl then most of that is for nothing but post seasonexperience.

All in all I'm proud of my team we are 6-3 and aside from the Giants, Eagles, Ravens..the last games are VERY winnable.
I dont expect the ******** O to play that way two games in a row and our D doesn't get pressure on qb's the way the steelers does. But i expect it tobe a very physical game.

Campbell will be fine, dude had a rough game. I mean he threw his first 2 picks in the 9th game of the season, thats pretty good to me
. The biggest thing was that the Steelers D is just good its nothing againstthe skins.
jmause3 wrote:
I dont expect the ******** O to play that way two games in a row and our D doesn't get pressure on qb's the way the steelers does. But i expect it to be a very physical game.

Campbell will be fine, dude had a rough game. I mean he threw his first 2 picks in the 9th game of the season, thats pretty good to me
. The biggest thing was that the Steelers D is just good its nothing against the skins.


A Cowboys fan with some damn sense

Man stand up and take a bow!
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